Austin High School
Black Bear News -- Sept. 22, 2024
Principal's Message
This week, we have several exciting activities! On Thursday, our Volleyball team will host the Morgan County Volleyball tournament and our Flag Football team will travel to Grissom.
On Friday, our football team travels to Florence. The Dress-up theme on Friday is "Hats off to the Bears" (Hat Day.)
On Saturday, our Band will compete in their 1st Competition of the year at Pinson Valley and our Cross Country Team is running at Scottsboro. Good luck to all our students! Go Bears!
If you have a question or a concern, please feel free to email me at demond.garth@dcs.edu. #BestIsTheStandard!
Have a great day!
Homecoming Dance Information
- AHS is hosting our Homecoming Dance on Saturday, Oct. 5 in the AHS Cafeteria.
- Tickets will go on sale on Monday, Sept. 30 in the Cafeteria and the main office. The last day to buy tickets is Friday, Oct. 4.
- This year, Seniors and Juniors are allowed to bring an outside guest. The outside guest form must be turned in to the main office by Thursday, Oct. 3 by 3:30 p.m. No Exceptions.
- Any student who has been assigned CAS for the 24-25 school year will NOT be allowed to attend.
- We look forward to a fun night!!
2024 AHS Homecoming Queens Court
Senior Class Attendants
Junior Class Attendants
Sophomore Class Attendants
Senior Class Nominees
Junior Class Nominees
Sophomore Class Nominees
Homecoming Kick-Off Escorts
Austin Ambassador Meeting
Austin Ambassadors will have a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 24 during A-hop.
If you are unable to attend, we will have a quick morning meeting on Wednesday at 8:05 in room A102.
Redstone Federal Credit Union
The Austin High School Redstone Federal Credit Union Branch is now open.
We will only be open on B Days this school year. Be sure to come and visit us during 3rd block on B Days!
Tennis Interest Meeting
Are you interested in joining the Boys black bear tennis team?
Please see Coach Tinsley in B-107 or email caroline.tinsley@dcs.k12.al.us. for details or information.
Testing Information for Oct. 16
Major Fair @ Calhoun
- Seniors: Not sure which career path to take? Want to make the most out of your time and education? Then don’t miss out on the first-ever Major Fair at Calhoun on September 24th!
- Explore your career options with representatives from Calhoun’s faculty, staff, administrative team, and even a few student clubs and organizations.
- Please see your school counselor with any questions or concerns. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aiCh7JwEQI_f1HGCashP02DO837Z4dlP.
September is Suicide Prevention Month
AHS Parking Decals are REQUIRED
AHS Counselors
Ann Faulk
256-552-3071 Ext. 6440
Joy Dixon
256-552-3071 Ext. 6408
Catrena Jackson
256-552-3071 Ext. 6424
AHS Administrators
Rachel Bailey
12th Grade Assistant Principal
Dr. Vivian Malone
11th Grade Assistant Principal
Regan Carpenter
10th Grade Assistant Principal
Connecting to AHS
Email: demond.garth@dcs.edu
Website: https://ahs.dcs.edu/
Location: 3004 Modaus Road Southwest, Decatur, AL, USA
Phone: 256-552-3060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AHSBBN