Swanson Elementary School October 2024
Parent/Teacher Communication
Wednesday, October 9th - 4 - 8 pm & Thursday, October 10th - 8 am - 4 pm
Our Parent Communication Days are October 9th from 4:00-8:00pm and October 10th from 8:00am-4:00pm.
Teachers sent out links for conference signup by email. If you have not yet signed up, need to confirm a time, or need to request an adjustment, please contact your child's teacher as soon as possible.
Our goal is for 100% participation in our Parent Teacher Communication opportunities. We want to share the great things that are happening in our classrooms and make plans for your child's continued success!
The Fall Book Fair is Coming!
Dismissal Time Reminders
If you pick up your child in the back of the school, please do not block the crosswalk and pay close attention to the "No Parking" signs. If you walk to pick up your child, please help us by exiting the playground and pathways to make certain all students have been picked up by parents/guardians. You may return to play at the playground after dismissal. We appreciate your assistance in helping us keep our students properly supervised and safe!
Halloween Parade and Trick-or-Treat in the Park
Special Notes:
No unreasonably scary costumes that include: fake blood, weapons and other inappropriate masks/props/themes.
Please DO NOT send your child to school wearing their costume. Please have them pack it in their backpack or separate bag.
Please do not come to school with make-up on and there will not be time to apply it at school. Keep make-up for Halloween trick-or-treating.
If you are unsure if your child’s costume will be acceptable, please ask your child’s teacher prior to the parade.
Costumes should be brought to school and students will be allowed to change into them prior to the parade.
Parents/Guardians who do not want their child(ren) participating in the parade should notify their teacher or office in advance. A separate enrichment activity will be provided.
Children are not required to be in costume to participate in the parade.
If you plan to take home your child after the parade, you will need to enter the front office and check them out. Please note: Students will not be ready to go home until after 3:15 when the parade and classroom treat ends.
Unity Day
The month of October is Bullying Prevention Month. To celebrate this, Swanson Elementary will be participating in Unity Day on Wednesday, October 16th. Unity Day is a day when people come together in one giant message of support. The call to action is simple: wear and share the color ORANGE. The goal of the day is to bring together youth, parents, educators, and others across the nation to emphasize the message that bullying is not acceptable and that all students deserve to be safe in school, online, and in the community. Swanson staff will be participating by wearing orange to school on October 16th and we encourage all students to do the same! Students will be completing additional activities at school to continue the message of bullying prevention and being united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
First Friday Spirit Day!
Each first Friday of the month is Swanson Spirit Day. On this day we all wear our Swanson logo wear or school colors, blue and white, to show our spirit. We begin our day by saying the Swanson Pledge together. It’s a fun day filled with terrific Swanson spirit! The First Friday Spirit Day is Friday, November 1st.
Picture Retake Day - Tuesday, November 8th
Did your smile look crooked? Did your eyes shut down? Did your hair stand up? Was the camera flash too bright? Did you forget your picture money? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have your school pictures retaken on Friday, November 8th. Return your whole picture package to Miss Wendelin. If you were absent on picture day or didn't get your picture taken, please let Miss Wendelin know so your picture can be included in the yearbook!
Veterans' Day Celebration
Please join us in honoring our Swanson Community Veterans this Veterans Day with a special school assembly on Monday, November 11th at 9:30 AM. Please talk with your Superstar about the veterans who may be in your family or circle of friends to invite them to our special event! On this day all members of the Swanson Community of Learners will be wearing red, white, and blue. Due to seating limitations, our assembly will include only our students, staff and our special veterans and their families/guests.
In order to thank our service men and women, Swanson students would like to send personalized thank you notes to Veterans. Please help us by clicking on the link below to fill out a form providing the name and address of a Veteran by Friday, November 1st. We will then send a thank you note via U.S. Post to the identified current or former service member. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ft1m5FuQZnawnuMPWPzlqO5iJM-kZlOb6gAqcSuirR8/edit
Thank you for your assistance in keeping Swanson's long standing traditions of celebrating and thanking our veterans.
Check out Westside Community Schools Online Breakfast and Lunch Menu! https://schools.mealviewer.com/school/SwansonElementarySchool
Swanson Web Page
Visit our web page for current information on school happenings and activities during the year. Go to www.westside66.org and click on schools and then the Swanson link.
Email is a great way to communicate with your child’s teacher. The Westside format is as follows:
Sample: harr.jennifer@westside66.net
Office - 402-390-6485
(Available 24 hours a day)
You are welcome to leave a message with your child’s name and reason for the absence
Calendar Reminders
October 1 Community Club Mtg., 6:30pm
October 8-9 Scholastic Book Fair
October 9 Parent/Teacher Communication Conferences, 4-8p
October 10 Parent/Teacher Communication Conferences, 8a-4p
October 10-14 NO SCHOOL for students
October 21-25 Homecoming Week
October 24 4th/5th Grade Vocal Music Concert @WMS, 6:30p
October 31 Halloween Parade & Parties, 2:20 pm
November 5 Community Club Mtg., 6:30 pm
November 8 Picture Retake Day
November 9 Godfather's Slice of Pie Night, 4-9pm
November 11 Veterans' Day Assembly, 9:30 am
November 19 2nd/3rd Grade Vocal Music Concert @ WMS, 6:30p
November 27-29 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Welcome to Swanson! Home of the Superstars!
The Mission of Swanson School, as a dynamic community alliance and model of innovative education, is to support and empower all learners to achieve academic excellence.
Swanson's Expectations
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
Email: harr.jennifer@westside66.net
Website: swanson.westside66.org
Location: 401 South 86 Street Omaha NE 68114
Phone: 402-390-6485
Facebook: facebook.com/SwansonElementary
Twitter: @swansonstars66