RHS Winter Sports & Student ID
24-25 RHS School Year
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Students need high school ID or an adult to attend athletic competitions this season in District 196
District 196 Winter Sports Attendance Guidelines
Rosemount Families, to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, District 196 high schools have requirements for attending varsity games. Current 196 High School Student ID's are required for FREE admittance to District 196 High School competitions.
Please NOTE that once an Irish venues reaches capacity, no more tickets will be sold!
Students need high school ID or an adult to attend varsity games this season in District 196
High School Students:
- 🍀Students presenting physical District 196 High School ID, will be admitted for FREE to "regular season" 196 events ONLY.🎯
- ❗Students using their Digital Campus/Schoology Login will not give students FREE admittance into a 196 event. Students WILL HAVE TO PURCHASE A TICKET.
- ❗If a student needs a Student ID, they should come to the Main Office during the school day.
- Home team students are required to sit on the home side/area of the venue.
- Students from the visiting team or any other high school must sit on the visitors' side/area.
Elementary and Middle School Students:
- Students younger than high school age must purchase a ticket and be accompanied by an adult (parent/guardian/caretaker) who will supervise them throughout the game.
- All spectators must remain in the bleachers unless going to the bathroom or purchasing concessions
- Inappropriate behavior will require a child to sit with their supervising adult and could forfeit their ability to attend future games.
Safety and Support
District 196’s School Safety and Climate Coordinator Reshard Saulter notes that many metro-area high schools have implemented or will be implementing similar attendance policies. Saulter, a former police officer, emphasizes that local law enforcement will continue to support a safe environment at District 196 home competitions.
District 196 Rules & Expectations for Athletic Competitions
- Arenas/Gyms must be cleared 15 minutes after the end of the game
- No Backpacks/Bags allowed in the venue. All purses/small handbags are subject to search upon entry.
- No entrance after halftime or the start of the 3rd period, even with a purchased ticket.
- No re-entry. Once someone leaves, they will not be readmitted.
- All spectators must remain in the bleachers at all times unless purchasing concessions or using the restrooms. Absolutely NO LOITERING/HANGING OUT.
- Laser lights are strictly prohibited.
- Artificial noise makers (i.e. megaphones, cowbells, sirens, whistles, thunder sticks, and other similar items) are not allowed.
Tickets and Streaming Information
Dear RHS Community and Visiting Teams,
We are excited to tell you we are offering electronic ticketing for all of our home events SEE LINK BELOW.
We will continue to ALLOW our fans to purchase tickets by CASH or ONLINE at the gate.
- Adults: $7 (plus applicable fees)
- K-12 Students: $5 (plus applicable fees).
- Senior Citizens ages 62+: FREE OF CHARGE (and no ticket necessary) to all District 196 Regular season Home Games. Just notify the ticket person at the gate and have your ID available if requested.
The links below, can also be found on the RHS Website - Athletics.
South Suburban Conference & MSHSL Guidelines
- Lead by positive example and demonstrate respect and support for others.
- Refrain from using profanity or ethnic, racial, religious, ability or gender-based comments, posts or messages directed at participants, directors, coaches, officials, spectators, or team representatives.
- Honor each contest and all involved, including participants, directors, coaches, officials, spectators, and team representatives.
- Spectators must wear clothing that covers the torso.
- No Flags are permitted indoors.
- Handheld signs, which do not obstruct the view of others, will be permitted provided they are in support of our own team.
- No spectators are allowed on the playing surface at anytime.
- No throwing of objects in the stands or onto the playing surface.
- No pets allowed at MSHSL events.
Go Irish!! ☘️
Will Finley
Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
About Rosemount H.S.
Website: https://rhs.district196.org/
Location: 3335 142nd Street West, Rosemount, MN, USA
Phone: (651) 423-7501
Facebook: facebook.com/RosemountHighSchool
Twitter: @RosemountHS