Bulldog Blast
Principal's Message
Bulldog Families,
This Saturday, March 8, 2025, is the 114th annual Founder's Day Parade on Main street! We will have some groups of kids marching in the parade and I am sure they would love your support. The festival opens at 10:00am and the parade begins at 4:00pm. We hope to see you there!
As a reminder for Coach Fisher's memorial service this Friday:
Friday, March 7, 2025 at 6:00pm on the ZHS football field
Please park on the practice field and enter through the gates by the concession stand. There will be no access to the field from the gym parking lot.
Please sit in the bleachers as you would a regular football game.
The concession stand will be open as Coach Fisher would want the "football game" vibe for his final send-off.
Come celebrate the life of a wonderful coach and community member!
Always remember that Bulldogs Bark!
Bulldogs are:
B - Brave (brave enough to always do what is right, not necessarily easy)
A - Academically Engaged (focused on learning and making progress)
R - Responsible (taking accountability and making good choices)
K - Kind (just be nice!)
Proud Principal,
Amanda McCoy, Ed.S.
Bulldog Business 3/3/25
Monday, 3/3/25
o E1/EGP planning - media - am/pm
o ZHS SIT team meeting - 315 - 10:15am
o Winter Coaches Conference - District Office - 6:00pm
o V Baseball away at GHS - 7:00pm
Tuesday, 3/4/25
o EGP Mock Exam Makeups - Various Locations - 8:00am
o E2 Planning - Media - am
o Algebra 1 Planning - Media - am/pm
o ZHS SBLT Meeting - Media - 1:45pm
o FFA Judging Practice - 800 - 1:45pm
o Boys Tennis away vs GHS - 3:30pm
o Girls Tennis home vs GHS - 3:30pm
o JV Baseball away vs WCHS - 6:00pm
o Flag Football away at WCHS vs LOLHS - 6:00pm
o JV/V Softball home vs WRHS - 6:00pm (Yonkof cover)
Wednesday, 3/5/25
o College/Career/AVID day (rep your favorite with jeans!)
o English General Paper Mock Exam 2 makeups - Various Locations - 8:00am
o Upper-level math planning - media - am/pm
o Spring Sport Pictures - Gym - 2:00pm
o Boys Weightlifting home vs WCHS - 4:00pm
o JV Baseball home vs WRHS - 6:00pm (Hardy cover)
Thursday, 3/6/25
o CTE testing (Business) - 710 - 8:00am
o ZHS CNA Meeting - Teams - 10:30am
o Boys Tennis home vs AHS - 4:00pm
o Girls Tennis away vs AHS - 4:00pm
o V Baseball away vs WRHS - 7:00pm
Friday, 3/7/25
o Bulldog Spirit Day (rep ZHS with jeans!)
o Calendar Meeting - Admin Conference - 8:15am
o Admin Meeting - Admin Conference - 9:15am
o Track away vs CCHS - 11:00am
o Girls Tennis away vs FHS - 3:30pm
o Coach Tom Fisher Memorial Service - Football Stadium - 6:00pm (McCoy cover)
o V Baseball away vs IMG - 7:00pm
o V Softball away vs HHS - 7:00pm
Saturday, 3/8/25
o Girls Weightlifting away vs Leesburg - 9:00am
o Rho Kappa parking at Ren Fest - 9:00am
o FFA Cracker Cowboy Days Dinner - Pioneer Museum - 5:00pm
o Zephyrhills Founders Day Parade and Festival - Main Street - 10:00am
Sunday, 3/9/25
o Rho Kappa parking at Ren Fest - 9:00am
o Criminal Justice Club at Ren Fest - 9:00am
Great Things are Happening at ZHS!
The girls' tennis team had a strong performance against RRHS, securing a tie! Jayna and Jenna won their doubles match as did Jayka and Abby! Jenna also won her singles match!
JRTOC got 1st place for Female Squad Exhibition and 2nd place for Female Unarmed at the drill meet last week!
Rho Kappa has been working hard to raise money at the Renaissance Festival!