Counselors Newsletter
Week of August 19, 2024
Mobile Link
Class of 2025 - Senior Conference Family Meeting
Class of 2025:
Be sure to sign up for your Senior Conference Small Group Family Meeting.
You can get details in the July 17 Senior Letter. and sign up here:
Please go to the DHS SignUp online portal to select a conference date that will work best for your family.
(Student Last name) Counselor Name - Click on the name of your counselor.
A-De) Mrs. Kiana Wills
(Df-J) Dr. Ken Jackson
(K-Re) Dr. Jazzmon Parham
(Rf-Z) Ms. Shadiqa White
DVA Seniors Please see email from Dr. Kimberly Jones for DVA specific details.
September 11, 2024
Vanderbilt University
Washington University in St. Louis
September 18, 2024
Kennesaw State University
October 2, 2024
University of Alabama
October 9, 2024
Columbus State University
October 16, 2024
Wofford College
Bard College
October 23, 2024 - Registration not required
University of Oklahoma
University of South Carolina
Vanderbilt University
University of Kentucky
Purdue University
University of TN @ Knoxville
Georgis College State University
October 28, 2024
GSW - Georgia Southwestern State University
Peach State College Tour
(Georgia Tech, UGA. GSU, Augusta University)
You are invited to the 2024 Peach State Tour information sessions offered in-person and via Zoom Webinars. These sessions will allow you to learn more about Augusta University, Georgia State University, Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia. These events are FREE and open to ALL high school students and their families, but space is limited! Register online today to secure your spot. When registering for a session, please sign up for the session that best suits your location. If you are not a Georgia resident, we recommend attending the out-of-state session to ensure content is most relevant to you.
Please feel free to contact meet@uga.edu if you have any questions regarding these events.
In Person session
Atlanta – Thursday, September 5: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Georgia Virtual Sessions
(All times listed are in Eastern Time)
Wednesday, August 28: 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 4: 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, September 11: 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Register: https://www.peachstatetour.org/students.html.
10 Colleges Public Information Session Atlanta
The “East Meets West (with a stop in Minnesota)” public information session will be in your area on September 9th and take place at Midtown High School from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. In this session for students, families and counselors, you’ll hear about amazing opportunities and resources as well as learn about our admissions processes and financial programs from the following ten highly selective colleges: Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, Pomona, Swarthmore, Tufts, University of Southern California and Williams.
Bring your questions about academic departments, clubs and organizations, campus diversity, affordability or anything else that interests you.
Location: Midtown High School, 929 Charles Allen Dr NE, Atlanta, GA
Time: 5:45-6:30 p.m. light refreshments
6:30-8:00 p.m. presentation
If you'd like to register for this event, please click here.
Accessibility Accommodations
Individuals with disabilities who need accommodations to attend this event may contact Dean Mendes at dam6@williams.edu at least 5 business days in advance of the event. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effective and timely manner.
We hope you'll be able to join!
10 Colleges Planning Team
Georgia Tech Women in Engineering
Good morning!
The Georgia Tech Women in Engineering Program is excited to announce that registration is open for our annual Engineering Career Conference (ECC) – our STEM outreach program for young women who are current junior and senior high school students!
ECC is designed to give high school girls knowledge and information about the eleven engineering disciplines offered at Georgia Tech to help them decide if they'd like to study engineering in college, and, if so, which type of engineering is best for them.
This year's ECC will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 from 8:30AM to 4:30PM in Georgia Tech’s Exhibition Hall.
Over the course of a day, prospective female students have the opportunity to hear directly from Georgia Tech's world-renowned faculty and current Tech students about the various engineering majors offered at GT. In addition, attendees have the chance to meet with a GT Admissions Counselor to find out about the admissions process and the academic requirements necessary to be successful in the engineering undergraduate programs.
The non-refundable registration fee for ECC is $40, which covers all materials as well as breakfast and lunch for all attendees of the program; need based scholarships are available and we encourage all students to apply.
The application link may be found here. There is also a QR code in the attached flyer so students! Applications will be open until September 15th.
If teachers are interested in bringing a group of students, students will need to register individually, and note the teacher’s name as their chaperone. We can only accommodate 1 group of 10 per school, with 1 teacher as a chaperone. Teachers ARE NOT able to register on student’s behalf.
