Stallion News
Stetson Hills School Information and Upcoming Events
It is hard to believe we are already wrapping up the 23-24 school year! This year has brought learning, growth, and so much fun and laughter. I hope everyone has a relaxing, safe, and fun summer break.
As we wrap up the school year, I am excited to share with you our newly developed mission statement, crafted collaboratively by our dedicated staff at Stetson Hills. This statement encapsulates our shared vision for the future of our school and our commitment to your child's education and growth. I am proud to share it with you:
Inspire minds. Cultivate success. Foster excellence.
As partners in your child's education, we invite you to join us in embracing our new mission statement as we work together to inspire minds, cultivate success, and foster excellence for every student at Stetson Hills. Let's break down what each section of our new mission represents:
Inspire Minds: Staff at Stetson Hills ignite curiosity and passion for learning, encouraging creativity, and fostering a sense of wonder and exploration. We provide engaging and meaningful educational experiences that motivate students to think critically, discover their interests, and envision their potential impact on the world. We cultivate a lifelong love for learning and empower students to become curious, adaptable, and innovative thinkers.
Cultivate Success: Stetson Hills creates an environment where students are equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to achieve their goals. We foster a growth mindset, resilience, and a sense of responsibility, preparing students for both academic accomplishments and personal development. We empower students to navigate challenges, pursue their aspirations, and contribute positively to their communities.
Foster Excellence: Staff at Stetson Hills create an environment where every aspect of education is geared towards cultivating the highest standards of achievement, character, and learning. We are committed to providing rigorous and innovative academic programs, promoting a culture of continuous improvement, and encouraging students to explore their full potential. Beyond academics, fostering excellence also involves instilling values of respect, responsibility, and collaboration, preparing students not only for academic success but also for personal and social growth. Excellence is also demonstrated through Keeping the PACE, the Stallion Way: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe!
I will leave you today with key dates to kick off the 24-25 school year!
July 30, 2024 - Meet the Teacher Night! 4:30-6:00
August 1, 2024 - First Day of School!
With Stallion Pride,
Mrs. Dyer-Hurdon
Last Day for Backpacks
The last day for backpacks on campus is Tuesday, May 14th. This is for all students K-8.
Attention 8th Grade Parents
Attention all 8th grade parents! Promotion will be here before we know it! A few important pieces of information for you:
- ALL students must be in attendance for 8th grade promotion practice. This will take place on Wednesday, May 15th at 9AM in the Stetson Hills MPR.
- We will have an 8th grade Clap Out immediately following promotion practice. This is a surprise for 8th grade students. You are welcome to attend this celebration. It will be held around 9:30 AM on May 15th (depending on how long practice takes). We do recommend you arrive by 9:15 to sign in and head to the staging area.
- May 15th is a 12:05 PM release for 8th grade only.
- Promotion will be at Sandra Day O'Connor High School - Main Gym - at 5:00 PM on May 15th.
PTSA Updates
Welcome to our new PTSA Board!
President - Kristi Vasquez
Vice President (Membership) - Jennifer Bohnsack
Vice President (Fundraising) - Carissa Benda
Vice President (Events) - Brittney Dick
Secretary - Jessica McAllister
Treasurer - Sabrina Grube
Early Release Dates for May
May 3
May 10
8th Grade ONLY 12:05 Release on May 15th.
K-7 12:05 (11:55 for Kinder) Release on May 16th.
This month during early release Friday, staff members will participate in professional development on May 3rd and work within their grade level PLC groups on May 10th. Teachers will be finalizing class placements, analyzing end of year data, and participating in vertical articulation as we wrap up this school year and prepare for the next!
Mark Your Calendar - Upcoming Events
May 1 - National School Principal's Day
May 2 - Athletics Banquet 5:30 PM
May 3 - National School Lunch Hero Day
May 6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week!
May 6 - STEM Career Day @ Stetson
May 8 - Band Concert 5:30 PM
May 9 - Choir Concert 5:30 PM
May 10 - Kinder Karnival
May 13 - PEP Assembly for Grades 6-8
May 14 - Stetson Talent Show
May 15 - 8th Grade Promotion 5 PM at O'Connor
May 16 - Last Day of School Grades K-7 (12:05 Release)
JULY 30 - Meet the Teacher 4:30-6PM
August 1 - First Day of School!!
24-25 School Year Calendar
May Lunch Menu
Parking Lot
A few key reminders:
- Reminder that you may not drop off your children in the street in the school zone. The buses are not legally allowed to pass you and it blocks up traffic on the road if you are dropping off within the school zone. Please pick a side street or the front parking lot to drop your children off at instead.
- Once you pick up your child(ren), please either pull all the way forward to merge or pull completely into the other lane to merge. If you cannot fit the entire length of your car into the other lane, please do not block traffic by sitting in both lanes. Please pull all the way up and then merge so that traffic can continue to flow behind you.
- Pull ALL the way forward on the blue line. We will help your students find their car if you are at the top of the line. Your student will walk down to your car. Please do not stop at the ramada for drop off or pick up.
- Please put away your cell phones when entering our parking lot.
- Grades 1-8 parents, please do not enter the parking lot until 3:25. This helps our community to be able to access their homes by not blocking Stetson Hills Loop prior to dismissal.
- School zones are NO passing zones and you may not park in the bike lane within the school zone.
Bullying or Peer Conflict?
WHAT IS NOT BULLYING? Adults must realize that not every unkind thing a child does constitutes bullying. For example:
Being left out is not always bullying. It’s natural for kids to have a select group of friends. Although they should be kind towards everyone, it’s unrealistic to expect them to be close friends with every child they know, and be invited to every function or event.
Experiencing conflict is not bullying. Learning to deal with conflict is a normal part of growing up. The key is for children to learn how to solve their problems peacefully and respectfully.
Not playing fair is not bullying. Wanting a game to be played a certain way is not bullying. Children understand the concept of sharing, and should take turns being in charge of the game.
When observing the unkind behaviors your child experiences, be sure to label them correctly. This will help you know how to handle the situation appropriately so that your child can learn and grow from it.
Bullying may occur when a student or group of students engages in any form of behavior that includes such acts as intimidation and/or harassment that:
has the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm or damage to property,
is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that the action, behavior, or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive environment,
occurs when there is a real or perceived imbalance of power or strength, or
may constitute a violation of law
SRR handbook 2023-2024 (pages 2-4)
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