6th Grade Lions Team Newsletter
Announcements & Reminders
- Nov. 18th: Picture Retake Day
- Nov. 22: Mid-Quarter grades going home
- Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving Break, No School
What We're Learning!
- Math: Students wrapped up Unit 3 on Unit Rates and Percentages. The week of Nov. 18th we will practice fractions, decimals, and percent. When we return from Thanksgiving break we will begin Unit 4 on Fractions. Students are also working in Khan Academy towards their Course Mastery Goal.
- ELA: Each week students will have a Bellwork quiz over their practice for the week. We are beginning our short stories unit.
- Science/SS: In science we wrapped up our Weather Unit last week. We will be working on Unit 3 over Climate throughout the next several weeks. Students will focus on the differences between weather and climate as well as the factors that affect climate.
STUCO Announcements
Wilson’s Creek is proud to announce our winter clothing drive! We are looking for donations of the following items:
- Boys’ pants (new or gently-used) - all sizes
- Underwear (brand new) - size 3T and up
- Winter clothing (new or gently-used) - boys’ or girls’, all sizes
- Winter outerwear (jackets, coats, hoodies, hats, gloves, etc.) - new or gently-used, any size, boys’ or girls’
Important message from the Counselor:
Attention Parents- During the month of November, the counseling lesson for 6th graders will cover the Signs of Suicide. A letter has been sent home with your student early this month which contains information about this lesson. While this is a very important lesson for students to learn; we understand that some students may not handle to content well and may need to opt out. If you feel your student should NOT be in the lesson, please sign the “opt out form” and send it back to your student’s homeroom teacher. Students who opt out of the lesson will be allowed to go to the library or the focus room instead of the lesson. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Wilson at jrwilson@spsmail.org.
Thank you!
PRIDE of the Lions Team
Hot Air Balloon Projects
Contact Information
Mrs. Keller (Science/SS): makeller@spsmail.org
Mrs. Stafford (Math): sstafford@spsmail.org
Mrs. Levy (ELA): allevy@spsmail.org