Mrs. Schebaum's Principal Epistle
December 1, 2024

St. George School is a faith-based community which fosters Catholic values while empowering students with strong academics.
Virtue of the Month- Generosity
Food for Thought!
As we kick off the advent season...Watch the videos attached and steal a couple of ideas from this list to help spread generosity as we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ.
- Donate a coat or jumper to charity (leaving a happy note in the pocket)
- Donate to the local food bank
- Make Christmas cards for your neighbors
- Leave change in the vending machine
- Sort through your toys and donate any that you no longer play with to charity or your local church
- Leave chalk messages around where you live
- Sharpen all the pencils in the classroom at break time
- Write a letter to your sibling telling them why you love them
- Leave a beautiful homemade bookmark in your library book and give one to the Librarian
- Leave a dollar in the shopping cart next time you go to the supermarket
- Deliver cookies to your neighbors
- Tidy your bedroom
- Write a note and mail them to the houses with great Christmas lights saying thank you for lighting up their house for you to see
- Sit next to someone you normally don’t at the lunch table and be nice to them
- Be a holiday helper – volunteer to deliver local Christmas cards
- Make a bird feeder
- Send a care package to someone in the military
- Find three of your toys to give to the local children’s hospital
- Pass on some of your books to friends
- Give a lottery ticket to a stranger
- Donate books to your school library
- Leave out water for the birds
- Write thank you cards for your teacher, coach, Cubs leader or people that have influenced you in a positive way
- Clean up the area where you live by picking up litter. Make sure you wear gloves and do it with an adult.
- Help round the house without being asked to
- Donate pet food to a local shelter
- Put together a shoebox for your local church
- Write a thank you note for the bin collectors and post person
- Wash your parents' car
- Give a homeless person a blanket
- Deice your neighbors' windshields in the morning
- Take everyone in your class a candy cane or cookie
- Take poinsettias to your nearest nursing home
- Make a Christmas card for the school custodians
- Offer to help an elderly friend or neighbor with their Christmas decorations
- Make Christmas flowers for secretary at school
- Make a thank you card for the school drop off staff
- Cook dinner for your family
- Offer to pack the shopping bags of the person in front of you and behind you at the supermarket
- Invite a new friend for a play date or out to play
- Walk someone else’s dog
- Give out a compliment
- Give out free hugs today
- Hold the door open for people all day
- Smile all day
- Let someone go in front of you in a queue
- Introduce yourself to someone new at school and chat with them
- Ring an elderly relative and have a nice chat with them
- Make a tree decoration for your babysitter
- Donate this week’s pocket money to charity
Student, Faculty and Staff Mission Reflection and Highlights
- Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten made poppies for our Veterans! Extras were handed out to our beloved parishioners!
- We could not be more proud of our Speech team and Mrs. Vieth after their first competition of the year! They brought home 10 blue and 2 red ribbons.
- Our 6th Grade class helped the Eagles’ Auxiliary with their Christmas gifts for senior housing and nursing home residents.
- Faculty, staff and students spoiled me on Principal's Day. I told them this and I truly believe it....I have the best job ever. I get to work alongside amazing educators who not only work hard each day to help your students learn but also love them. I get to play a role in each of our students lives and watch them grow into the amazing people God intended them to be. I get to be partners with all of you in their education. And I get the unwavering support of our parish and parishioners. Thank you so much for making me feel so loved and appreciated!
Family and Community Mission Reflection and Highlights
Thank you so much to the Parker Foundation Grant we were able to purchase many new STEM items for our science lab, to include this Plant Growing Tower.
Dragon Hatchlings
Dragon Hatchlings welcomes Hilary Hays to our team as well as Courtney Keeney, Kendall Walker and Faith Gabathuler.
Committee Updates
Student Council
- Student Council is will be selling fun Christmas sunglasses and headbands for $2.00 on December 20th!
School Advisory Council
- Minutes from the School Advisory Council meetings will be posted to our school website.
- Our next meeting is December 17, 2024 at 6:30 in the Conference Room.
Home and School/ Scrip
- Please see the attached document for ALL families roles for the Bazaar! If you can't make your shift it is your responsibility to find your replacement and let us know so we can update our SignUp sheet.
- 12 Treasures and 10/10 tickets are being sold now. Each family has been asked to sell at least one ticket 12 Treasures ticket and your pack of 10/10 tickets.
