Class of 2025
Royal High School Senior Newsletter

You made it! It is senior year!
There is so much coming your way this year, and we want to make sure you are ready. Although there could be some slight changes, most of the information will be the same. If we make changes we will be sure to let you know ASAP.
Have a great Senior Year!
Important Dates:
February 14- Senior Hug Day
March 31- April 11: Grad Night Tickets on sale in ASB (or until we sell out)
April 14- May 2: Prom Ticket Sales
April 29- May 21: AP/IB Testing, Schedule
May 1: Naviance Senior Exit survey
May 1: Senior Speaker Deadline
May 1: FAFSA/Dream Act Applications due (all students need to do this!)
May 16: Senior Rally, 4th period
May 17: Prom
May 26: Memorial Day-No School
May 30: Grad Bash at Universal Studios
TBD: Senior Sunset and Yearbook Distribution
June 2: Senior Awards Night, 6pm Reagan Library
May 29-June 3: Senior Finals
June 4: Grad rehearsal
June 5:- Graduation
A Message from Mr. Hall
Dear Seniors,
This is your final year at Royal High School, so let's make it the best one yet. I have truly enjoyed getting to know each of you. The Class of 2025 has demonstrated hard work and a remarkable ability to embrace life's challenges. It’s hard to believe that you were in 8th grade during the pandemic year, and now, you are the first class to complete all four years at Royal under these unique circumstances.
As you complete your last year at Royal, I encourage you to participate in as many activities as you can. Attend prom, grad night, senior sunset, and any other events you can. Be there, be present, and make the most of these moments. At the end of this year, many of you will embark on new journeys and paths, so cherish this time to enjoy being a Highlander and, more importantly, being with your friends.
Good luck, Class of 2025! I am eagerly looking forward to this year with you. It promises to be a memorable and fun one!
We are here to help:
Events, ASB, and Account Needs:
Class Advisor and Senior Parent Points:
Academic, Behavioral, or Attendance Needs:
And as always our principal Mr. Hall is available for any questions you or your family might have regarding the successful end of your time here at Royal.
Additional Questions? Visit the ASB Office Monday-Friday at 7:30 am - 3:30 pm. (For all Senior-related transactions, the ASB Office only accepts cash or credit. No checks.)
Counseling Information:
For any questions regarding academic requirements, contact your counselor:
Hennings A-Da
Graf De-Hir
Boucher Ho-Mo
Bishop Mu-R
Becker S-Z
Campos College and Career Counselor
- Counselors will be redoing senior grade checks & notifications will be sent home by Feb 1
- Seniors who have a D or F on the 3rd quarter grade report will have a letter sent home
- If seniors have a D or F in Aeries by the end of April, a letter will be sent home
- Seniors will not be able to pick up their graduation materials until they have been cleared by their Counselors as well as all other on campus holds.
- Seniors must complete their Naviance Exit Survey (in May)
- Concurrent spring classes at Adult School must be completed by the May 19th deadline (For another Adult Ed form, see Counselors)
- Please see the Registrar in the Counseling Office to have transcripts sent to your university or community college (deadline is usually July 1st)
Senior Contract
All Simi Valley Unified School District seniors must complete and return the senior contract to the student’s high school to participate in senior activities.
To ensure that all senior activities and ceremonies are meaningful for everyone, the conditions of the senior contract must be agreed upon by each senior and also be signed by his/her parent or guardian, even if the senior is 18 years or older.
Contacts are due in the ASB office by January 24th.
Laptops, Debts, and Book Fines
Seniors must return all books and laptop computer to the Library and be cleared of all fines and debts in both the Library and ASB Office by Tuesday, June 3. Seniors not cleared will not participate in important steps like picking up commencement tickets, picking up cap and gown, etc.. You can check with ASB and the Library if you are unsure if you have outstanding debt.
Google Drive
Your Google Accounts will be disabled shortly after you graduate. If you have items saved in your Drive that you will need after June 7, you should start downloading them to a different drive or device now.
Also go into your email and make sure your school account is not used to receive information from important things like your next school, work, etc. Change your email for other accounts to a personal address so you do not miss information.
See Miss Myszkowski if you have questions.
School Lunch Account Refunds
Do you still have money on your school lunch account?
Refund requests go through SVUSD, please fill out this form and email it to terri.mikulus@simivalleyusd.org
Senior Special Events
Senior Hug Day- February 14
Valentine's Day? Lame. February 14 is for Seniors!
Come in your senior gear and celebrate with your class before school and at 10 minute passing.
Senior Send-Off Rally- TBD
The Senior Send-Off Rally is May 16 during 4th period. The rally will be a lead in to senior prom and the beginning of the epic conclusion to the 24-25 school year.
Senior Sunset- Date TBA
The seniors will get together for food, yearbook pickup, and a movie. Don't miss it.
Senior Recognition & CSI Presentations- June 2
4:30 pm CSI Project Presentations
6:00 pm Awards Ceremony
Students who have made outstanding achievements during their time at RHS will be recognized at our Senior Recognition Night. An invitation will be sent to students who are receiving the specific school-wide, community, and national awards given at this event. Family and friends are encouraged to attend. CSI Project exhibition will be from 5:00-6:00, and the Awards ceremony will begin directly after.
Prom will take place at the Sheraton Universal in Hollywood on May 17. Tickets are estimated to be about $130 and will be on sale in April 14- May 2. Dinner is included.
More information to come.
Grad Night
Grad Bash will be held at Universal Studios Hollywood (100 Universal City Plaza, Universal City) on Friday, May 30th running from 4:00 pm to 2:00 am.
Tickets are $150 and MUST be purchased in ASB. When purchasing your ticket, you will chose the bus you want to be on. Make sure you purchase at the same time as your friends so you get on the same bus.
There are 477 Seniors and only 300 tickets. Don't miss out.
Graduation Planning
The Commencement Ceremony will take place on Scotland Yard on Thursday, June 5 at 6:00 pm (Gates will open at 4:00 pm). Attendees may start waiting in line at 3:00.
Seniors report to Gym (4:00 pm)
Cap & Gown Orders- You should have already done this!
You can order online at Josten’s or by phone 1-800-JOSTENS (567-8367). The prices go up each month so buy as soon as you can.
For any student/family that would like assistance with obtaining a cap and gown, you may contact the student's counselor.
IMPORTANT NOTE! Cap and gowns do not ship to your home. They will be picked up on campus on June 4.
Student Commencement Speaker
Seniors who are interested in being the student speaker at the Commencement Ceremony should submit speeches to Room 10-2 by May 1st. For questions, speak to Mrs. Lev. Speeches must be no longer than 2-3 minutes. Speech messages and themes must relate to this year's senior class quote/motto below. Speeches will be chosen by a committee of staff and peers.
Grad Rehearsal, Senior Lunch, & Cap and Gown and Ticket Distribution
Graduation Rehearsal and the Senior Lunch will be held on June 4.
The mandatory Graduation Rehearsal will begin in the Gym at 9am. Every participating senior must attend the rehearsal in order to walk in the ceremony. The luncheon and cap and gown and ticket distribution will follow rehearsal.
Graduation Leis/Flowers
Celebrate your graduation with one or two (or more) beautiful flowered leis. Order forms will be made available closer to the ceremony. Although these leis are not allowed to be worn in the ceremony, they are wonderful for before and after ceremony photos and keepsakes.
Sponsored by The Royal High School PTSA.
Commencement Photos
We will have photographers from Cornerstone photography at the ceremony to take pictures as seniors receive their diplomas. View pictures and order online after the ceremony. Link will be available closer to the ceremony.
Graduation Ceremony
The Graduation Ceremony will take place at the Royal Stadium on Thursday, June 5th at 6:00 pm (Gates will open at 4:00 pm). Seniors report to Gym (4:00 pm) Attendees may start lining up at 3:00pm
ADMISSION IS BY TICKET ONLY-All attendees require a ticket (this includes infants).
Tickets will be distributed June 4. Tickets guarantee admission to the ceremony, but not necessarily a seat. Each graduating senior will be given 4 free tickets. They may purchase up to an additional 4 tickets for $10 each. The tickets are given to the senior to distribute, Royal will not get involved with family conflicts about tickets.
Graduation will be live streamed at youtube.com/@RoyalHighSchool. We encourage those who cannot be in the sun and heat for long periods of time (young children and the elderly) to watch the live stream.
Handicapped accessible parking and seating is limited and is on a first come first served basis. One disabled person and one companion may sit in the reserved areas. The rest of your party must sit in the general seating areas.
The ceremony lasts about 2 hours and temperatures can be hot that time of year. We strongly discourage families bringing infants and young children. Strollers will not be allowed. If you do bring infants and young children, they also require a ticket for admission.
Important Commencement Reminders
Seniors will not be allowed to bring cell phones, cameras, keys, balloons, flowers, leis or other loose items on the field during the commencement ceremony. It’s best to leave these items in your car or with your parents prior to reporting to the gym.
Seniors may not alter/decorate cap or gown.
Balloons and umbrellas are not allowed in the stadium during the ceremony because they have a tendency to block the vision of other guests. All umbrellas brought into the stadium must be lowered before the start of the ceremony.
Handicapped parking and seating is available, but limited. Arrive early for best parking and seating.
Stadium opens at 4:00 pm for families. Guest may begin lining up at 3pm.
Students may wear only flat shoes during the commencement ceremony.
No one will be allowed on the track and field following the ceremony. Parents and guests can meet their graduates outside the stadium in the MPR plaza or the Main Quad.