Winthrop Weekly
May 8, 2024
Principally Speaking
Dear Winthrop Families,
Our artist-in-residence, Yetti Frankel, has begun to work with students during their art classes this week! The children have been overjoyed to see the drawings they made of Ipswich Outdoors included in the mosaic. I have included a sneak peek of different mosaic pieces the students have begun working on. You will see how the black and white drawings are laid underneath the wedi board- a foam board covered with a thin layer of fiberglass mesh and a cement coating. They worked in small groups to arrange small glass tiles for each picture. Our older students have also learned to carefully and safely cut the tiles to fit the designs. It is amazing to see how each section is created into a masterpiece.
We would love to have all families involved in the mosaic build. Our Art in the Park event is happening this Saturday, May 11th from 2-4 pm. Please come by Winthrop School to contribute to our new mosaic, and to help spruce up the playground. Please add your name to the sign-up to volunteer or donate. All are welcome to stop by anytime between 2-4 pm.
Crane Beach Day will be held on Tuesday, June 11th this year with a raindate of Wednesday, June 12th.
The last day of school for PK is Friday, June 7th. The last day of school for Grades K-5 is Thursday, June 13th. Dismissal will be at 1:50 PM.
The Grade 5 Graduation/Moving On Ceremony will be held on Thursday, June 13th.
Important Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, May 8th: FRIES Meeting, 6:30 PM
- Thursday, May 9th: Early Release, PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50, Free Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
- Friday, May 10th: Grade 4 MCAS, Session 1
- Friday, May 10th: Grade 2 Field Trip to Crane Beach
- Friday, May 10th: Grade 5 Field Trip to Vernal Pools
- Saturday, May 11th: Art in the Park- Winthrop Mosaic Project and Playground Clean Up, 2-4 PM
- Saturday, May 12th: Mothers Day
- Tuesday, May 14th: Grade 4 MCAS Math, Session 2
- Tuesday, May 14th: Team Beckwolves - Field Trip to Take Flight
- Wednesday, May 15th: Grade 5 STE MCAS, Session 1
- Wednesday, May 15th: Girls, Inc, 3 PM
- Thursday, May 16th: Early Release, PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50, Free Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
- Thursday, May 16th: Grade 5 SLC Newspaper Club, 2-3 PM
- Thursday, May 16th: Variety Show Auditions, Grades 4 and 5, 2- 3:15 PM
- Thursday, May 16th: 7th Annual STEAM Showcase, 5- 7 PM @ IMS/HS Lower Gym
- Friday, May 17th: Grade 5 STE MCAS, Session 2
- Friday, May 17th: Grade 1 Field Trip to Boston Public Gardens
- Friday, May 17th: Green Team Harvest of the Month during lunches
- Monday, May 20th: Author Visit, Raul the Third- Grades 2 and 3
- Tuesday, May 21st: Early Act Meeting, 8 AM in the Library
- Tuesday, May 21st: Kindergarten Field Trip to Crane Beach Dunes
- Wednesday, May 22nd: Grade 1 Concert, 7 PM @ Winthrop Cafeteria
- Thursday, May 23rd: Grade 5 Workout, 8 AM
- Thursday, May 23rd: Early Release PK @1:30, K-5 @ 1:50, Free Open Door Mobile Mart @ dismissal
- Thursday, May 23rd: Doyon and Winthrop Grade 5 Mixer, 2:30-4:30 PM @ Ipswich YMCA
- Friday, May 24th: Winthrop Memorial Day Assembly, 10 AM Winthrop Cafeteria
- Monday, Mary 27th: No School, Memorial Day
For a complete list of school events, please see the Winthrop School Calendar
Ipswich Public Schools Calendar
Winthrop School Calendar
Solar Eclipse Recycling
Dear Winthrop School,
We are the fourth and fifth grade SLC ( Student Leadership Council). We collected 108 eclipse glasses to send to South America for the next eclipse. Thank you for donating your eclipse glasses. We appreciate it!
- Grayson Whitaker & Caleb Chapman
Early Act Book Drive
Hello Ipswich citizens, we are the 4th and 5th grade SLC (student leadership council) early act members. We are asking you if you can support the Ipswich Public Library by donating books to our book drive. The dropoff spot is at the Winthrop School lobby. We are accepting gently used books by 5/17. You can donate fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels and more. We look forward to receiving your donations. - Amelia Linehan & Lainey Rita
Winthrop Field Day - 5/31
It’s that time of year again, Field Day! Field day is for Grades PreK - 5th and will take place on Friday, May 31st with a rain date of Tuesday, June 4th. We are looking for parent volunteers who are interested in making field day a fun success. If you are able to help out, please fill out and return the slip (in the PDF attachment below) to your child's classroom teacher by Friday, May 24th. All parent volunteers must have an active CORI on file with the school. CORIs can take a day or two to process. Please see Jeanne Vlahos to complete a CORI form.
