Paw Prints ~ Campus Newsletter
February 9, 2025
Paw Prints Table of Contents
Section 1: Calendar of Events / Links
Section 2: Campus Current Events
Section 3: Community News
Section 4: PTO News
Section 5: Quick Reference
SECTION 1: Calendar of Events / Links
Downloadable Printable Monthly Calendars
Important Dates for the Week
February is Black History Month
Monday, February 10
Continue registering your student for the Campbell Cougar Fun Run at https://mybooster.com
Campus Climate Survey window is now open! Let us know how we are going!
Tuesday, February 11
Wednesday, February 12
Student Campbell Cougar Fun Run Kick-off during Specials Class
Thursday, February 13
3rd Nine Weeks Progress Reports Released
$5 Pay Wild Free Dress Day ~ Make sure to follow LCISD Dress Code
Donated Teacher Homemade Baked Treats Due (See note below)
Pepperoni's Spirit Day
Friday, February 14 ~ Happy Valentine's Day
Spirit Day ~ Students wear jeans with a Campbell spirit shirt or students can wear Valentine's Day outfits
Special Cougar Store ~ Trinkets and Donuts (Library)
Saturday, February 15
LEAF Men Who Cook Fundraiser (Go to https://www.lcisd.org for details)
National School Resource Officer Day ~ Thank you Officer Wooldridge for all you do for Campbell!
Monday, February 17
Presidents' Day ~ Student Holiday
Lopez Spirit Day 11:00am - 9:00pm (Let them know you are there for Campbell's Spirit Day & write your name on your receipt for a gift card drawing)
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Social Media Links
School Web-site:
Campbell Campus Face Book Link:
Campbell Specials Face Book Link:
PTO Web-Site:
PTO Instagram Site:
Grade Level Face Book Links:
Kindergarten ~ Search "Campbell Elementary Class of 2037"
1st Grade ~ Search "Campbell Elementary Class of 2036"
2nd Grade ~ Search "Campbell Elementary Class of 2035"
3rd Grade ~ Search "Campbell Parents Class of 2034"
4th Grade ~ Search "Campbell Class of 2033"
5th Grade ~ Search "Campbell Elementary Class of 2032"
Theme for 2024-2025
Campbell All-Stars
Hitting It Out of the Park Since 2000
Staff Shout-outs
Staff Shout Outs: At our faculty meeting this week, we were able to share two heart-felt shout-outs with the teachers. This is a great way to let your child's teacher or a staff member know how much they are appreciated! Thank you to those who have taken a moment to share your appreciation with our teachers & staff. This link will be live all school year so that the positive accolades can be shared and celebrated! Help us spread some joy to our staff members for a job well done or a note of appreciation.
Principal's Message
Campbell Cougar Fun Run Update
Sign-up for the Cougar Fun Run ~ We have 144 students signed-up!
The Campbell Cougar Fun Run is in full swing! The first step is for our parents to register their student. All students who register will get a token prize and a coupon for a free Whataburger Meal Coupon. Our goal this year is to raise $20,000 for special purchases including laptops to benefit ALL students at Campbell Elementary. With all of the new technology software tools we provide our students, having the hardware to access them is critical!
We’re excited for this fundraising experience because it offers 3 important things to our school community:
1️⃣ User-friendly fundraising platform
2️⃣ Character enrichment program
3️⃣ Fitness-focused event that includes ALL of our students
As a family, you will work together asking friends and family to donate on your student’s Donation Page at https://MyBooster.com. The best part is, you can still support our school just by SHARING about the fundraiser!
Students will also experience an amazing character enrichment program called “Castle Quest”, teaching students about how to be brave and live with character.
Key Dates to Remember:
💻 Sign up online at https://MyBooster.com – 01/29/2025
🎉 Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 02/12/2025
👟 Event Day – 02/21/2025
😁 Schedule - 8:30-9:30 Kindergarten & 1st Grade / 9:45-10:45 2nd & 3rd Grade / 1:00-2:00 4th & 5th Grade / 2:00 School Wide Fun Run Program (A Fast Pass link will be sent closer to the event. We hope all of our parents can join us!) Follow our social media pages for updates on our fundraiser.
Michelle Koerth
Principal, Campbell Elementary
Campus Climate Survey
Campbell Staff Needs Your Input!
