Northmont Middle School
Family Newsletter February 2025
What's happening at the MS this month?
February 3rd - 7th Grade Parent Meeting DC 2026 - 7:00 p.m. HS Auditorium
February 4th - 8th Grade Parent Meeting - High School Scheduling Information - 7:00 p.m. HS Auditorium
February 10th & February 12th - Parent/Teacher Conferences - 3:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
February 10th - Board of Education meeting - 6:00 p.m. at the Kleptz ELC
February 10th - College Credit Plus Meeting - 6:00 p.m. HS Auditorium
February 12th - Community Breakfast - 8:30 a.m. MS Cafeteria - Honoring our First Responders
February 12th - MS Art Show - During Parent /Teacher Conferences
February 13th - February 17th - No School
February 14th - "Love is in the Air" Skating Party at Skateworld of Vandalia - 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. ($5 Admission & $5 Rental Fee)
February 24th - Board of Education meeting - 6:00 p.m. at the Kleptz ELC
February 25th - MS Choir Concert - 7:00 p.m. HS Auditorium
February 26th - MS Orchestra Concert - 7:00 p.m. HS Auditorium
February 27th - Final Payment Deadline for the 8th Grade DC Trip (To extend your payment plan contact WorldStrides at 1-800-468-5899 Trip ID #214922
If you are unable to attend the 7th Grade DC Informational Meeting on 2/3/25
- Scan the QR Code
- Complete the Contact Information
- Ask questions
Thunderbolts Work Together to Build Trusting Relationships
What to Expect -
- Staff will discuss grades and/or student data
- Staff will discuss what is going on in the classroom and/or interventions
- Staff will discuss how families can support their middle schoolers at home
Monday, February 10th - Scheduled Conferences (3:30 - 6:50 p.m.) Scheduled by each team
Locations Per Team:
Dignity - 219
Integrity - 211
Valor - 117
Aspire - 133
Grit - 231
Intentional- 201
CCL- 205
Explorations Classes: Will be attending scheduled conferences with teams
German 1 -Mrs. Galaise - High School Room #1113
Parents can use this link to sign up for an appointment with Mrs. Galaise: Click on the HS Folder
Wednesday, February 12th - Open Scheduled Conferences (3:30 - 6:50 p.m.) -
How to Schedule a Conference:
Click the following link: https://www.myconferencetime.com/northmontschools/
Select "Northmont Middle School" and then your child’s team name.
After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email.
Need Assistance?
Contact the main office at 937-832-6500.
For your child’s team name or other questions, reach out to their counselor:
Deborah Lipscomb (last names A-Kn): deborah.lipscomb@northmontschools.net
Kara Dale (Ko-Z): kara.dale@northmontschools.net
Locations Per Team:
Dignity - 219 & 235
Integrity - 211
Valor - TBolt Cafe
Aspire- 133
Grit - 231
Intentional - 201
CCL - 205
Explorations Classes: Individual classrooms (Please check for a sign on the door)
Explorations Classroom Numbers:
Mrs. Bouas - 125
Mr. Roden - 220
Mrs. Cassel - 135
Mrs. Chromick - 109
Mr. Smith - 205
Mrs. Holbrook - 141
Mrs. Trevino - 110
Mrs. Boston - 140
Mrs. Cooper - 107
Mr. Myers - Gym
Mr. Reidy - 229
Mrs. Boeh - 123
Mr. Mergler - 137
Mrs. Galaise - High School Room #1113
ELA/Math Block, Lab or Resource Classes:
Mrs. Schatzley- 227
Mr. Forrest - 212
Mrs. Moore - 210
Mrs. Sloboda - 130