Park Crest Panther Paper
Week of June 1, 2021
Newsletter Translations
Newsletter Translations
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Para ver este boletín en otro lenguaje que no sea Ingles, por favor abre este mensaje en una página de internet. Baje hasta el fin de la página y oprima el botón “Translate”
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Remote Students - Device Drop Off
Drop off times are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Please call the front office if you have questions. 972-926-25.71
Park Crest is one of the smallest schools in GISD - We Need Your Help!
We need volunteers to help participate in school events such as art night, ballet folklorico, movie nights, reading night, math and science night, chess club and more!
We'll meet to discuss what you'd like to see at Park Crest next year or are interested in volunteering for on June 3rd at 2 p.m.
Weather permitting we'll meeting in the Park Crest Garden. If it's raining we'll meet, socially distanced, in the cafeteria, please bring a mask.
To RSVP please email Mrs. Johnson at or call the school at 972-926-2571.
We can't wait to see you all back here making Park Crest #1 in 2021!
Click on the images to make them larger.
Don't Forget - Early Release - June 8th at 1:25 p.m.
Dress Code Requirements
- Parents, please help us ensure your students are following the school dress code. Shirts should have a collar and can be red, white, or blue. Pants, shorts, or skirts should be khaki, blue, or black. No Jeans.
- On Mondays we celebrate college awareness. If students are wearing a college shirt, they can wear jeans.
- Fridays are school spirit days. Students wearing a Park Crest shirt may wear jeans on Friday.
Water Bottles
3 - 3rd-5th Field Day - 3rd-5th grade students may have free dress
4 - K-2 Field Day - K-2 students may have free dress
7 - PreK - 4 - Virtual Assemblies
8 - 5th Grade Promotion Assembly
8 - Last Day of School - Early Release at 1:25pm