Dear Lamar CISD Parents/Guardians,
We are seeking your feedback as part of our ongoing efforts to assess and enhance our campus environments by participating in the 2024-2025 Annual Campus Climate Survey. Campbell has four critical pillars, we call them "The 4 C's" , we focus on every year: Communication, Commitment, Curriculum and Continuous Improvement. We aren't perfect but we strive for perfection. Growth requires feedback from everyone involved in our educational journey. Of course, we stand ready to assist our students and parents daily so if you have an individual need contact your child's teacher or the campus for assistance. Thank you for your commitment to partner with us in your child's education.
Parents and guardians will receive a link to the survey in an email from K12 Insight. Families with more than one student may submit additional responses after the first survey is completed.
This survey is also an essential tool for gathering valuable feedback from our staff and students in grades 5-12. A link will be sent to all staff and will be accessible via ClassLink for students to complete during school hours.
The survey will be available from February 3 until February 28. Your feedback is confidential, and reports will not identify individuals. After the survey closes, the report will be posted on the Lamar CISD website. If you have any questions, please send an email to Info@LCISD.org.
We appreciate your time and participation as we continue to lead our students and staff to academic success.
$5 Pay Wild Free Dress ~ Thursday, February 13, 2025
Teacher Appreciation Committee Needs Some Assistance
Let's SPOIL our teachers!
We need homemade baked goods for a treat cart on Valentine's Day
Calling all Bakers!
Please help us provide our faculty with a Valentines dessert bar on February 14. If you or someone you know is a great baker of cookies, brownies, treats, cakes, or pies, we'd love your help. Please sign up for a dozen or two treats below to donate. Drop off at the front desk by February 13. If it needs to be refrigerated, please drop off the morning of February 14.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0A48AAA62EA6FD0-54846112-teacher
Special Cougar Store ~ February 14, 2025
Donuts for sale in addition to some Valentine's Day trinkets
Campbell Now has Special Door Locks
It's Spring with summertime heat! Dress Code Reminders!
Special Spirit Day at Lopez's in Richmond
Students have off President's Day ~ 2/17/25
Great day to grab lunch together or enjoy a family dinner!
Added BONUS: Chance to win a $30 Gift Card!
Campus Spirit Day that Benefits our Teachers!
Beanstack / Author Cathey Nickell / Parent Permission Needed for ebooks
FEBRUARY BEANSTACK CHALLENGE: Our January Beanstack Reading Challenge ended on January 31. Keep logging minutes in Beanstack, Cougars! Our February challenge has begun. Read and record!
AUTHOR VISIT: Author Cathey Nickell is still coming to Campbell! We rescheduled our visit with her and plan to have her come on Tuesday, February 25. All grades will hear her presentation. You may still send in the book order forms until Friday, February 21. We can't wait to have her! Contact Mrs. Maddan for questions.
PARENT PERMISSION NEEDED: LCISD has a new district policy related to the Digital Library Collection. Parents have the ability to allow their children to access library books digitally. The online library collection follows the same careful policies as the libraries at school.
To allow your child to continue to have access to online books, you will need to go into Skyward, online forms, and fill out the ebook form. If you opt in, students will have access to online platforms such as Bookflix and Lightbox. If you have already done this, no further action is required.
Please contact your child's teacher or our librarian, Mrs. Maddan, at mailto:marybridget.maddan@lcisd.org if you have any questions. In addition, the email from the district is copied below as a reference and a pdf is available to use as a reference to log into Skyward.
Dear Lamar CISD Parents and Guardians,
We wanted to make you aware of a new district policy related to Lamar CISD’s Digital Library Collection, giving parents the ability to allow their children to access library books digitally. The new policy empowers parents and guardians with greater control but also requires them to opt-in in order to ensure their student has continued access to the district’s extensive digital library collection.
Effective November 19, 2024, Board Policy EFB (Local) now requires parental consent for students to access content in the digital library collection. eBooks in the library collection are digital versions of books that can be read on electronic devices such as tablets, e-readers, and computers. These eBooks provide the same content as physical books, but in a convenient digital format, making them easily accessible from anywhere.
Our digital library collection adheres to the same careful selection policies as our physical campus libraries, ensuring age- and grade-appropriate content for all students. Students will only have access to materials suitable for their grade level, as determined by Board Policy EFB (Local).
