Principal Message
November 22, 2024

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Brookline Education Foundation's 5th Grade Spelling Bee
Congratulations to all of the participants in the BEF's 5th Grade Spelling Bee that took place last weekend! Runkle had six students compete in this amazing event; Aaron Fuchs, Anders Hwang, Maxwell Jacobs, Sofia Karl, Ethan Mi, and Aliza Stein. Sofia Karl took first place. She was able to successfully spell 'capricious'. Maxwell Jacobs was one of 6 runner ups. Kim Barnum, Executive Director of the BEF, will be dropping off prizes this week. We are so proud of our Runkle students for participating in this event.
Paraprofessional Pot Luck
Runkle School could not function without the support of our talented Paraprofessionals at every grade level. We try to find any opportunity to celebrate and thank them for their hard work. Last Friday the paras had a Pot Luck Lunch in the library. We invited Ms. Allison Sokoloff (retired RISE teacher) to join us. The paras decided to name the pot lucks, "The Allison Sokoloff Celebratory Pot Luck". We also gave out two awards. The first award was for a teacher who the paras felt supported inclusion and their work with students everyday. Ms. Alaina Ortiz (Art Teacher) received this honor. The teachers voted on an award for an outstanding paraprofessional. Mr. Ismael Guerrero, middle school para, received this honor for his empathy and kindness to our 7th and 8th graders. Runkle loves their paras! Thank you Kraig Herd for making this happen:)
Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers
Runkle 3rd and 6th graders enjoyed a presentation by the Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers on November 20th. Thank you Ms. Dailey and Runkle's PTO/PAAR (Performing Arts at Runkle) for making this happen on very short notice!
Electronic Scooters and Bikes at Runkle
Runkle's administrators have received numerous reports of students riding electronic scooters and bikes ON THE PLAYGROUND before and after school. Our students are welcome to use these modes of transportation to and from school, but they CANNOT ride them around the basketball court and playground. Students are sharing the scooters, riding without helmets, bumping into smaller children, and rushing into the street below without stopping to look for oncoming cars. I have tried to speak to the individuals who I know use the scooters, but the reports keep coming in. Please speak to your children if they are using these (mostly) scooters to get to school. We appreciate the help spreading this safety message.
Gratitude Breakfast
This morning some of Ms. Sands' and Mr. Glick's students hosted their annual Gratitude Breakfast for adult helpers at Runkle. This is a beautiful event with healthy food, kind notes, funny jokes, and lots of great conversation supported by our talented SLPs and OT (Ms. Vish, Ms. Horan, Ms. Tavares, and Dr. Mathieson). What a wonderful way to end our week:)
Kindergarten Snuggle and Read
Grade 5 Morning Share
PTO Annual Fund Reminder
Mr. Pelton and I look forward to celebrating the winning grade level for participation in the Annual Fund this year. We always plan a fun event. Please consider making a donation to support Runkle's PTO. They do incredible work with our teachers and students.
The Runkle Annual Fund supports every teacher and every student at Runkle every year. Your student has already benefitted from the materials provided for their classroom, the visiting artists who come in for each grade every year, community events like the Halloween Fair and Math and Science night, field trip support and so much more! The Annual Fund provides the “extras” that make Runkle such a special place, and it is all thanks to your donations to the Annual Fund.
Our budget for the year is $67k to accomplish all the amazing things we do for our students and teachers. We're currently at $21k a third of the way there! Every donation helps us to reach your goal.
Venmo @Runkle PTO - add a comment with your student’s grade level(s).
With credit card via PayPal giving fund.
Leave a check made out to Runkle PTO in the school office with Tracey Legendre.
Important Dates
Monday, November 25th - Grade 8 Field Trip to Level 99
Tuesday, November 26th - PICTURE RETAKE DAY! Form below.
Wednesday, November 27th - NOON Dismissal for Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, November 28th - Sunday, December 1st - Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, December 4th - Pre-K-12 Early Release Day at 12:40 pm
Thursday, December 5th - Grades 1 and 2 Field Trip to Wheelock Theatre at 9:30 am.
Thursday, December 5th - Runkle School Waste Audit at 1:00 pm
Wednesday, December 11th - RISE Parent Coffee at 8:15 am in Runkle Library
Friday, December 13th - PTO Sponsored Candy House Decorating at 1:40 pm
December 23rd - January 1st - Winter Break
Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating!
I hope everyone has a peaceful break with family and friends next week. I am grateful for our talented teachers and staff at Runkle who do the hard work everyday. I am even more grateful for the amazing children you entrust to our care. We love to see those smiles as they learn and grow each day.
Be Well,