Online Curriculum / Credit Recovery
Valley View High School ~ from Mrs. White.
Coronavirus and Navigating Distance Learning
We are in the midst of a unique situation and are thankful for everyone's flexibility and patience when it comes to distance learning.
~ Introduction
I, Mrs. White, will be facilitating some of Mrs. Arcisz's classes this quarter. I am also part of the Missouri Option Program. I am very excited for the opportunity to be a part of your (student's) academic achievement going forward. If you or your student should need assistance, please feel free to email me at jwhite@bssd.net
~ Keeping informed
* Students and Parents: Check your email often.
* Please continue to read all of the communication from the Blue Springs School District.
* "Like" or follow one of the district social media sites.
~ WiFi Hookup
Xfinity has set up free public hotspots. These can be accessed through the following website...
We are operating in a fluid situation and it can be stressful. Communication is the key to a successful transition!
Apex and Plato
It doesn't matter if you are enrolled in classes found on Apex or PLATO, I will be your teacher if you are enrolled in Mrs. Arcisz' 5(A) and/ or 6(A) classesl.
If you would like to chat, send an email requesting a phone call and I will call you back. (Note: "PRIVATE NUMBER" will display on your caller ID.)
Expectations for Credit Recovery / Online Curriculum Classes
1) Students will be expected to complete at least TWO UNITS per week.
2) If you take a test and do not pass, please review the material before trying the test again.
If you are stuck, contact me for assistance.
3) You will have three chances to pass any quiz or test.
4) Minimum scores required to move on to the next unit are:
>>>>> Mastery Tests ~80%
>>>>> Post Tests ~ 70%
>>>>> End of Semester Tests ~ 60%
Counselors are on Duty!
* Angie, Baich, VVHS Counselor: abaich1@bssd.net
* Jessica Walker, VVHS Counselor: jwalker@bssd.net
If you email the counselors outside of business hours they will email you back on the next business day.
Follow this link to read a letter from the VVHS counseling staff. An impressive list of resources are included: Counselor Letter
Mrs. White's Info
Mrs. White jwhite@bssd.net
Location: 5000 Northwest Valley View Road, Blue Springs, MO, USA
Phone: (816) 874-3750