5th Grade
Lessons and Activities - Week of May 11
- 60 minutes a day on reading skills like word work, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension
- 60 minutes a day on math skills
- 30 minutes a day on writing skills
- 60 minutes on social studies and science
- 30 minutes on PE, music, and/or art
Weekly Message from your Teachers
Our school nurse has provided a video for parents and fifth grade students to view together. Parents have been sent a password to open the file. We encourage parents to watch the video prior to sharing it with their child. Video for Girls. Video for Boys.
Important Login Information
Links to most websites have been added to Clever so if you are able to login to Clever and your Google account you should have access to all websites the same as at school including saved passwords and bookmarks. Some websites may ask you for a class code if you have not used the site before, so if you do not have this information email your teacher for this information, or go to the school office and this should be available there. If you do not know your Google account login information contact your teacher or the school office to get this information or to have it reset.
For anyone who does not have their login information for school websites please contact your teacher to get this information.
We have put links to all apps needed on clever. To log into clever go to:
Click on Student Login (It has the colorful G)
The next part will be different for students as when they log into their chromebooks it automatically uses their google login to take them to their clever page.
Their login is your child’s district email and password.
Teachers will be sending out email addresses to those on Dojo/Bloomz/email/or phone calls.
Students should know their passwords as they use their passwords to log into their chromebooks. For most students it is their lunch number and first and last initials.
Reading and Word Work
20 Minutes: iStation Reading
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd assignments and practice
Wonders Unit 6 Week 6: Reader’s Theater (First Reading): “Round the World with Nellie Bly”
You will be reading this and practicing all week. It might be helpful if you are able to print this on Monday so you can practice. Have fun with it! You can recruit friends or family members to play parts with you, bring in props, or add music. It is important that you are reading this aloud, so make sure that you practice fluency, tone, and inflection. When you are ready to perform I would LOVE to see video or photos of your performance! Save your video or photos to Google Drive and share with me.
Reading Stories/Skills
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd Stories
Unit 6 Week 6 Reading assignments: Research
What You Will Do
Work with a team to research an animal that is found on the island of Madagascar. Use books and Internet resources to find out how this animal has adapted to its environment. Be sure to look at a variety of resources and use Web sites you can rely on, such as government sites or the sites of trusted organizations. Then create a slideshow to present your findings to the class.
60 minutes each day on math: First complete the lessons, quizzes, or assessments for the day. The remaining time can be spent on Prodigygame.com, iStation Math, and Xtra Math
Properties of Shapes:
Khan Academy Lesson: Triangles
Flocabulary Triangle Video: https://youtu.be/pXJW3qjfEBA
20 Minutes each day:
Khan Academy: Grammar
Social Studies/Science
How do flowers bloom in the spring? https://mysteryscience.com/mini-lessons/spring-flowers?code=ef3e35d0a0a95cac7c6960635770695c
Dav Pilkey: How to Draw Piggy: https://youtu.be/8RZf9dnhleg
Brain Breaks
Get Your Body Movin: https://youtu.be/fpD9kRyBn8o
EL Students - Do 30 mins. of Imagine Learning/KidBiz. If you are interested, watch a short video about building a truss bridge. Here's the link: https://idahoptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/lsps07.sci.phys.maf.dstruss/design-squad-truss-bridge/
(There is also a video for building a suspension bridge on this web page. You can watch both videos if you want to see the differences in the two bridges.)
Music- Go to https://www.mydso.com/dso-kids/learn-and-listen/instruments and click on your favorite instrument- the videos have lots of cool facts and sounds to learn about!
PE: Use the following pages of the dance packet for each day. If you do not have a printer or do not want to print off the writing page you can just do it verbally instead. I hope you enjoy.
Monday: page 3 and 4
Reading and Word Work
20 Minutes: iStation Reading
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd assignments and practice
Reading Stories/Skills
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd Stories
Unit 6 Week 6 Wonders assignments: Check your ToDo list in ConnectEd
Unit 6 Week 6 Reading assignments: Research
What You Will Do
Work with a team to research an animal that is found on the island of Madagascar. Use books and Internet resources to find out how this animal has adapted to its environment. Be sure to look at a variety of resources and use Web sites you can rely on, such as government sites or the sites of trusted organizations. Then create a slideshow to present your findings to the class.
60 minutes each day on math: First complete the lessons, quizzes, or assessments for the day. The remaining time can be spent on Prodigygame.com, iStation Math, and Xtra Math
Properties of Shapes
Khan Academy Lesson Properties of Shapes: Quadrilaterals
Quadrilateral Video: https://youtu.be/0OW2bU0So-4
20 Minutes each day:
Khan Academy: Grammar
Social Studies/Science
Social Studies:
Readworks.org: “Star-Spangled Relic”
Brain Breaks
I get Loose: https://youtu.be/if8qfVjVFc8
How 2 Draw: Barky McTreeFace: https://youtu.be/FbHbxbJz3mQ
PE: Use the following pages of the dance packet for each day. If you do not have a printer or do not want to print off the writing page you can just do it verbally instead. I hope you enjoy.
Tuesday: page 5 and 6
EL students - Work on your packet if you have one. Do 20 minutes iStations reading.
Music- Go to http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/interactives/perfectpitch/ and see if you can beat your high score!
