The Patriot Post
September 20, 2024
In This Update
- New School Schedule
- Before School Drop Off - After School Pick Up
- OTC Forms
- Cold Season
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Student Survey
- A Note From The Assistant Principal
- Dress Up Days
- The Patriot Press
- Fellowship of Christian Students
- Real Talk
- Music Concert Dates
- School Apparel
- Mobile Dental Services
- Fidelis Consulting Service
- 2024 Fall Sports
New School Schedule
Starting next week Monday (9/23/2024), the Junior High School daily schedule will be changing. The school start and end times will remain the same; however, class times have been shifted to allow an extra minute of passing time during student lunches. Please reference the new Daily Schedule below moving forward. The Daily Schedule is on the School Website under Parent Resources. Thank you.
Before School Drop Off - After School Pick Up
Students can be dropped off or picked up on the Michigan Avenue sidewalk and enter the school using door number 19 or along the fence by the city park tennis courts and enter the school using door number 1. Due to heavy bus traffic, do not drop-off/pick-up students in the parking lot in the mornings or afternoons 20 minutes before/after 7:40AM and 2:55PM.
OTC Forms
Families are reminded that in order for a student to receive medication from the nurse, an OTC (Over the Counter) form MUST be filled out and turned in to Student Services or the nurse. This school year we will not be calling home to authorize over the counter medications.
Cold Season
A Message from the School Nurse:
Cold season has started! This means a few things. First, if students are having sore throats, cold symptoms, stuffy nose, etc... this is NOT a reason they will be sent home. Second, we unfortunately do not carry cold medicine in the health office. Students can be provided with an over the counter medication, such as ibuprofen, but only if we have an OTC Form on file (please see the update above). Cold symptoms can be uncomfortable, but we know students can still work through them just like adults do! Student Services will call home for severe symptoms, vomiting, and fever.
Social-Emotional Learning
We are encouraged by the community building that is occurring in our Patriot Learning Centers throughout the week. As a reminder, students do an activity and lesson with the help of Character Strong. For more information please review the attached letter. Parents wishing to opt their student from these activities can print of the attached form and turn in to the Main Office.
Student Survey
Our staff and students PRIDE themselves in being part of our Patriot Community. In an effort to strength our community and learn how we can all support the learning needs of our students, feedback is requested at touch points throughout the school year. Students will be asked to contribute to the following:
- Teacher Surveys to provide feedback as it specifically relates to that class
- Building wide survey focusing on engagement and belonging
A large focus of our work this year, is to develop relationships with students and create a sense of belonging at P.J. Jacobs Junior High. Families have the option to opt out by emailing Jennifer Knecht, Principal, at jknecht@pointschools.net. Surveys will be distributed between Sept 23rd - Oct 4th.
A Note From the Assistant Principal
This is a message to remind you of the expectations and timeframe for participation in 2024 SPASH Homecoming activities on Friday, September 27, 2024 by PJJ students.
First, we expect students from PJJ to have excellent behavior and participate in the Homecoming activities to their fullest potential. Students are expected to follow all PJJ supervisors expectations and directions. This includes traveling to and from PJJ to Goerke Field as a group and then sitting together when you arrive with other PJJ students. Failure to meet these expectations may result in PJJ students being denied other field trips and special events, plus the potential for disciplinary action.
Remember, if weather is inclement, participation at this event may be canceled. This decision will be made at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, September 27, 2024.
Monday, September 23, 2024
Sign up for the alternative study center starts at 2:15p.m. The Google form will be available in your learning center schoology page.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Sign up for the alternative study center ends at 3:00 p.m. for the alternative study center. Questions, see Mrs. Moody.
Friday, September 27, 2024
Criteria for attending the Pep Fest:
No more than one lunch detention during the week of 9/23-9/27
No ISS/OSS for the week of 9/23-9/27
Must attend school 4 out of 5 days the week of 9/23. Must be here the full day on 9/27.
Other decisions will be made with administrator discretion.
Preparing for the Pep Fest:
Before students come to school Friday morning, they should check the weather report and be prepared to dress accordingly to be outside for an hour and a half.
6C lunch starts at 12:30 p.m. It will last until 12:50 p.m. Students should leave their backpacks and chromebooks in their lockers and bring the clothes they intend to wear to the Homecoming activities to their lunch. Hats are allowed. If students are attending the alternative study center in the cafeteria they will be able to go to their lockers to get their things when released by supervisors.
