LRE News
August 30, 2024
R.A.V.E. Review Program
Do you know of an HSE staff member who deserves a shoutout? Someone who consistently goes above and beyond to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
Give them a R.A.V.E. Review and share your appreciation! It’s simple to do - just complete a quick online form here: You can send as many reviews as you’d like throughout the school year.
R.A.V.E. stands for Recognizing All Valuable Employees, and it’s our way of celebrating the incredible staff who make Hamilton Southeastern Schools a fantastic place to learn and grow.
SafeVisitor Background Checks for Visiting and Volunteering
A SafeVisitor background check will be required for anyone who visits any of our HSE Schools, including family members of our students. Examples of activities in the schools where visitors will need a completed SafeVisitor background check are listed below:
- Classroom Volunteers/Helpers/Room Parents
- Field Trip Chaperones (Please contact the building for information regarding overnight field trip chaperone extensive background checks).
Background checks are good for three years at any school in the district. These background checks will cost $15.95. (Please note - this process could take 3 to 6 business days). The background check is a National Screening process that includes SSN and address verification, and checks against the following: National Criminal Database, National Sex Offender Registry, Statewide Criminal, County Criminal, and Federal Criminal Courts. This background check also includes the Arrest Alert program, which will notify HSE of all arrests for active visitors.
To begin the application process, please click on the following link:
Social Emotional Learning
In this week’s lesson, your child will review that self-talk is when you talk to yourself in a quiet voice or in your head. Your child will learn to use self-talk to stay on task and remember directions.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share what self-talk is and when to use self-talk throughout the day.
In this week’s lesson, your child will review that self-talk is when you talk to yourself in a quiet voice or in your head. Your child will learn to use self-talk to stay on task and remember directions.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share what self-talk is and when to use self-talk throughout the day.
Your child is learning that being assertive is a respectful way to get what you want or need.
Try this at home:
Notice when your child is being assertive and REINFORCE the behavior with specific feedback: for example, “When you asked me for help with your math lesson, I noticed you standing up straight, looking directly at my face, and speaking calmly and firmly. You asked for help assertively.”
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how to create and evaluate a plan using the Good Plan Checklist criteria. (The order makes sense. It’s simple. You can do it.)
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share with you what is important to think about when making a good plan and how it helps you be a better learner at school.
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how to identify clues that help them recognize other people’s feelings. They will also identify similarities and differences between how two people may feel.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share with you the importance of noticing others’ feelings. Have them share a time when they showed empathy because they noticed and understood someone’s feelings.
Fishers Youth Assistance Program - Snack Attack
Life Rule Role Models - Personal Best
The Life Rule Role Models for the week of August 26th exhibited the life rule of Personal Best. Students nominated for Personal Best are: Emilia Meyer, Charles Donzeu, Sanjay Rachadonda, Madeline Wertz, Jordan Stowell, Annie Howard, Livia Knouse, Brooklyn Burns, Maddox Chapman, Ellie Gossett, Greenlee Williams, Idhaant Meshram, Reese Tackett, Wyatt Nesbit, Nora Wann-Hunt, Jude Blackburn, Abby Sheidler, Zayne Randolph, Heer Patel, Brooke Hacker, Arjan Bhullar, Anne Fogarty, Pip Guevara, Eli Shirk, Mahrez Khan, Eli Shirk, and Thaddeus Wyninger.
LRE Lunch Visitors
Per HSE District Policy lunch time visitors (parents/guardians) are permitted to eat with their child any time after Labor Day. Each building will set the procedure for lunch visitors. LRE requests that parents contact the office by 8:30 the morning of the day they would like to visit for lunch. Per Hamilton Southeastern Schools’ policy, outside drinks or commercially prepared/vendor prepared foods, are not permitted during meal time. In addition, a background check is required to join a student for lunch. Visitors should refrain from taking photos of students during lunch due to FERPA privacy.
Food Services Field Trip Lunch Options
Important Dates
LRES and Lantern Road PTO are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
Like us to follow all of the happenings at the Leopards Den!