To support your role in guiding your child’s reading, the Lamar CISD Library Services department encourages you to provide consent for your child’s access to this valuable literacy and learning resource. The simple opt-in process can be accessed in the Skyward Family Access Center under the “Online Forms” menu option.
You can also follow the step-by-step directions available HERE to access the form in Skyward Family Access. If you have any questions about the opt-in process, or Lamar CISD’s Digital Library Collection, please contact LCISD Library Services Coordinator, Sarah Falcon, Sarah.Falcon@LCISD.org. Lamar CISD Library Services
Re-scheduled Author Visit ~ Tuesday, February 25
Book orders due Friday, February 21
Important Action Item for Parents:
Chess Anyone?
This is a great opportunity for all 4th and 5th grade students to play chess with their friends before school. Chess boards will be available in the cafeteria beginning February 3 at 6:45am. Come early to get a seat and have some fun! Seating will be available on a first come first serve basis and no “saving seats”, thank you.
Need a little extra practice try https://chess.com to help sharpen your skills! If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Holzhuter at dholzhuter@lcisd.org or Loren Carver at Lcarver@lcisd.org
Chess dates:
February 3, 10, 24
March 3, 17, 24
April 7, 28
Lamar CISD Job Fair
GRHS Band Booster Club Fundraiser
ALL Students Get a Fun Run t-shirt!
Every Student Who Signs Up Gets a Prize!
Registration is NOW Open!
Thank You Campbell Fun Run Sponsors 2025
Pepperoni's Gives to Campbell PTO Every Thursday!
PTO Feedback Form
Forms due March 1, 2025
Our PTO Board wants to know which fundraisers, events, and improvements you would like to see completed next year! Providing your opinion helps guide us as a Board towards what the community as a whole would like to see addressed and improved. Next school year's PTO Budget and fundraisers/events will be voted on at the Spring General Meeting after the Volunteer Breakfast on April 17th. We hope to see you there.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey below through our PTO website.
How to Load Pictures in Treering for the Yearbook
PTO Information on Membership, Marquee Birthday Announcements, etc.
GOAL: 100% of our staff and parents to join our Parent Teacher Organization!
Benefits of Joining PTO:
- Membership Tool Kit App available
- Calendar reminders of school events
- Make a donation to the PTO Cougar Fund - Support our Staff! We love our educators and this is a perfect way to spoil our hard-working teachers and support staff!
- Purchase a Birthday Marquee Announcement ~ Due by the 15th of the month prior. Review the exception for September on the PTO Web-site.
Contents in Quick Reference Section
- Tardy Information
- Rainy Day Dismissal Plan
- How to Order a Maroon Campbell Cougar t-shirt
- School Cash Information
- How to Request Volunteer Clearance
- FAQ Reference Information
- Maroon Cougar Shirt Ordering Form
- Lamar CISD Technology Policy
- How to Access & Use Canvas
- How to Access Your Child's STAAR Scores
- SRP ~ Standard Response Protocol / 4S (Safety Procedures)
- Dress Code & Consequences for Not Following Dress Code
- 5th Grade Color Out Days & Spirit Wear Guidelines
- Directions on Requesting Bus Transportation
- MyStop App Directions
- Lamar CISD Parent Standards Code of Conduct
- Lamar CISD Instructional Calendar
- Lamar CISD School Supply List
Tardy Information
Rainy Day Dismissal Plan
How to Order a Maroon Campbell t-shirt
How to Pay for School Related Events / Items
How to Request Clearance to Volunteer in LCISD
FAQ Reference 2024-2025
Maroon Cougar Shirt Order Form
Lamar CISD Technology Policy 2024-2025
Canvas Support
Need support on how to use Canvas?
Canvas is a platform to support the learning environment. Click on this link as a means to learn more about Canvas: https://www.lcisd.org/students-parents/canvas/canvas-information
How to Access 2024 STAAR Scores
Safety Information
SRP: Standard Response Protocol
During the next few months and years, Lamar CISD will see the construction of a host of new buildings, campus additions, and facility renovations. The safety and security of our students and staff will remain of the utmost importance during all construction projects. With our new 4S campaign, we hope to empower every Lamar CISD student, staff member, and visitor with the knowledge and tools to be a safety and security monitor of our school community.