Bobcat Strong Tracker
November 8, 2024
Having trouble reading this email? Just click anywhere on the content below or visit our website at www.santaritaschool.org and go to the bottom of the website to find this newsletter!
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Our Mission
At Santa Rita Elementary School, we foster curious, motivated learners who reach their highest potential in a supportive community that appreciates diversity.
Monday, November 11th - Veteran's Day - No School
Wednesday, November 13th - PTA Meeting: 7:00pm Multipurpose Room
November 18th-22nd - Linden Tree Book Fair - details below
November 25th-29th - Thanksgiving Break- No School
PLEASE make sure to complete this packet so we have your most up to date information and so teachers and students can start this year BOBCAT STRONG! https://form.jotform.com/241260293620145
LASD 2024-2025 Calendar
Reporting Attendance: Santa Rita Student Attendance
Santa Rita Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org/santaritaes
Santa Rita is so proud of how many people they have in their school community who are multilingual!
Our Santa Rita TK learners are having a blast sorting and classifying all kinds of colorful fruit! Learning has never looked so bright and tasty!
Santa Rita has so many AMAZING staff! Here are just two of them making a difference in their school!! 💙💚 Thank you Mrs. Williams for being such an amazing librarian and Ms. Marianna for being such a caring and dedicated literacy aide!! You both are appreciated!
Dear Santa Rita Families,
This year, as a district, we are looking at Truancy more closely. This includes excused and unexcused absences and tardies. Many students have already missed over 10% of the school year. If this is the case, you will receive a Truancy letter or may have already received one. This letter is the first step in reminding you of how many days your student has missed and the importance of being at school. The next step will be a meeting to discuss how to help you and your student get to school daily.
This goes for Tardies as well. Some students are late most days of the week. When a student comes late to school, not only are they disrupting the flow of the class and the morning, but they are walking into a lesson or community building circle and now need to catch up which often causes stress to them, the teacher, and others around them. Have you ever woken up late, rushed around to get out the door, and then your whole day just feels a little bit off, this is what it is like for your students when they are tardy.
If you would like help or ideas on strategies for making it to school on time, here are some great articles with wonderful tips.
Thank you for all you do to help your student have the best school year yet!
Let’s Go, Bobcats!
Denise Khalid
Hi Bobcat Community,
We have gotten a great start to the new school year. Thank you to all who have volunteered their time so far.
We have a few key positions we need to fill for some of the events to happen throughout the rest of the year.
Corporate Matching
Fundraising - Chair
Social Media Manager
Science Olympiad - Chair
Campus Beautification - Chair
After School Enrichment Program Manager
Pet Parade-Chair
Traffic Calming/WoW - Chair
Family Fun Night - Chair
Bobcat Bash - Chair
Musical Producer (Lower Grades) - Chair
Stem expo - Chair
Field Day - Chair
If you have any interest in chairing, co-chairing, leading, being involved in any of these great events or just want to learn more, please let me or Principal Khalid know.
We have folks who have done these events before and are available to help.
Thank you,
Herb Marshall
408 836 9833
Santa Rita Book Fair!
November brings BOOK FAIR! This year, we are partnering with our local independent bookstore Linden Tree Books to bring the book fair back on campus!
Come join us in the upper multi the week of 11/18-11/22 to celebrate reading, build classroom libraries and check off your holiday gift lists while supporting Santa Rita!
Also, Thursday evening 11/21 will be a family night of shopping - sip on hot chocolate and munch on treats! There will be teacher read alouds, as well as a special guest reading from our very own SR parent and author, Carly Mottinger!
BOOK FAIR HOURS 11/18-11/21 M-F
- During Lunch: 12-12:45p
- After School: 2:40- 3:30p / Th 1:25-2:15p
- Family Night Event 11/21: 5-6:30p
Use the QR code below to pre-purchase gift cards for students and/or teachers before Saturday Nov 16.
As with all fun school events, volunteer help is what makes it happen! Pease sign up to volunteer for this event!
Lost and Found!
Please visit our Lost and Found case. We will be donating all leftover items on Friday, November 22nd.
New Student Priority Registration Nov 8-Dec 20!
2024-25 Registrations are taken all year. Please see the registration steps below. Your SCHOOL YEAR registration will be counted as complete once all required paperwork is received.
