June 2023 Message
From Glen Meadow Middle School
2022-2023 Reflections
Welcome to June 2023
Thank you for all of your support this school year. It is hard to believe that we only have a few weeks of school left and then summer break will be upon us. It is our hope that your child's school year was an enriching and rewarding experience.
Upcoming Events/Activities for the Month of June:
- June 1: Sussex County Battle of the Books Competition at GMMS
- June 2: Mrs. Sisto's Class Field Trip to the Dorothy Henry Library
- June 2: Band/Orchestra/Chorus Trip to Dorney Park
- June 2: 8th Grade Dance Permission Slip Due
- June 3: SATs at GMMS (7:45 am)
- June 5: 8th Grade Field Day** (rain date 6/8) please see note below
- June 6: 7th Grade Field Day** (rain date 6/8) please see note below
- June 7: 6th Grade Field Day** (rain date 6/8) please see note below
- June 7: 21st CCLC Family Night Showcase from 5:30 - 7:00 pm
- June 8: Volleyball Tournament - Please join us! (3:00 - 5:00 pm) Donate Concessions
- June 9: Incoming 6th Grade Orientation (9:00 - 11:00 am)
- June 12: VTHS Class of 2023 Senior Walk at GMMS
- June 12: VTSD GATE Program at GMMS (6:00 pm)
- June 12: 9th Grade Honors Students Meet with VTHS Teachers (12:45 pm)
- June 12: 9th Grade Fall Student-Athlete Meet with VTHS Coaches (2:15 pm)
- June 14: SCA Meeting at GMMS (9:45 am)
- June 15: 4th Marking Period Ends
- June 15: Early Dismissal for Students
- June 15: BOE Work/Public Session Meeting at LHS at 7:00 pm
- June 16: Early Dismissal for Students
- June 16: 8th Grade Dance at GMMS from 6:00 - 9:00 pm
- June 18: Happy Father's Day to all of the GMMS Dads!
- June 19: VTSD Closed in Observance of Juneteenth
- June 20: Early Dismissal for Students
- June 20: Mandatory 8th Grade Advancement Practice (8:30 am)
- June 20: Locker Clean Out During 9th Period
- June 21: Early Dismissal for Students
- June 21: 8th Grade Awards Assembly at GMMS (8:30 am)
- June 21: 8th Grade Yearbooks Distributed
- June 21: 8th Grade Advancement Ceremony at VTHS at 5:00 pm (Students arrive at 4:00)
- June 22: Early Dismissal for Students
- June 22: 6th and 7th Grade Yearbooks Distributed
- June 22: SCA-sponsored 8th Grade "Carnival" and Yearbook Signing
- June 22: Last day of school. Report Cards Issued. Happy Summer!
** Students only, please. Thank you. Students must wear proper footwear and athletic wear. No Crocs or slides will be permitted. Sunscreen is recommended and cell phones/air pods should be left in lockers. Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle. Water stations will be available outside.
From May 26th: 8th Grade Letter Sent Home via School Messenger and 8th Grade Students
Thank you for partnering with us throughout the entire 2022-2023 school year. We wish you a relaxing, safe, and peaceful summer with your family and friends. To our 8th-grade students, we wish you all the best in your future educational endeavors. To our 6th and 7th graders, we look forward to seeing you in September!
Jacquelyn M. Van Orden, Principal
Eric W. Kosek, Assistant Principal
Don't forget to...
...all summer long!
Joyful June 2023
This month's theme is all about finding joy in life, even when things are difficult. Research has shown that experiencing positive emotions in a 3-to-1 ratio with negative ones leads to a tipping point beyond which we naturally become more resilient to adversity. Let's train our brains to find joy by following this month's Action for Happiness activities below.
~obtained from: actionforhappiness.com
6th Grade Goes to The Intrepid!
7th Grade Goes to The Bronx Zoo!
8th Grade Goes to Medieval Times!
Join The 21st CCLC - Summer Edition!
The 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) is an after-school and summer program that provides students with academic enrichment opportunities that will offer support beyond the classroom curriculum. Students will receive academic support/enrichment and a nutritional snack each day. The 21st CCLC allows students to explore STEM, Physical Fitness, and Visual and Performing Arts activities, including but not limited to Theatre, Robotics, Engineering, and Culinary Arts. Students will also have the opportunity to attend field trips within the community to work with key stakeholders of this initiative. The Farm at Glenwood Mountain and The Painted Grape have partnered with Glen Meadow Middle School’s 21st CCLC. In addition, there is a Parent University component which will provide workshops for parents/guardians and will also allow students to showcase their learning activities.
During the school year, the program runs Monday through Friday, immediately after school from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm with parent/guardian pick-up. During the month of July, the program runs Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. The 21st Century Community Learning Center is available to all 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students residing in Vernon Township and is at no cost to families.
Should you have any questions about the program, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Kait Ramirez at Glen Meadow Middle School at (973) 764-4534. We are excited to provide this engaging and enriching learning experience for your child and are looking forward to all of the incredible adventures that await!
National Say Something Nice Day
National Safety Month
National Flag Day
What are Restorative Practices? Restorative Practices strengthen relationships between individuals as well as one's connections within their learning community.
What are some examples of Restorative Practices?
- Using Affective Statements - Affective statements, referred to as “I” statements tell the listener how the person feels and why it makes them feel that way. They are an effective way to teach students how to express their emotions appropriately.
- Community Circles - A Community Circle is a discussion space in which students and the teacher sit in a circle so that everyone is visible. What distinguishes a Community Circle from an everyday group discussion is that Community Circles are used as an opportunity for students to build community.
- Small Impromptu Conferencing - Bringing students together to resolve a problem/disagreement by discussing the situation and how to resolve it.
- Setting Classroom Agreements/Norms - Some examples of general class norms are: Come prepared to class, respect others and yourself, and be kind.
Families can use circles as a tool to talk further about an array of topics. Circle topics at home might include talking about expectations for behaviors at events/gatherings, developing family values/norms, holding family meetings, goal-setting for the week, and school-related conversations, to name a few. After reading the suggestions, you may be thinking to yourself, "Oh, we already do those things!" So with or without knowing it, you probably are already "doing" restorative practices at your house.
Circles typically involve asking thoughtful questions to hear from everyone. If you are the one asking questions, you can answer them as well. Circles don’t require a lot of time, especially proactive ones that are meant to maintain connection and open communication. They can be short conversations at breakfast, during car rides, or embedded in your nighttime routine. Here are examples of restorative circle questions that can be asked of children and their family members:
What is one goal you want to accomplish this week/weekend? Do you need support in accomplishing this goal?
What would you like to do for fun this weekend, within reason?
After school/work check-in: On a scale of one to five, (1) being low and (5) being high, how was your day? Why did you rate it that way?
What was one thing that made you happy, pleased, or proud this week?
What can you do in school/at work to show kindness?
Obtained from Boulder Valley School District, Boulder, CO.
Additional Happenings at Glen Meadow
Band Concert
Chorus Concert
Orchestra Concert
Annual Bake Sale
Community Service
Teacher Appreciation Week!
Way To Go!
We Appreciate You!
7th Grade Science Fair!
Battle of the Books Competition
Congratulations to the 6th Grade Battle of the Books Team - Sophia Rojas, Alison Getz, Renee Kaczor, Adrian Kovacs, and Kailtyn Hostler for winning 1st place during the county-wide Inter-District Battle of the Books Competition held at GMMS on 6/1/23. Excitement was in the air when the three 6th-grade teams entered the last round in a tie. Our 6th-grade scholars pulled ahead under pressure and finished in first place. Over 105 readers participated from six districts and six grade levels throughout the day! Congratulations to their advisor, Mrs. Smaldone, and a special thank you to Ms. Yost for her assistance and support!
The Glen Meadow Way
- Respect Yourself and Others
- Take Responsibility for Your Actions
- Reach Your 100%
Here at Glen Meadow, we focus on respect, responsibility, and reaching our goals. We accomplish this by following the 5 Ps. We are Prompt, Prepared, Polite, Positive, and Productive!
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
In closing...
Thank you, GMMS families, for your partnership this school year. We are honored and grateful to have had the opportunity to work alongside you and your children. If there is anything we can do to assist you or your child now or in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us. #TheGlenMeadowWay #GMMSinspirekindness
The Faculty and Staff of Glen Meadow Middle School
Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Van Orden, Principal
Email: jvanorden@vtsd.com
Website: vtsd.com
Location: Glen Meadow Middle School, Sammis Road, Vernon Township, NJ, USA
Phone: 973-764-4532
Twitter: @PrincipalJVO
Dr. Eric W. Kosek, Asst. Principal
Email: ekosek@vtsd.com
Website: vtsd.com
Location: Glen Meadow Middle School, Sammis Road, Vernon Township, NJ, USA
Phone: 973-764-4697