- Let our Scrip program help you complete your holiday shopping and gifting!
- Please purchase or order gift cards by Noon, Sunday, December 15th at the latest to receive your selected gift cards in time for the holidays.
- Scrip forms are attached! The On Hand Order form (white form) lists brands and denominations normally on-hand for immediate purchase and our Pink Form lists additional brands and denominations that are available for our program to order and have available in approximately 1 week (Pink form was sent home Friday before Fall break).
- Sundays after 7:00 am or 10:30 am Mass,
- The 5 pm Saturday Mass when a seller is available,
- Friday mornings 7-7:45 am in the Church basement while school is in session,
- Friday, December 6th at the Bazaar
- Wednesday, December 11th following the Matinee Christmas Concert until 3:30 pm in the Church basement,
- Friday, December 20th 2:30 to 3:30 pm in the Church Basement for available on-hand card
Christmas Raffle tickets can also be purchased at Hermann Lumber and Tanglez.
- Come cheer on our boys and girls' basketball teams!
Long Range Planning
- Mark your calendars for next year...September 13, 2025.
- Consider items your could donate and purchase them tomorrow during CyberMonday for great sales.
What's New and Friendly Reminders
I am still looking for some parents to help with Lunch Duty. We have an every other Monday, every other Wednesday open. If you are interested in helping us out please contact the office.
St. George School is looking for someone who can help find and apply for grants for the school. Please contact the office if you or you know someone who can help.
Confirmed Mass Times for Christmas.
5:00 P.M. Children's Mass at Church of the Risen Savior
7:30 P.M. Children's Mass at St. George
12:00 A.M. Midnight Mass at St. George
8:00 A.M. Mass at Church of the Risen Savior
10:00 A.M. Mass at St. George
St. George is looking for servers for the Christmas Midnight Mass. If your child can serve please let Paula in the parish office know.
Upcoming Dates
December 2... Title 1 Night at the Library at 4:30.
December 5...Bazaar Set Up 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. See SignUps for your shifts.
December 6...Students can wear a spirit shirt with uniform bottoms.
December 6...We WILL HAVE After School Care.
December 6...Christmas Bazaar 5:00- 8:00 p.m. See SignUps for your shifts.
December 8...Virtue Masses at 7:00 and 8:30 a.m.
December 9...Home Basketball Games at 6:00 and 7:00 p.m.
December 11...Christmas Concert at 1:00 and 6:00 p.m. in the gym!
December 11...We WILL HAVE After School Care.
December 16...Home Basketball Games starting at 5:30 p.m.
December 17...School Advisory Council Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
December 18... Dads of Dragons at 5:00 p.m.
December 19...Hermann Middle School Games starting at 5:30 p.m. at HMS! Support Cale and Ethan!
December 19...Home Basketball Games starting at 6:30 p.m.
December 20...OOU- PJs and Sweats
December 20...End of 2nd Quarter
December 23-January 3...NO SCHOOL...CHRISTMAS BREAK!
December 25...Christmas and Mr. Halbert's Birthday!
January 6...Return to School for 3rd Quarter
Other Dates to Keep in Mind
January 16th- 1st Reconciliation at St. George Church
January 20th... No School...Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 24th...OOU- Country vs. Country Club
January 27th-31st...Catholic Schools Week
February 7...St. George Parish Mouse Races
February 13th...OOU...Neon and Tie Dye
February 14...No School- Local PD Day
February 17...No School- President's Day
February 20th- 2nd Grade Center Night at 6:00 p.m.
March 3-6th...Read Across America Week
March 7th...No School- Diocesan PD Day
March 20th- 2nd Grade Retreat
March 21st... OOU-Sports Day
April 16th...Early Dismissal at 12:30
April 17-22nd....No School- Easter Break
April 21st...Blood Drive
April 25th... OOU- Color Wars
April 30th...Grandparent's Day
May 1st...8th Grade Mass in Jefferson City
May 4th- 1st Communion at 1:00 p.m.
May 7th- 6th Grade Vocations Day in Columbia
May 9th- 3rd/ 4th Grade Field Trip to Daniel Boone Home
May 12th...Home and School Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
May 16th...Last Day of School...Early Dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
May 16th...8th Grade Graduation at 6:00 p.m.