AND...stay in the loop with LRE PTO:
PTO Board 2024-2025
Co-Presidents - Kristen Miller and Leann Russell
Secretary - Kristy Barnhart
Treasurer - Christine Gilchrist
Members-at-Large - Ellie Barna, Dani Hafley, and Ashley Ray
PTO Important Dates
August 28: Mum orders due
September 2: Labor Day – No School
September 12: Bibibop Dine to Donate
September 18: Pick up mum orders 10-11 am or 7-8 pm
September 24 – Dine to Donate at Portillos
It's time for our 2nd Annual Walkathon! Register your child here to raise money for our school:
Next week you will receive a flyer with more information and a QR code. Registering your child with their personal website allows them to easily send the information out to family and friends. Students can win cool prizes for raising money. All students will walk during the school day on October 4th and all money raised will be due on October 11th. Check out the website today!
Once again, parents are invited to come walk with your child during the Walkathon on October 4th. New this year, parents can order a t-shirt to match your child! **You are NOT purchasing a t-shirt for your child; PTO will provide a t-shirt for every child attending LRE, which will be distributed on the day of the walkathon.** If you'd like to purchase your own adult t-shirt, shop the following link:
Each grade will wear a different color t-shirt; pick the color of your child's grade, or just the one you like best! Part of the proceeds from each adult t-shirt sale will go to support our PTO.
The LRE Spirit Wear sale is live! Orders will be delivered to the school. If you are buying a gift, please email and your order can be picked up at the front office. Orders are due by September 13th.
Dining Room Reminders
Breakfast and lunch prices for 2024-2025 are as follows:
- Paid Student Lunch (K-6) $ 2.80
- Paid Student Lunch (7-12) $ 3.00
- Paid Student Breakfast (K-12) $1.50
If you believe your family qualifies for free or reduced-price meals, be sure to fill out the application in Skyward for your student. Families must re-apply for these benefits each year, even if you qualified previously.
Please make sure you have filled out your students' health card alerting of any allergies. If you need to make changes to this please contact Nurse Okuszki at
If your child would like to purchase additional menu items, you may send cash or check with your child throughout the school year in an envelope with their name and account number, student's teacher, the amount enclosed, and date, OR you can add payments electronically through e-funds. More information on e-fund payment and account set up can be found on the food services website
If you would like to monitor what your child is buying you CAN put restrictions on their account. Please call or email with those requests to Liliana Robles-Anguiano.
317-594-4140 X1988
*Menu subject to change based on availability*
Lunch Menu - September 3rd- September 6th
September Color Rotation
Mudsock Youth Athletics
Register Now for Winter Basketball:
- Boys Basketball - Early bird registration for the Mudsock Boys Basketball rec season (K - 8th) and (New) Mudsock Elite (formerly Rec+) is open at Travel tryout registration (3rd – 6th) is also open. Please note, Mudsock Elite will be separate from the rec league; players who register for Mudsock Elite will NOT be required to register for rec basketball. Learn more.
- Girls Basketball - Early bird registration for the Mudsock Girls Basketball rec season (K-8) is open now at, along with Mudsock Select (formerly Travel) for 3rd – 6th graders. Learn more.
Winter Scholarships - Are you interested in winter registration scholarship opportunities with our leagues? Families can apply for one per season per child and must apply and be accepted during our open registration period. For winter sports these dates are 8/1 – 8/31. Email
(New) esports - Registration for our brand-new esports league is just around the corner, and it’s open to gamers age 8-15. Team play kicks off this winter. Information will be updated here soon.
Fall Updates:
- (New) Fire Elite Fall Cross Country Option – Open to athletes in the 10U - 15U age divisions, participants must register for the recreational cross country season at to be considered for Fire Elite. Athletes who qualify and are approved by the board will be offered roster spots early in the season. Learn more about this advanced program.
- Mudsock Youth Softball All-Star Tryouts – Attend the parent/guardian information meeting on August 28th and learn more about this program here.
HSE Community Insider
Click below for detailed information on more happenings around the district and community: