Staff Appreciation Week
A message from the PTO Board
We hope you are all able to stay safe and healthy. We are entering the last month of school. As we prepare to end the year, we would like to suggest a few ways parents and students can participate remotely in Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week scheduled May 4-8th.
Room parents can coordinate a joint gift from the classroom to their teachers as planned at the start of the year. Consider electronic gift cards that can be emailed directly or an option of contactless delivery (if your teacher offers to share their mailing address).
Students and Parents are encouraged to share gestures of appreciation in the form or art, written letters, thank you notes or anything else by posting pictures or videos to their classroom webpages or emailing their teacher directly.
You can also chose to do a more public 'shoutout' by submitting pictures and videos to the College Heights Virtual Family Photo Album that will be going all summer long. Send your photos, videos, and stories to kacollins@csdecatur.net.
If you are interested, email Principal Garland sgarland@csdecatur.net. There are a number of executive board positions as well as chair positions.
Thanks for a great year College Heights!
2019-2020 PTO Board.