2025-26 The New Student Priority Registration window is November 8 (8:00 a.m.) - December 20 (5:00 p.m.). School placement priorities for registrations submitted with all required paperwork during this timeframe are as follows:
Siblings of currently enrolled students will have first priority for attending the same school (there is no guarantee that an incoming sibling will be placed at the same school as currently enrolled siblings if registration is received after the priority registration window)
Students who live within their school of residence will have priority for attending their school of residence
If classes are full at the time of registration, the Registrar will assign (overflow) students to a school with available space. Overflowed students will be placed on a waitlist at their school of residence. If space becomes available before the start of the school year, overflowed students will have priority to return to their school of residence based on waitlist placement.
Registrations will continue to be taken after the New Student Priority Registration window. Registrations are considered complete once all required paperwork is received.
Award-Winning Public Education Takes a Team
It’s important to support both LAEF and your school’s PTA to keep your school strong.
LASD provides the core curriculum, core facilities, and core staff/teachers funded by federal, state, and local sources.
LAEF provides additional funding for teachers and essential programs at each LASD school beyond what public funding provides, benefitting all TK-8th grade students
PTA provides funding for equipment, supplies, and community enrichment, as well as volunteers to facilitate or assist with special school programs and events at your school.
THANK YOU to the LASD families who have already contributed to LAEF this school year.
If you have yet to Donate or Pledge to LAEF for the current school year, now’s a great time!
Substitute Aides needed in Kindergarten/ TK
Are you interested in serving as Substitute Aide in our Kindergarten/ TK classrooms?
All of our elementary schools in LASD are currently recruiting substitute instructional aides for both Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten. If you are interested in helping out in the classrooms and working with small children, along with keeping a flexible schedule, this role is for YOU!
To sign up, please fill out the attached link: Classified Sub Application.
The hourly rate for substitute aides is $26.21.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Lupe Araujo. laraujo@lasdschools.org or Marlene Revelo mrevelo@lasdschools.org.
We hope you will join our substitute team!
Join us for an evening with Ruth Whippman, author of BoyMom
BoyMom: Exploring the Challenges of Raising Men in the Modern Age
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Los Altos High School - Eagle Theater
“Rapist, school-shooter, incel, man-child, interrupter, mansplainer, boob-starer, birthday forgetter, frat boy, dude-bro, homophobe, self-important stoner, emotional-labor abstainer, non-wiper of kitchen counters. Trying to raise good sons suddenly felt like a hopeless task.”
As the culture wars rage, and masculinity has been politicized from all sides, feminist writer and mother of three boys Ruth Whippman finds herself conflicted and scared. While the right pushes a dangerous vision of fantasy manhood, her feminist peers often dismiss boys as little more than entitled predators-in-waiting. Meanwhile her home life feels like a daily confrontation with the triumph of nature over nurture.
With young men in the grip of a loneliness epidemic and dying by suicide at a rate of nearly four times their female peers, Whippman asks: How do we raise our sons to have a healthy sense of self without turning them into privileged assholes? How can we find a feminism that holds boys to a higher standard but still treats them with empathy? And what do we do when our boys won’t cooperate with our plans?
Whippman digs into the impossibly contradictory pressures boys now face; and the harmful blind spots of male socialization that are leaving boys isolated, emotionally repressed, and adrift. Feminist gonzo-style, she spends months interviewing incels, reports on a conference for boys accused of sexual assault; crashes at a residential therapy center for young men in Utah, talks to a wide range of psychologists and other experts, and gets boys of all backgrounds to open up about sex, consent, porn, body image, mental health, cancel culture, screens, friendship and loneliness. Along the way, she finds her simple certainties about male privilege seriously challenged.
With wit, honesty, and a refusal to settle for easy answers, Whippman charts a new path to give boys a healthier, more expansive, and fulfilling story about their own lives.
About Our Speaker
RUTH WHIPPMAN is a British author, journalist, and cultural critic living in the United States. A former BBC documentary director and producer, her writing has appeared in the New York Times, Time magazine, New York magazine, The Guardian, HuffPost, and elsewhere. Fortune described her as one of the “25 sharpest minds” of the decade. She is the author of the book America the Anxious, which was a New York Post Best Book of the Year, a New York Times Editors’ Choice and Paperback Row pick. She lives in California with her husband and three sons.
Audience: Parents, caretakers, teachers, and counselors of school-age children
Registration: Register for this free event
Book: BoyMom—We highly recommend pre-ordering to streamline the process at the event
For more information, visit mvlaspeakerseries.org. Events are free thanks to our generous sponsors: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, and the Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Santa Rita School
Email: dkhalid@lasdschools.org
Website: https://www.santaritaschool.org
Location: 700 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos, CA, USA
Phone: (650)559-1600
Facebook: santaritaPTA
Twitter: @BobcatsSR
Join us to support our students this school year!