'The Pack' PK-8 Coyote News
Tornillo PK-8 Newsletter- Welcome to Our School! 2023-2024
QT4: Week 3, April 29-May 3
Happy Sunday PK-8 Coyotes!
We are heading into the last 5 weeks of school. As the end of the school year apporaches, we want to thank you for your continued involvement.
Student Behavior & Campus Wide Expectations
We have exceptional students at our school and we love our students. We have seen an increase in referrals to the office as well as discipline referrals in and out of the classroom over the last week. As we get closer to the end of the school year, please continue to have conversations with your child regarding school and classroom expectations. Aside from negative consequences, additional consequences imposed at this time of year might include the removal of school incentives, field day, dances, or other fun type of activities. We are here to support all our students and appreciate your support.
As a friendly reminder, please, no outside toys such as dolls, stuffies, or gaming systems. Sport balls are still ok to bring if used during lunch or before school starts.
2024-2025 New & Returning Student Registration Open for All PK-12 Grade Students
We are excited to announce that our student registration for all students for the 2024-2025 school year is open. You can register your child online by visiting the district website or stop by at our school.
All returning students must register to ensure space for the 2024-2025 school year. Follow the link below to begin the registration process online.
Career Awareness Week at Tornillo PK-8
It's Career Awareness week at our school this week! Help us talk to your children about the importance about thinking about their future career and the importance of making smart choices in school. Please help support Career Awareness by participating in the dress-up days our awesome counselors have planned.
Tornillo Kids Fest 2024! Tuesday, April 30
We'd love for all our families to join us this Tuesday. Check out the flyer for more information.
STAAR Math for 3rd-8th Grade Students
Just a reminder that our 3rd-8th grade students will be taking the final STAAR test this Tuesday. It is critical that all students be in attendance and not be pulled out early for the day.
Student Attendance - When you miss a day, you miss alot.
We will continue to make daily contact with all families when a student is absent. As Texas law requires, a warning letter is sent to families when they have unexcused absences, are below 90% in attendance, or have extreme tardies. Please remember to submit your doctor's or parent note within 48 hours.
"Every child. Every day. Whatever it takes!"
Myrna Lopez-Patti, Proud Principal
Tornillo PK-8
Mission Statement
Empowering our learning community to live their purpose by honoring values and beliefs for a holistic postsecondary journey.
Vision Statement
Believe we can succeed, with pride we will achieve.
QT4: Week 3 Happenings at Our School
Mindful Monday, April 29- Career Awareness Week
-It's Superhero Day at TISD! Students, Teachers & Staff Dress in your Superhero Best!
-mClass EOY: Salcido/Mendez
-PLC: Teacher Planning
Thankful Tuesday, April 30 - All teachers & staff wear jeans & sneakers due to STAAR Math
-Career Week Dress-Up: My Future is Inspirational!- Wear "inspirational" or motivational shirt with jeans
-STAAR Math, 3rd-8th Grade
-Kids Fest TISD Showcase, 4:30 at the HS
-No PD PLC due to STAAR testing
Wellness Wednesday, May 1
-Career Week Dress-Up: My Future is Bright! Wear neon & bright colors with sunglasses.
-mClass EOY: Ms. Bravo
-PLC: HB4545
Thoughtful Thursday, May 2
-Career Week Dress-Up: Wear a College Shirt
-Head Start Teacher Classroom visits & PLC's with Kinder & PK
-PLC: Technology with Mrs. Aguilar
Friday, May 3-Student Early Release (11:45 for PK-4th grade/ 12:00 for 5th-8th grade)
-Career Week Dress-Up: Dress as your future career.
-Career Fair, PK-8th grade
-School Lunch Hero Appreciation Day
-PLC: Planning & Rehearsing with Grade Level
Upcoming Events:
May 6- No School, TISD Wellness Day
National Teacher Appreciation Week: May 6-10
TSI (8th only) May 7
Nurse Appreciation Day- May 8
Algebra 1 Ready Exam (7th grade only)- May 8
Speech Therapist Appreciation Day- May 9
Great Things Happening at Tornillo ISD!
Saturday JH Track Meet
Thank You, Tornillo Athletic Coaches!
PK-8 Saturday Concession Crew!
Having Fun at Saturday Camp
The learning never stops at Tornillo PK-8!
Karate at the TISD After-School Program
Thank You, Mrs. Morales, AP!
Making sure our students cross safely!
Yummy & healthy lunch at our school!
Congratulations to the Tornillo Band of Coyotes Musicians!
Tornillo Band of Coyotes
Getting feedback at their first band competition.
1st Division Band Recognition
Congratulations, Mr. Guerrero & Coyote Band students!
Band of Coyotes Competition
Way to go students!
Register for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Coyote Band Appreciates Your Support! Thank you!
Uniform Policy for Tornillo PK-8
Parents, thank you for ensuring that your child is following the dress code for our school everyday.
April Reading Challenge
Rainy Dismissal Procedures
PK-8 Leadership - We're to Help!
Tornillo PK-8
-Building B (3rd-8th grade students)
Website: https://www.tisd.us/
Location: 420 Oil Mill Rd, Tornillo, TX 79853
Phone: (915)765-3350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TornilloCoyotes/
Twitter: @MLopez_TISD