Thank you for your time and assistance in disseminating this information to your students. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Desiree Turner (she/her)
Associate Director, WIE
Georgia Tech College of Engineering Dean’s Office
Tech Tower, 4th floor | RM 410
225 North Ave, Atlanta, GA 30332-0360
Office: 404-385-1862
AP Classes offered at DHS
f you are taking an AP Class that is offered at DHS, follow the instructions form your GAVS teacher for signing up and registering for the exam. The AP Coordinator at DHS is Ms. Karina Green.
If you are taking an AP class that is not offered at DHS, then you will need to follow the instructions linked below to find a testing location for your AP test (You can start by checking with Druid Hills HS). Fees are determined by each individual testing location. These courses include:
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Computer Science
AP Environmental Science
AP Government
AP Human Geography
AP Lit
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP World History
Decatur Education Foundation and Decatur Student Center Seeks Input
DHS students and families,
Decatur Education Foundation (DEF) has been a partner of the Decatur Student Center since the initial planning of the center began, offering support both financially and as a community partner. Because DEF is funded entirely by the Decatur community, it's incredibly important that they share impact stories with their community of donors.
If you, or your family member, have had a positive experience at the DSC, and you're willing to share a bit of that story, please email info@decatureducationfoundation.
Please also include the amount of personal information that you're comfortable with DEF sharing with their supporters (names absolutely do not need to be shared, but school year is helpful). If you would rather, you're welcome to share your experience with Kim Evans instead, and she can pass it along to DEF. Thank you so much for helping us share the impact of the Decatur Student Center with our Decatur community!
Invitation to Congresswoman Nikema Williams' Military Service Academy Day
Good afternoon,
Congresswoman Nikema Williams from the fighting fifth district of Georgia is hosting her Military Service Academy Day on September 7th, 2024 at Ft. Gillem (3rd Medical Command 5015 N. 34th St. Bldg 900 Gillem Enclave, GA 30297).
We ask that you share this invitation with faculty, parents and students who may be interested in attending.
This event is an opportunity for students to meet with representatives from each of the U.S. Service Academies to learn more about the application process. Representatives from the U.S. Military Academy (USMA), U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), U.S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA), U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), and the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) will be present.
Doors open at 10am, and the event will run from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm. This year’s event will include tables hosted by the Office of Congresswoman Nikema Williams as well as Admissions Counselors and Recruiters from the U.S. Service Academies.
The event will include programming that features remarks from Congresswoman Nikema Williams, local military officials, and representatives from the U.S. Military Academies.
Interested students and their families MUST RSVP to attend the Military Service Academy Day here by August 28, 2024.
Further Information About Service Academy Congressional Nominations
The honor of attending a service academy comes with the obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation.
Members of Congress may nominate candidates for appointment to four of the five U.S. service academies: U.S. Military Academy (USMA), West Point, NY; the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), Annapolis, MD; the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs, CO; and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), Kings Point, NY. The fifth service academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA), New London, CT, does not require a congressional nomination for appointment.
Any questions on how to submit applications for Congressional Nominations may be directed to our website at https://nikemawilliams.house.gov/service-academy-nominations or call our office at (404)-659-0116.
Shea Calhoun | Staff Assistant
U.S. Representative Nikema Williams (GA-05)
100 Peachtree Street Northwest | Suite 1920
Atlanta, GA 30303
Fax: 404.331.0947
Office: 404.659.0116
Youth Learn and Serve Days for the 2024-2025 year!
Saturday, October 26th, from 8am to 1pm.
Click the picture for more information
Applerouth's SAT and ACT 101: Everything You Need to Know!
Join Tal Kitron, one of Applerouth's all-time
most-requested tutors, for SAT or ACT 101 (or both!)
Register online: https://www.applerouth.com/events/webinars
Events will be hosted online
SAT 101: August 27th at 8PM
ACT 101: August 29th at 8PM
Students will learn:
- Key test-taking tips and strategies (learn from real examples)
- Timing + structure of the tests
- Content tested on the SAT or ACT
- Differences between the tests
If you cannot make it, register anyway and we'll send a link to the
webinar recording
Success Prep SAT Course
6 week SAT Prep courses starting Aug 24th & Oct 19th, 2024
Below are the details of the 6 week SAT Prep courses starting Aug 24th & Oct 19th, 2024.
Call us at 404-351-4955 if you have further questions.