Field day has been a resounding success year after year because of the support and help we get from our parent volunteers. A volunteer's job is to be the expert at the station, to explain the rules, directions, and goals of the station. Teachers travel around with all the groups and will be responsible for classroom management.
Grades: 3-5 & Miss Tina’s Preschool: 9:00-10:58 am (Check-in time for volunteers 8:40 am)
Grades: K-2 & Miss Emily’s Preschool: 12:30-2:40 pm (Check-in time for volunteers 12:10 pm)
Field Day check-in time (if you are volunteering) is either 8:40 am or 12:10 pm in the gymnasium. You will first need to sign in at the front office. Then you will head to the gymnasium to receive station assignments, gather equipment, and to learn about your station.
All school volunteers and chaperones must have an updated CORI on file with Ipswich Public Schools. Please email Mrs. Vlahos at jvlahos@ipsk12.net to check on your CORI status. If you do not have an updated CORI, please reach out to her as soon as possible and at least one week before volunteering.
Thank you in advance! We are looking forward to a fun, educational day emphasizing teamwork and cooperation. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mr. Falconieri. E-mail is the best form of communication and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Anthony Falconieri - afalconieri@ipsk12.net
Mark Southam - msoutham@ipsk12.net
Please see the link to the letter below with volunteer sign up.
Spring Concerts and Shows
Wednesday 5/22: Grade 1 Concert, 7 PM
Thursday 5/30: Grade 5 Show, 7 PM
Spring MCAS Testing- Almost Finished!
Please make every effort for students to be present during their grade level's test administration dates. Scheduling make-up sessions due to absences is impactful on the school schedule and instruction.
Grade 5 STE - May 15 and 17th
May FRIES Meeting tonight! Join us at 6:30pm in the Winthrop Cafeteria and find out how you can help us finish out the year with upcoming events including Art in the Park, Tiger Trot and the End of Year Party!
Cereal Drive
Ipswich Pulblic Library News
Children in grades 3-5 are invited to register for a special one-time book club on Thursday, June 6 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. (just before the town's D-Day Parade) to learn about D-Day by reading I Survived the Battle of D-Day, 1944 from the popular "I Survived" series. Participants will prepare by reading the book before the meeting. At the meeting we will talk about the book, have some great World War II-era snacks (!), and do a craft. Children may pick up their copy of the book once they have registered. To register, go to www.ipswichlibrary.org/events and scroll to June 6 for the appropriate link. Limited to 10 children.
2024 Essex County Free Summer Day Program
2024 Essex County Summer Day Program
Five Full Days of Fun and Learning, FREE of Charge
For Children Entering 5th Grade in September 2024
The Essex County Summer Day Program (formerly known as D.A.R.E. Camp) allows youth,
police and peer leaders to spend the entire week together attending educational workshops
and participating in team-building activities. Educational workshops include lessons in
violence prevention, environmental awareness, decision-making and gang resistance.
Afternoon activities consist of cooperative games and educational presentations. To develop
outside interests as an alternative to drugs and alcohol, we will also be including
environmental and cultural events. A graduation ceremony will be held on Friday.
Program enrollment includes:
• Field Trips
• T-shirts
• Lunch
• Learning Opportunities with Police Officers
• Arts and Crafts
• Sports and Games
• Graduation Ceremony
• Transportation may be provided from the police station in your city or town to the
Summer Day Program
LOCATION: Higgins Middle School in Peabody
DATES: July 22nd - July 26th OR July 29th - August 2nd
TIME: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
This is a collaborative project between the Office of the
Essex District Attorney Paul F. Tucker and the following Police Departments:
Beverly • Danvers • Georgetown • Gloucester • Ipswich • Lynn
Lynnfield • Marblehead • Peabody • Salem • Saugus • Swampscott
For more information please contact:
Det. Joe Perna at the Ipswich Police Department
978-356-3137 x2250 or jperna@ipsk12.net
Please see the attached flyer and camp application below
Ipswich Climate Resilency
Chase the Butterfly
Chase the Butterfly is back! Join us on Sunday, May 19th for a 3- mile run/walk to raise awareness and money for CureCMT4J. There will be face paint, merch, and live bands! There will also be Riverview and Whoopie Wagon food trucks this year! We’d love to see you there! Find more info and purchase tickets here.
Winthrop School
Email: winthrop@ipsk12.net
Website: https://www.ipsk12.net/Domain/185
Location: 65 Central Street, Ipswich, MA, USA
Phone: 9783562976