3rd Grade's Newsletter

This is no longer the most up to date newsletter:
Originally sent out August 27th
Updated on September 10th
Click the button below to access the current (as of September 24th) newsletter
Welcome to 3rd grade!
We've been having an AMAZING first quarter of third grade so far! Students are working hard to practice and learn classroom routines and expectations. We're excited to start the year off right!
Talking Points
Talking Points allows teachers to communicate with parents via text messages easily - including parents who don't speak English. Talking Points is a two-way multi-lingual platform that allows teachers and parents to communicate in over 100 languages. Teachers use a web or mobile application to send messages to parents who receive them in their home languages as text messages or through the parent mobile app. Parents can reply in their own languages because Talking Points will automatically translate it to English for teachers. The software will sync directly to parent contact information in PowerSchool. Please sign up here: Talking Points
Emailing the teacher is another way to communicate. Please understand that teachers have 48 hours to respond but try to respond in 24 hours. They do not check email, during instruction, after school hours, on the weekend, or during breaks.
Your child's teacher will send a Smore communication bi-weekly. This will include upcoming events, classroom activities, field trip details, and more.
Tuesday Folders
We will send home Tuesday Folders weekly with students. We are asking all families to return Tuesday Folders on Wednesdays or the following school day.
**Please let your teacher know what language you need materials sent home in.
Daily Snack Time & Laptops
In 3rd grade, the students will have a working snack. This means that the students will continue with our lessons and their work as they eat. Students may bring a snack from home to enjoy during this time. Please be aware that this should be a non-messy snack they can eat with one hand. Just so you know, students may only drink water in the classroom. We will try to have emergency snacks available for students who forget their snacks. Thank you!
If your child brought their device home over the summer, then please return it with your child if it has not already been brought back in.
Specials Week of August 26th
Our specials will go on a two-day rotation by color. The days will rotate from Red to Orange to Yellow to Green to Blue and then back to Red with each rotation lasting two days. There will be some special days when the rotation may be broken for things like Field Day or school assemblies. These days will be listed as Purple days on the school calendar. Attached you will find a schedule linked with your child's special rotation listed by color.
Lunch and Breakfast
Meal Prices:
Meal prices for the 2024-25 school are noted below.
- Breakfast Cost--$1.75
- Lunch Cost--$3.50
Pre-Pay for Meals Online:
The easiest way to pay for school meals is to create an online account at www.MySchoolBucks.com. Please remember, you will need your child's student ID number to register. Once registered, parents may load money, set spending limits, and set-up auto-loading so that your child never runs out of lunch money.
Free/Reduced Price Meal Application:
If your family is in need of meal assistance, I strongly encourage you to complete and submit an application for Free/Reduced Cost Meals. Families in need of meal assistance must reapply every school year if they are interested in receiving meal benefits. Applications may be submitted online at https://www.wcpss.net/Page/1849. Paper copies are also available at the school.
Calling all Volunteers!
Every year you are required to reregister to volunteer. To do this you must be registered as a volunteer. Register as a WCPSS volunteer https://www.wcpss.net/Page/55232
Donate to scholarship fund, hospitality donations and or TSC- https://briarcliff.givebacks.com/
Sign up for Memberhub Hub https://briarcliff.givebacks.com/w/get-involved
Download RCityRocks, register for Harris Teeter VIC, etc. https://briarcliff.givebacks.com/w/fundraising
Here is our sign up for the Spirit Rock: https://briarcliff.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true
Return Forms Due ASAP
Please be sure to return all the forms you received at Meet the Teacher as soon as possible. If you did not receive them at Meet The Teacher they will have been sent home with your child on the first day of school.
Grades 3 -5 Author Visit: Scott Reintgen
Tuesday, September 24th
We are so excited to be having an author visit our school to meet with our students.
Monday, September 9th: Picture Day
Tuesday, September 10th: BOG Testing Day (Please get a good night's sleep)
Tuesday, September 10th: PTA Meeting @ 7 pm
Wednesday, September 11th: McDonald's Spirit Night
Thursday, September 19th: Curriculum Night 5:30 - 7:30
Friday, September 20th: No school- Teacher Workday
Tuesday, September 24th: Author Visit by Scott Reintgen
Daily Schedule
Our schedule will be the same each day except for Wednesdays. Both of our schedules are pictured below.