Reading and Word Work
20 Minutes: iStation Reading
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd assignments and practice
Wonders Unit 6 Week 6: Vocabulary work and Practice
Reading Stories/Skills
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd Stories
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd assignments and practice
Wonders Unit 6 Week 6: Reader’s Theater: “Round the World with Nellie Bly”
You will be reading this and practicing all week. It might be helpful if you are able to print this on Monday so you can practice. Have fun with it! You can recruit friends or family members to play parts with you, bring in props, or add music. It is important that you are reading this aloud, so make sure that you practice fluency, tone, and inflection. When you are ready to perform I would LOVE to see video or photos of your performance! Save your video or photos to Google Drive and share with me.
Unit 6 Week 6 Reading assignments: Research
What You Will Do
Work with a team to research an animal that is found on the island of Madagascar. Use books and Internet resources to find out how this animal has adapted to its environment. Be sure to look at a variety of resources and use Web sites you can rely on, such as government sites or the sites of trusted organizations. Then create a slideshow to present your findings to the class.
60 minutes each day on math: First complete the lessons, quizzes, or assessments for the day. The remaining time can be spent on Prodigygame.com, iStation Math, and Xtra Math
Properties of Shapes:
Khan Academy Lesson: Properties of Shapes
20 Minutes each day:
Khan Academy: Grammar
Social Studies/Science
How are rainbows made? https://mysteryscience.com/mini-lessons/rainbows?code=98e81e00191f218b952939157bd98a7a
Brain Breaks
Move and Freeze Song and Dance: https://youtu.be/388Q44ReOWE
How To Draw Greg From Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: https://youtu.be/dw1reZBtKMM
EL students- Do 30 mins. of Imagine Learning/KidBiz.
Music- Go to http://classicalkusc.org/kids/soundtrackswap/ to see how music changes the way we experience video.
PE: Use the following pages of the dance packet for each day. If you do not have a printer or do not want to print off the writing page you can just do it verbally instead. I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday: page 7 and 8
Reading and Word Work
20 Minutes: iStation Reading
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd assignments and practice
Wonders Unit 6 Week 6: Vocabulary work and Practice
Reading Stories/Skills
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd Stories
Wonders Unit 6 Week 6: Reader’s Theater: “Round the World with Nellie Bly”
You will be reading this and practicing all week. It might be helpful if you are able to print this on Monday so you can practice. Have fun with it! You can recruit friends or family members to play parts with you, bring in props, or add music. It is important that you are reading this aloud, so make sure that you practice fluency, tone, and inflection. When you are ready to perform I would LOVE to see video or photos of your performance! Save your video or photos to Google Drive and share with me.
Unit 6 Week 6 Reading assignments: Research
What You Will Do
Work with a team to research an animal that is found on the island of Madagascar. Use books and Internet resources to find out how this animal has adapted to its environment. Be sure to look at a variety of resources and use Web sites you can rely on, such as government sites or the sites of trusted organizations. Then create a slideshow to present your findings to the class.
60 minutes each day on math: First complete the lessons, quizzes, or assessments for the day. The remaining time can be spent on Prodigygame.com, iStation Math, and Xtra Math
Properties of Shapes:
Khan Academy: Properties of Shapes Unit Test
20 Minutes each day:
Khan Academy: Grammar
Social Studies/Science
Social Studies:
Readworks.org: “Electing Members of Congress”
Can't Stop the Feeling Song and Dance: https://youtu.be/TgcwKrf8wHM
How To Draw Rodrick Heffley From Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: https://youtu.be/4nIdlcwjE8c
EL students- Work on your packet if you have one. Do 20 minutes iStations math.
Music- Go to http://isleoftune.com/ and make an island. This game is like Minecraft but with music!
PE: Use the following pages of the dance packet for each day. If you do not have a printer or do not want to print off the writing page you can just do it verbally instead. I hope you enjoy.
Thursday: page 15 and 16
Reading and Word Work
20 Minutes: iStation Reading
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd assignments and practice
Wonders Unit 6 Week 6: Vocabulary work and Practice
Reading Stories/Skills
20 Minutes: Wonders ConnectEd Stories
Wonders Unit 6 Week 6: Reader’s Theater: “Round the World with Nellie Bly”
You will be reading this and practicing all week. It might be helpful if you are able to print this on Monday so you can practice. Have fun with it! You can recruit friends or family members to play parts with you, bring in props, or add music. It is important that you are reading this aloud, so make sure that you practice fluency, tone, and inflection. When you are ready to perform I would LOVE to see video or photos of your performance! Save your video or photos to Google Drive and share with me.
Unit 6 Week 6 Reading assignments: Research
What You Will Do
Work with a team to research an animal that is found on the island of Madagascar. Use books and Internet resources to find out how this animal has adapted to its environment. Be sure to look at a variety of resources and use Web sites you can rely on, such as government sites or the sites of trusted organizations. Then create a slideshow to present your findings to the class.
60 minutes each day on math: First complete the lessons, quizzes, or assessments for the day. The remaining time can be spent on Prodigygame.com, iStation Math, and Xtra Math
Coordinate Plane:
Khan Academy: Properties of Shapes Unit Test
20 Minutes each day:
Khan Academy: Grammar
Social Studies/Science
How are toys invented?
Brain Breaks
Dinosaur Stomp: https://youtu.be/Imhi98dHa5w
Draw Diary of a Wimpy Kid with Jeff Kinney: https://youtu.be/vN3HS-YjXa0
EL students-Ask your parents if you can watch Liberty’s Kids at this link:
Music- Go to http://www.therhythmtrainer.com/ to practice some rhythms!
PE: Use the following pages of the dance packet for each day. If you do not have a printer or do not want to print off the writing page you can just do it verbally instead. I hope you enjoy.
Friday: page 17 and 18