Leave for Homecoming activities at 12:50 p.m. Students attending the alternative study center remain in the cafeteria.
At the end of Homecoming activities, PJJ students will walk back to our school and report to their learning center classes. Students in the alternative study center will be released and report to their learning center. Attendance will be taken.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For any homecoming related activities, parents/guardians MUST come into the main office to sign out their student before the student leaves the building. Students will not be allowed to bring in notes and then leave the building without a parent or guardian.
Please let Mrs. Moody know if you have any questions (mmoody@pointschools.net).
Thank you,
Miranda Moody
The Patriot Press
Is your student interested in being part of the school newspaper, The Patriot Press?! Applications are available now on their English teacher's Schoology page and are due Friday, September 27th. If they have any questions, please see Mrs. Behrend in room 204.
Fellowship of Christian Students
Fellowship of Christian Students, or FCS, is kicking off this Friday, Sept 20. We meet every Friday morning at 7:10am in Room 217. Students, come start your day with a boost of faith, fun, and friends. All are welcome. If you have questions, see Mrs. Nelson or Mr. Stevens.
Music Concert Dates
- 10/15/2024 - Combined Choir Concert with SPASH *updated*
- 10/22/2024 - PJ Jacobs Fall Orchestra Concert
- 10/29/2024 - PJ Jacobs Fall Band Concert
- 11/12/2024 - PJ Jacobs Fall Choir Concert
- 01/28/2025 - PJ Chamber Orchestra Elementary Outreach Tour
- 01/30/2025 - PJ Concert Band Elementary Outreach Tour
- 03/01/2025 - WSMA District Solo and Ensemble Festival
- 03/11/2025 - All - District Orchestra Concert
- 04/08/2025 - District Jazz Night
- 04/24/2025 - PJ Jacobs Spring Band Concert
- 05/03/2025 - WSMA State Solo and Ensemble
- 05/08/2025 - PJ Jacobs Spring Choir Concert
- 05/13/2025 - PJ Jacobs Combined 6th and 7th Grade Bands
- 05/15/2025 - PJ/Ben/SPASH Bandshell Concert
- 05/19/2025 - PJ Jacobs/Elem Strings Spring Orchestra Concert
- 05/22/2025 - PJ Award Ceremony Jazz Band Performance
School Apparel
Interested in purchasing PJ Jacobs apparel for the school year?! Check out 1st Place Spiritwear for all Patriot items.
Mobile Dental Services
Noble Community Clinics, in collaboration with the Wisconsin Seal-A-Smile Program, will be offering dental care services throughout the Stevens Point School District for the 2024-2025 school year!
What exactly does this program offer for my child?
- Dental screenings
- Dental cleanings
- Dental sealants (if appropriate) on primary and/or
- permanent teeth
- Fluoride varnishes (1-3 fluoride treatments)
- Tooth brushing instructions and oral health education
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- A letter sent home explaining what services were completed and suggestions for further treatment after each visit
With this program:
Children receive care right at school. There is no cost to children or their families. Click the LINK to register your child today!
Apply today: District Employment Opportunities
Call us at: (715) 496-7005 or email one of our Managers
2024 Winter Sports
P.J. Athletics - Winter Sports Sign Up & Information
Winter Sports Sign Up 7th-9th Grade LINK
Winter Sports Newsletter 7th-9th Grade LINK
Winter Sports Meeting 7th & 8th Grade - Monday, October 14th, P.J. Jacobs Junior High
6:30 TEAM Meetings
7:00 Athletic Code Meeting (If You Did Not Attend in the Fall)
P.J. Jacobs Junior High School
Website: https://www.pointschools.net/PJJacobs
Location: 2400 Main Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481
Phone: 715-345-5422
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PJJacobsJuniorHigh
Parent Partner Information
Yog xav tau kev pab txhais cov lus no, thov hu rau Mai Kou Yang ntawm 715-343-7139 los 715-340-0656 lossis sau email rau: myang@capmail.org
Si necesita ayuda traduciendo información que se encuentra en el correo electrónico, por favor, contacte a Jami McGriff al correo jmcgriff@pointschools.net o llame al 715-498-1976