Munhall Bulletin
August 9th, 2024
Munhall Elementary School
Email: amy.dunne@d303.org
Website: http://munhall.d303.org/
Location: 1400 South 13th Avenue
Phone: 331-228-2600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Munhall-Elementary-1459358344296891/
Twitter: @MunhallD303
From the Principal - The 2024 - 2025 School Year
- The first day of school is next Wednesday! We are so excited to see students.
- In cased you missed it, please see our Community Copy of Munhall 2024-2025 Arrival and Dismissal Procedures. Please see page 2 for our special first day arrival.
- For families who had a child take IAR last year: IAR Mailing Letter
- Class lists were made available via our home access center on Wednesday, August 7th.
- Please see our new Munhall spirit wear website! https://www.munhallelementaryspiritwear.com/
- Backpack night is Monday, August 12th from 4:00 - 6:00. Please read the included letter as to when you should attend. Backpack Night 2024 .docx
- Lunch/Recess times: K/1 (10:50 - 11:30), 4/5 (11:35 - 12:15), 2/3 (12:20 - 1:00).
School Hours and The First Day of School
School runs 9:05 to 3:25 everyday except for early release days. Early release days typically land on the fourth Wednesday, however that is not always the case. Parents and/or guardians will always receive digital reminders when these days are approaching. On early release days, student dismissal is at 2:35.
Half - Day Kindergarten AM: 9:05 - 11:40 (Doors will open at 8:50) & Early Release is 11:15
Half - Day Kindergarten PM: 12:50 - 3:25 (Doors will open at 10:40) & Early Release is 2:35
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 14th.
Upcoming Dates
8/12 - Backpack Night (4:00 - 6:00)
8/14 - First Day of School
8/28 - Early Release (2:35 Dismissal)
Class supply link below
Picture Day
From the Health Office
If you would like your child to have access to their medication in the upcoming school year, you and your primary care provider must fill out a new medication form. Medication authorization forms, Life-Threatening allergy forms, and Asthma Action Plan forms are available on the D303 Website. Please click on this link to be taken directly to Health Services Forms.
Forms can be emailed directly to wendy.plach@d303.org
For appointments call 331-228-2604
Thank you,
Wendy Plach, RN, BS
Anne McCann, RN, Health Services Department Chair
Lost & Found
Nothing yet!
Volunteer form
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/vounteer+form?projector=1Student absence procedures
Early pick up procedures