What's Up at Weinert
November 10, 2024
Seguin ISD
A Note from Mrs. Wehe
Happy November!!!
In just a few short weeks we will all be enjoying Thanksgiving! However, the weeks between now and our Thanksgiving break are busy, and we need your help!!
Beginning this week, our third, fourth and fifth graders will be participating in fall benchmark assessments. The data we receive from these assessments will be critical in planning for targeted intervention and support of our students. Please help us by having your child practice good testing taking strategies like going to bed early, encouraging them to eat breakfast, and having them at school on time.
Lastly, as we move into this thankful season, I want to thank you all so much!! Without your support, we would not be able to do our jobs to the fullest. Thank you for supporting our students and our teachers!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at (830) 401-1241 or via email at twehe@seguin.k12.tx.us.
In Service,
Tiffany Wehe - Principal
"Be the change for a powerful tomorrow."
An Important Message Regarding Safety at Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Dear Weinert Families,
I want to take a moment to address an important issue regarding traffic safety during our busy drop-off and pick-up times. Recently, our School Resource Officer and front office staff have received several calls about unsafe driving near the school.
The safety of our students and staff is our highest priority, and we appreciate your help in making our school a safer place. Here are a few reminders to keep everyone safe.
- Designated Drop-Off and Pick-Up Areas: The front of school is reserved for students in our Essential Academics classrooms and for buses. If your child is not in this program, please use the car rider drop-off on Cedar Street.
- Traffic Flow: We understand that traffic can get hectic, especially during peak times. To ensure everyone's safety, we kindly ask that you avoid making U-turns on Cedar Street during drop-off and pick-up hours.
- Crosswalks: Our dedicated crossing guards work hard to ensure that everyone gets to school safely, but we also need your help! To keep our students and crossing guards safe, please avoid dropping your child(ren) off in crosswalk areas.
Lastly, please be respectful of each other during these busy times. By working together, we can screate a safer environment for all our students and staff!
In Service,
Tiffany Wehe - Principal
"Be the change for a powerful tomorrow."
Upcoming Events
- Monday, November 11th - Veterans Day
- Tuesday, November 12th - 4th / 5th RLA Benchmark (closed campus)
- Wednesday, November 13th - 3rd RLA Benchmark (closed campus)
- Thursday, November 14th - 5th Science Benchmark (closed campus)
- National Family Pajama Day! Wear your favorite school appropriate pajamas!!
- Tuesday, November 19th - 4th / 5th Math Benchmark (closed campus)
- Wednesday, November 20th - Thanksgiving Luncheon (please pre-register)
- PTC Meeting / Turkey Bingo @ 6PM
- Thursday, November 21st - 3rd Math Benchmark (closed campus)
- November 25th - November 29th - Thanksgiving Break!
- Thursday, December 12th - Family Painting Night (more information coming soon)
- Friday, December 13th - Last Day of Fall ACE
Thanksgiving Luncheon - Wednesday, November 20th
Thanksgiving Luncheon
We are excited to host our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon on Wednesday, November 20th. Below, there is a QR code that you can use to pre-register. Please note that because of the size of our cafeteria, we ask that students bring no more than two guests. Additionally, students from other campuses are not allowed to join us.
Pre-registration opens on Monday, November 4th and will close on Wednesday, November 13th. Tickets must be purchased in advance from the front office (each ticket is $6).
We are looking forward to seeing everyone!
Weinert Elementary Will Be Closed to Visitors for Benchmark Testing
School Year Reminders
Reminders for the Upcoming Year
** School Year Calendar: Make sure to review the updated school calendar for key dates, including the first day of school, holidays, etc.
** School Supplies: A list of required school supplies for each grade level is available on our website. Please have these items ready by the first day of school. All Seguin ISD students are required to have a clear backpack.
** Safety Protocols: All visitors to campus must present a valid ID and must have a visible visitor's badge.
** Transportation: If your child will be using school transportation, please confirm their bus route and schedule. Contact the transportation office at (830) 401-1205 if you have any questions or need assistance.
** Parent Communication: Stay connected with us through our school's communication platforms. Be sure to check your email, our website and our FaceBook page for updates and announcements.
** Volunteering Opportunities: We welcome and appreciate parent volunteers. If you're interested in getting involved, please reach out to our PTC.
** Emergency Contacts: Ensure that your contact information is up-to-date in case of an emergency. You can update your details through our parent portal or by contacting the school office at (830) 401-1241.
** Nurse Information / Medication: ALL medication needs to be turned in to the nurse's office, with the appropriate documentation.
Kinder: 10:45AM to 11:15AM
First: 11:15AM to 11:45AM
Second: 11:30AM to 12PM
Third: 12:20PM to 12:50PM
Fourth: 12:45PM to 1:15PM
Fifth: 1:15PM to 1:45PM
Attendance Information
- Weinert Elementary will allow only 10 parent notes per year.
- After the 10th parent note, a doctor's note will be required to excuse an absence.
- A phone call or voicemail DOES NOT excuse the absence. Please send a note with your child upon their return to school.
- ALL notes need to be turned in or emailed within three days of the students return to campus.
- All parent notes need to have a reason for the absence - it does not need to be in detail. (For example, "stayed home from school because of illness).
- All parent notes need to have a parent/guardian signature.
- Weinert does not excuse traveling, being out of town or vacations.
Snack Reminders
We want to ensure that all students have a chance to enjoy a quick snack during the school day. To support their health and well-being, we kindly ask that you avoid sending sodas as part of their snacks. Instead, please consider providing healthy, snack-sized options. Thank you for your cooperation in helping our students stay energized and focused!
Join Weinert's PTC
Download the app / Use Access Code Y6EG-KMD2 to join
Policies and Procedures
Below you will both campus and attendance policies and procedures for Weinert Elementary. As always, please contact the front office with any questions or concerns.
Weinert Vision and Mission
Weinert's Vision: Be the change for a powerful tomorrow.
Weinert's Mission: Weinert Elementary proactively creates a safe and nurturing environment for academic and social success.
Weinert Elementary Contact Information
Tiffany Wehe, Principal
Jessica Castro, Assistant Principal
Michelle Pena, Counselor
Sharon Diaz, CIS Counselor
Robin Alexander, School Nurse
Tammy Williamson, Secretary
Dolores Martinez, Attendance