Lewis and Clark Newsletter
October 2, 2024
🤩 Join us for Student Led Parent Conferences October 3rd!
Mark your calendars!
Student Led Parent Conferences
We would like to invite and encourage our families to plan on attending Student Led Parent Conferences being held on October 3rd. Conferences will take place Thursday from 12:00-6:30pm. Parents please bring your student(s) with you and attend at your convenience during the scheduled times, as these will be student-led conferences. Students and staff will also be dismissed early on Friday Oct. 4th.
Sack lunches will be available both Thursday and Friday. Students may pick them up in the cafeteria on their way home.
Thursday October 3
- 11:30 dismissal for all grades
- Conferences 12:00-6:30pm
Friday October 4
- 11:30 dismissal for all grades and staff
We look forward to discussing the academic progress of your child at your conference.
Thursday, Oct 3, 2024, 12:00 PM
Lewis & Clark Middle School, Lewis Avenue, Billings, MT, USA
School Climate Survey
We want to hear about your experience with your student’s education. We invite you to participate in completing the School Climate Survey. This survey includes questions about your student’s learning, school safety, and interpersonal relationships, as well as your attitudes about the institutional environment and your personal involvement in school. Your responses will be very helpful in improving student relationships, learning conditions, and the overall school environment.
Beginning October 3, 2024, we invite all parents, guardians and caretakers to complete this survey for our school. The survey is completely anonymous and brief; it contains 21 questions and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.
As you respond to each item, think about your own personal experiences as a parent, caregiver or guardian at your student’s school. Please answer all of the questions, or your answers won’t be recorded, but you can mark “I prefer not to answer” if you don’t want to answer a question about you.
Thank you for your participation!
🎽 New Sports Information
Session Two: Girls Basketball and Wrestling
- October 21-December 19
Session Three: Boys Basketball
- January 2-February 20
Participation fees for all sports is $55. Shirts are $13. All physical forms and paperwork should be turned in to the office prior to the first day of practice.
👟 Go Scouts!
All smiles at Cross Country!
We're getting faster every week!
🤩 Lewis and Clark Clubs
Clubs are a great way to get involved and make school fun! Find one that fits you!
All students will need a signed permission slip to participate in a club. Space is limited in some clubs and some may require an application process. Please see advisor for details.
📷 Picture Days!
Picture Retakes
- Monday November 4
📘 Book Fair!
The book fair is coming to Lewis! Load up on your favorite books and authors! The book fair will run from September 30-October 4. Stop in while you are here for Student Led Conferences. There will be something for the whole family! 🤗
📅 Looking Ahead
- September 30-October 4- Book Fair in the Library
- October 3- Student Led Parent Conferences 12-6pm (Early dismissal @11:30am)
- October 4- Early Dismissal @11:30am
- October 11- Six Week Grade Reports
- October 17-18- No School/MEA Convention for Teachers
🧳 Chromebook Sleeves are in! We will hand them out Thursday October 3!
Please remember to bring your $10 for your protective chromebook sleeve! Students will keep these and use them for all years attending Lewis.
Stay Connected!
Are you on Parent Square?
We use Parent Square to communicate with our families! Please download the app or get signed up for an account today! We don't want anyone to miss out on fun and important information!
Contact Info
Lewis and Clark Middle School
Principal: Mrs. Jody SulserAsst. Principal: Mr. Tyler Blood
Main Office: Ms. Amanda Stephenson 406-281-5900
Website: https://www.billingsschools.org/our-schools/middle-schools/lewis-clark
Location: 1315 Lewis Avenue Billings, MT. 59102
Phone: (406) 281-5900
Facebook: facebook.com/lewisandclarkscouts