InfoShare 11/9/2024 English

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Facilities Master Plan Feedback Survey
Your Voice Matters!
Zion Elementary School District 6 is in the process of developing a Facilities Master Plan that focuses on the school district's buildings to ensure they are supporting our goals and objectives.
Families and community members have the opportunity to share their opinions. The outcome of the Facilities Master Plan analysis will be a roadmap for the future to ensure the facilities adequately support student success.
Please share your opinion by selecting the appropriate link below. The survey can also be located on the front page of our district website.
Shaping Our Future: Developing a Strategic Plan for Student Success
Our district has started to create a new strategic plan, which will serve as a roadmap for guiding our goals over the next 4-5 years. This plan sets priorities and defines the vision for our school community, helping us make informed decisions that benefit every student.
A committee—including community members, city leaders, parents, staff, and high school staff—has been formed to collaborate on setting clear goals. Additionally, we’re working to establish a “Portrait of a Learner” to identify the qualities and skills we want our students to develop for success in high school, college, and their future careers. This shared vision will help provide our students with the knowledge and abilities they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
The first planning meeting was held on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Our committee members had the opportunity to listen to a feedback panel consisting of high school staff and leaders as well as voice from our middle school student body discussing key attributes for success as a learner.
We will present our new strategic plan to the ZESD 6 Board of Education in the spring. After board approval, we will share the completed plan with our school district community to help everyone understand the vision and steps we’re taking to support our students’ success.
Sign Up To Win!
Youth Change Makers is thrilled to announce their Annual Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway! For over 9 years, Youth Change Makers has proudly collaborated with Lake County schools to provide families with a thoughtfully curated basket of Thanksgiving essentials, helping make the holiday season a warm and memorable experience.
Details of the Giveaway:
- Entry Form: Families can submit their entries through this link:
https://forms.gle/RbeCctKRsHPN31pF8 - Deadline to Sign Up: November 16, 2024
- If family wins a basket, they will be notified the week of November 18, 2024.
- Notification: Families will be chosen at random and will be contacted using the information provided in the form.
Culture Cards: Celebrating Diversity and Heritage
Check out this week's Culture Card!
In 2023, the Human Remains Protection Act was signed into law, expanding protections for Native Americans in Illinois. The bill establishes procedures for encountering human remains or gravesites and returning remains to Native American Nations.
Spotted At ZESD 6
Clockwise from the upper left corner:
- Zion Central Middle School hosted its Students of the Month breakfast Friday morning in the cafeteria. Families were invited to share a meal and celebrate the achievements of the September and October award recipients.
Inspired by the children’s book Duck for President, students at Lakeview Elementary participated in a school-wide election today, casting their votes for either Duck or Farmer. Over the past few weeks, students have immersed themselves in the story. In contrast, second-grade students and staff took on the exciting responsibility of organizing and preparing everything for the big event.
- Third-grade West students participated in the "Be Safe" program led by Red Cross volunteers, learning about weather emergencies and how to stay safe and calm. Each student received a "Prepare with Pedro" workbook created by FEMA and the Red Cross to support their Weather Unit studies.
- Mrs. Pipes' eighth-grade Career Explorations class at ZCMS wrapped up its Architecture and Construction Career Unit by finishing their Tiny Houses on Friday. The hands-on project connected classroom skills to real-world construction careers, preparing students for a possible career path.
Dates To Remember
November 11
Veterans Day
Student attendance day; school is in session.
National School Psychologist Day
November 13
Student Early Release
Grades K-2 released at 12:30 p.m.
Grades 3-8 released at 11:30 a.m.
Pre-K AM attendance only; no Pre-K PM
World Kindness Day
Opportunity to do acts of kindness towards others and recognize moments when others are kind to us.
November 15
Illinois School Board Members Appreciation Day
Progress Reports
Student grades are available for viewing on the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
November 27-29
Thanksgiving Break
No school