Location: Decatur High School | 310 N McDonough St Decatur GA 30030
Class Option 1 : Aug 24, 31 Sept 7, 14, 21, 28 | 2024 for SAT Test Oct 5th 2024
Class Option 2 : Oct 19, 26 Nov 2, 9, 16, 23 | 2024 for SAT Test Dec 7th 2024
Schedule: Saturdays : 9 - 1 pm on each day (6 sessions | 4 hrs each)
Room: Inside New Library @ Decatur High School
Register Online for SAT Prep Class:
Textbook you need to buy:
The Official Digital SAT Study Guide by The Collegeboard
Don't forget to register for the SAT Test! - http://sat.collegeboard.org/home
*Prep class fee is non-refundable after class starts, we do not offer partial refunds for class sessions a student misses. Any cancellation for refund of a prep class fee must occur 5 days before the start of that prep class, to allow for the seat to be offered to another student.
Don’t leave money on the table!
Calling all Seniors! It's not too late to create an account with GA Futures! Create a GA Futures account today through the Georgia Student Finance Commission. Visit https://www.gafutures.org/, create an account and follow the instructions closely. The Registrar will upload all juniors and seniors twice per year to the Georgia Student Finance Commission. This allows each student to be considered for the HOPE and Zell Miller scholarships which are available to all Georgia students and can be applied to any HOPE-eligible college or university. Once an account is created, students can track their HOPE-eligibility and plan for any extra expenses. When creating your GA Futures account, use a personal email. Your CSD email account will be deactivated upon graduation.
Parents, please give us your student's Social Security Number. The Georgia Student Finance Commission identifies students using their SSN. If we don't have it in our student information system, better known as Infinite Campus, they will be unable to match your student to transcripts we upload and be purged out of their system. Please email Mrs. Lanum with a good contact number and she will call you to get your child's SSN and enter it into Infinite Campus. Please do not send it via email or voicemail.
This is non-negotiable and not a rule we make at DHS. We must comply with the state and this is how they prefer to identify thousands of Georgia students.
Please email Mrs. Lanum at klanum@csdecatur.net or your counselor if you have any questions or need help creating your account.
Please remember to create an account at Parchment.com if you haven't already done so. Parchment is a one-stop-shop to request and send your transcript to many colleges and universities in the USA and abroad. When you create your account, please use a personal email account, not your CSD account. Once you graduate you will still be able to access any transcripts uploaded to Parchment if you have a personal email address on file with them. Your CSD email will be deactivated upon graduation. Please be aware that the turnaround time for fulfillment of transcript requests is three days, so get your request in well before any deadlines issued by the schools you are applying to. If you need help, please contact the Registrar's office at klanum@csdecatur.net.
Click the logo for parchment.
Parents/Students: The vast majority of your application processes will NOT need a Parchment transcript request. If you are applying through the Common Application, The Common Black College Application, or a college/University that uses SENDedu or other similar document collection service; you will not need to request a transcript through Parchment because your counselor will automatically upload them for you. If you have questions about if you need to use Parchment or not, just send your counselor an email and ask.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please click on the appropriate link below to address your concern/need:
Certificate Of Enrollments (complete this form at least 1 week prior going to the DDS. Form expires 30 days after issuance)
Request for Google Password (email)
Work Permit Process (only needed for students ages < 15)
Order A Transcript (If you need a transcript mailed, please email klanum@csdecatur with student name as it appears in the portal, college/university name, college/university address)
Students when you graduate your DHS email account will be deactivated. Please use your personal email address so you will have access beyond high school.
There is NO Community Service Hour requirement to graduate from Decatur High School. The PTSA does however have a Community Service Recognition program. For information and requirements to get Community Service Recognition at your graduation ceremony, please view the information linked here.
College Admissions Accommodation Form (Consent Forms for College Admission Tests Accommodation Requests - If you have a 504 or IEP with testing accommodations, a consent form must be completed and turned in to your/your student's counselor in order for the school to request accommodations for the College Board (PSAT/AP/SAT) and ACT. Testing agencies take up to 8 weeks to process requests.)
Summer & PreCollege Programs Google Classroom - CLASS CODE: fkrkuep
Scholarships Google Classroom - CLASS CODE: 43xlcav
Previous Newsletters
AA Counseling Department
Email: rjones1@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/dhs
Location: 310 North McDonough Street, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4170