Adult Services News
November 2019
Virtual Reality, Makerspaces and Adults
There is still time to register for our next round table meeting Trendy Technology for Adults on November 6 from 2 -4 at the Cranston Public Library. Teams from Providence Community Library and Cranston Public Library will share the ways they are using trendy technology in targeted programs for adults. Even if technology is not your thing, this will be a great chance to network with colleagues, hear some new program ideas and try something new!
Get in Touch
Did you know in addition to receiving this newsletter, you can share your questions, program ideas and news directly with other adult services librarians?
Members of the Adult Services Google Group can share directly to the listserv by emailing To post directly the forum, read the archives or sign up to be a member, visit the RI Adult Services Google Group. We look forward to hearing from you!
RI Census 2020 Outreach Grants
The RI 2020 Census Fund is a statewide, collaborative funding opportunity providing $1,000 - $25,000 grants through the RI Foundation to support outreach and educational events for the 2020 Census. Grant funds can be used for public engagement campaigns, neighborhood awareness, special events, trainings, designating space and technology as a census site, and integrating census-related activities into your organization's programs and activities, with a particular emphasis on programs targeting hard-to-count populations. This program has two deadlines - November 25, 2019 and January 31, 2020.
Visit the OLIS 2020 Census to learn more about why and how libraries should support the Census.
You could be the next Financial Literacy Round Table chair!
RILA's Financial Literacy Round Table (FLRT) is looking for a committee chair. FLRT is responsible for coordinating Rhode Island's participation in Money Smart Week, the annual outreach event to the public to help the community get informed about their finances.
This is a great opportunity to start or expand up on your leadership skills. If you are interested, contact Julie Holden, RILA President.
Librarian's Guide to Homelessness Training
On December 11, Ryan Dowd will join us in RI for a full-day training based on his book The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness from 9 - 4 at the Cranston Public Library. The training will cover why individuals experiencing homelessness do what they do, and the practical tools for resolving problems and handling difficult behaviors. This training will be empowering for any front line staff working directly with the public, so please feel free to share around your library.
Programs, Reading & Community Outreach
Get the Most from your Email Marketing!
If you were unable to join us in October for Cara Massey's fantastic and informative presentation about Getting to the Most from your Email Newsletter, visit the OLIS Adult Services LibGuide page to find her slides, links to free marketing tools and additional resources for library marketing.
Veterans History Project
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. The project collects and preserves personal accounts of American war veterans and their families through video and audio recordings, photographs, letters, diaries and memoirs. The project makes these materials accessible to the public so that future generations may hear directly from veterans and better understand the realities of war.
Senator Jack Reed and Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden visited Rhode Island on November 4 to promote the project to library staff and veterans. Read more about Senator Reed and Dr. Hayden's visit.
Apply now: NEA Big Read Community Read Programs
The National Endowment for the Arts and Arts Midwest are offering NEA Big Read grants to support approximately 75 community reading programs centered on books from the NEA Big Read Library. In addition to community book discussions, programs can include activities such as author readings, art exhibits, lectures, film series, music or dance events, theatrical performances, panel discussions and other activities related to the community's chosen book. Libraries are invited to apply in conjunction with at least one community partner by January 29, 2020. Awards will range from $5,000 - $15,000.
2020 RARI Selection - Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore
The 2020 Reading Across Rhode Island selection is Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore by Elizabeth Rush. Rising chronicles the changes to America's coastlines wrought by climate change, and weaves first-hand testimonials with profiles of scientists, activists and residents to shine a light on the ways the climate crisis is already affecting our most vulnerable communities. Among its many honors, Rising was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in General Non-fiction. Elizabeth Rush lives in Rhode Island, and the RARI committing is planning engaging programming to highlight the local connection.
The official announcement is not coming until December, so please do not share publicly!
Upcoming Events and Conferences
- ALA Midwinter / Symposium for the Future of Libraries (Philadelphia, PA, January 24 - 28)
- PLA 2020 Conference (Nashville, TN, February 25 - 29)
- Save the Date: RILA 2020 Conference (Bryant University, May 27 - 28)
Online Learning Opportunities
Facilitating Civic Engagement with Pop-Up Programming (Infopeople, November 6, 3 - 4 PM)
Advocacy 101: When Advocacy Becomes Second Nature (WebJunction, November 7, 3 - 4 PM)
- Winter D.I.Y.: New Craft and Gardening Titles (Booklist, November 12, 2 - 3PM)
- Designing with Natural Elements: 14 Ways to Enhance Library Spaces (Library Journal, November 13 1 - 2 PM)
Millennials Haven’t Ruined Book Club: Hosting a Book Club for Millennials (PLA, November 14, 2 - 3 PM, fee required)
Why Trauma-Informed? A PLA Social Worker Task Force Webinar (PLA, November 18, 2 - 3 PM, fee required)
- Reaching the Uninsured: Libraries Work to Reduce Disparities in Health Insurance Coverage (PLA, November 19, 2 - 3 PM)
Eliminating Fines: A win-win for your library and community (Infopeople, November 20, 3 - 4 PM)
Doing the Work Externally and Internally: Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (WebJunction, December 5, 3 - 4 PM)
Grants and Awards
Library Census Equity Fund (November 22)
Rhode Island Census 2020 Outreach Grants (November 25, 2019 and January 31, 2020)
Accelerating Promising Practices for Small Libraries (December 2)
NEA Big Read (January 29, 2020)
Rhode Island Foundation (Varies)
Theme Months/Weeks/Days
Native American Heritage Month
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)
National Family Caregiver's Month
National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month
Learn a Foreign Language Month
Computer Science Education Week
Upcoming OLIS CE & Events
Trendy Technology for Adults
Trendy technology in libraries is quite often targeted toward youth, but that does not mean that adults don't want in on the fun! This session will explore program models for using trendy technology like virtual reality and makerspace equipment with your adult patrons. Dave Bartos from the Cranston Public Library will share about their Virtual Reality "V-Lab" and how they have used that technology with adult community members. Lee Smith from the Providence Community Library will share about adult makerspace programs and open maker hours at the Mt. Pleasant branch. This program will also feature hands-on time for playing with the available technology, including an opportunity to create a custom t-shirt (just byo t-shirt!)
Wednesday, Nov 6, 2019, 02:00 PM
Cranston, RI, USA
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Book Club: White Fragility by Robin D'Angelo
Join the EDI book club to discuss Robin D'Angelo's book White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism with other interested library staff. Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt and by behaviors including argumentation and silence. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium and prevent any meaningful cross-racial dialogue. In this in-depth exploration, anti-racist educator Robin DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what can be done to engage more constructively.
If you cannot attend in person, or would like to continue this conversation online, please join the RI EDI Book Club on Goodreads.
Thursday, Nov 21, 2019, 02:00 PM
Warwick Public Library: Central Library, Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI, USA
Librarians Guide to Homelessness
Do you see behaviors in your library that you find difficult to deal with, like patrons bringing in too many bags? Panhandling in your library? Arguing with you and other patrons? This full-day interactive training is much more than simple “sensitivity training.” You will learn why individuals experiencing homeless do what they do and the practical tools for resolving problems. There is a special focus on patrons with mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders. After this training, you will have more confidence with patrons experiencing homelessness.
Wednesday, Dec 11, 2019, 09:00 AM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library, Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, RI, USA
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9316
Twitter: @olisri