St Charles Newsletter
7th March 2025
Dear Parent/Carers,
This week, we marked the beginning of Lent with our annual Ash Wednesday Mass. Every child participated beautifully and with reverence.
Lent is a holy time when the Lord invites us to make a fresh start by examining our lives with Him through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Your children have completed their Lenten Promises and are committed to starting afresh and fulfilling their promise to God over the next six weeks. They know that it’s not just about ‘giving up something’ or ‘doing without’, but also about how they can make a difference and help others. As a school community, Lent gives us an opportunity to support worthy charities and encourages us to put others first. Together, we hope to make a difference to the lives of many.
Healthy Packed Lunches
As a healthy school, if your child has a packed lunch, it should be nutritionally balanced. It must not contain fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate or cakes. A balanced packed lunch should contain:
· Starchy foods – eg. bread, rice, potatoes, pasta etc.
· Protein foods – such as meat, fish, eggs, beans and others
· A Dairy item - this could be cheese or yoghurt
· Vegetables or salad, and a portion of fruit.
Please do not include any nut-based products as we are a nut free school. There are children at the school with nut allergies. Nutella and any other related products must not be included either.
Thank you,
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Ms Hampton
Executive Headteacher
New diary dates will continue to be included weekly
Our whole school attendance is currently at 93.6%
We are working towards achieving 96% attendance this academic year. Please help us to achieve this by ensuring that your child attends school each day and by not booking any holiday during term time. Please be aware that holiday leave in term time cannot be authorised.
In line with the Department for Education guidelines, where pupils miss school without a good reason (including a holiday), the Local Authority and schools can intervene, and you may be issued a fine.
There is strong correlation between good attendance and good progress. So together, let’s give our children the best possible chance of reaching their potential.
Ash Wednesday
World Book Day
What a wonderful celebration of books and reading we had to mark World Book Day! The costumes were amazing! Even the teachers joined in. Can you guess which books they relate to?
To make the day even more special, we received a generous donation of books from the Children's Book Project which means that every child in the school will be able to pick two books to take home. Watch out for these over the next couple of weeks.
Look What We Have Been Doing! -EYFS and Key Stage 1
A fantastic half-term in PE for our Reception Class! Students enjoyed a variety of activities, including hockey, where they practised their skills and showed great teamwork. We're proud of their progress and can't wait for more PE fun ahead.
Year 1 are amazing mathematicians!
This week, we have had lots of fun comparing different lengths using key vocabulary.
There was lots of excitement in 2C for World Book Day this week. There were many wonderful costumes inspired by the children's favourite stories. They especially loved having a visit from 5M in the afternoon to read together 📖
Individuality and Learning Hero's
Congratulations to the following children who were recognised for making good choices during the week beginning 3rd March.
Term Dates 2024-25
First Half Term
Staff Training – Monday 6th January – School Closed
First Day of School – Tuesday 7th January
Last Day of School – Friday 14th February
Half Term – Monday 17th – Friday 21st February
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 24th February
Last Day of School – Friday 4th April - School Closes at 1.45pm
Easter Holiday – Monday 7th April – Monday 21st April
Summer Term – 2025
First Half Term
Staff Training – Tuesday 22nd April – School Closed
First Day of School – Wednesday 23rd April
Bank Holiday – Monday 5th May
Last Day of School – Friday 23rd May
Half Term – Monday 26th – Friday 30th May
Second Half Term
First Day of School – Monday 2nd June
Staff Training – Monday 30th June – School Closed
Last Day of School – Tuesday 22nd July - School Closes at 1.45pm
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St Charles Catholic Primary School
Email: info@st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Website: www.st-charles.rbkc.sch.uk
Location: St Charles Square, London W10 6EB, UK
Phone: 020 8969 5566