Memorial Update
October 28, 2024
Around Memorial
Small group reading in first grade
Two kangaroos at the Trunk or Treat
Fourth grade partner math
Principal Update 10/28/24
Good Morning Memorial Families,
It is hard to believe that it will be November 1st at the end of this week. We have a fun week ahead as we hold our first Cardboard Creation Day. I was able to engage with students at Clough last year when they held their first creation day and it was a true showcase of Portrait of a Learner competency development. Students were collaborating, designing and redesigning, communicating with one another, innovating, and solution seeking with one another. We will be sharing some inspiring stories with the students this week ahead of their creation time on Thursday. Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to help on this day. If you are interested in volunteering, there is still time. Please sign up on this form.
We have another exciting event coming up next week. On Wednesday night, November 6th, at 5:30pm, we will be holding a Family Math Night. On this night, we will have an opportunity to learn more about ST Math and Bridges through hands-on exploration with your children, and we will have some fun puzzles and thought-provoking questions to engage with. We are also hoping to highlight math in our community. Here is where we are hoping for help from our parents and caregivers. We want to know, how do you use math in your job? How is math important in your work? If you are interested in sharing about how math is used in your job with our students, please reach out to me at wbell@mursd.org. We are creating a google slideshow to share that night and would like to have you design a slide. We hope that this will be a fun night for both parents and students alike, and a way to highlight all of the mathematicians in our community- big and small.
Have a wonderful week!
Cardboard Creation Day
We are looking for volunteers to help out during our Cardboard Creation Day on Thursday, October 31st. If you are interested in helping out, please sign up on the SignUpGenius here.
Upcoming Events
October 31st: Cardboard Creation Day
November 1st: All School Meeting 2:30pm
November 5th: No School: Teacher PD
November 6th: Family Math Night 5:30-7:00pm
November 11th: No School
November 13th: PTO Meeting 6:30pm
November 20th: New Report Card Information Night 6:00pm
November 25th and November 26th: Early Release Days- Parent Teacher Conferences
November 27th: Early Release: Thanksgiving Break
November 28th-29th No School: Thanksgiving Break
PTO Newsletter
Click here for a larger version of the newsletter.
Memorial Elementary School
Upton, MA 01568
Email: wbell@mursd.org
Website: https://www.mursd.org/o/memorial-elementary
Phone: 508-529-1020
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MemorialUpton
Twitter: @wlbell630