Hāwera Primary School
Newsletter No. 10 - 24 August 2020
Contact Details
Whaia te Matauranga-
Hāwera Primary is a caring community of lifelong learners who strive ever and always for higher and better things.
Email: admin@haweraprimary.school.nz
Website: https://sites.google.com/haweraprimary.school.nz/haweraprimaryschool
Location: 261 South Road, Hawera, New Zealand
Phone: 06 2787709
Facebook: facebook.com/haweraprimaryschool
From the Principal
Kia ora koutou
I hope this newsletter finds you happy and healthy. The colder weather and precautions around COVID has definitely impacted the availability of our staff as the term goes by. Thank you for your patience and understanding when we have been forced to split classes due to staff sickness/lack of relievers. We appreciate your understanding as we work hard to minimise disruption and highlight this ongoing issue further up the chain.
Mid-year progress reports were distributed last Friday as a follow on from the Home School Partnerships held at the end of last term. These are a summary of how well your child is currently tracking in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum level for their age group. The teachers have put a huge amount of thought and effort into crafting them. Please take the time to read the report carefully and discuss any next steps with your child. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the reports further, please make a time to meet with your child's classroom teacher. Achievement Summary Reports will be distributed at the end of the year along with ongoing real-time reporting on various learning areas throughout the year via Seesaw.
We have had a busy and productive Term 3 so far, here is a snapshot of some of what we have been up to :
Kapa Haka is practising in earnest for their mass performance in New Plymouth later in the year as part of a delayed Puanga festival. More details to follow.
Our Mau Rakau groups, particularly the senior one, is continuing to outshine all expectations. Matua Bodene is delighted with their progress and is focusing on further developing their leadership potential to support the younger students coming through.
School Speech-making concluded today in preparation for the South Taranaki event. Congratulations to the winner and runners-up, we wish you all the best for the upcoming district event.
The always popular annual school Talent Show has concluded with winners found in the individual and group categories. Special acknowledgement to those who placed and for everyone who was brave and shared their amazing talents. You shine!
The E-Pro Science and Technology Challenge will be held over the coming weeks, this year we have entered a boys and girls team entered ably tutored by one of our learning assistants, Kate Wills.
Selected students from Year 4-6 continue to be involved in the 2NuiCoding classes held at Ngati Ruanui computer rooms. Students eagerly enjoy their sessions and we enjoy learning from them back in class settings.
Some other recent curriculum highlights include; the students enjoying a ‘Ned’s Growth Mindset’ virtual assembly presented all the way from the USA, as a whole school PB4L reward. Also the whole school travelled to Ohawe Beach to complete a rocky shore study with staff from the Taranaki Regional Council, an invaluable hands-on learning experience which was enjoyed by all. Following the uncertainty of lockdown it’s nice to be able to re-engage these types of activities. We are thankful the school donation scheme allows us to remove the financial barriers for some of the students to participate in these curriculum enhancing activities.
Congratulations to Whaea Paula Frearson and Whaea Janine Horo for their completion of their two year intensive professional development ‘Te Ahu o Te Reo Maori’ which involved a number of wangana, weekly online tutorials and workshops in a full maori language immersion. This is an admirable achievement. We applaud their commitment to complete this course over and above their classroom teaching load, we look forward to seeing the benefits of having this level of expertise available continue at our school. Ka mau te wehi!
Recently we farewelled Jessica Dunlop who began her maternity leave. Erin Webb and Brooke Skedgwell are covering her Pod 2B classroom teacher role until Rheannah Clarke and Sarah Wilson take over in a job share capacity at the beginning of Term 4. We wish Jess, her husband Ben and their daughter Lacey all the very best for the exciting pending arrival of their new addition.
Finally, I want to thank our school community for how well you have accepted and continued to operate within the Level 2 protocols. These measures are intended to keep us all safe and build on the positives we identified following the lockdown. We review all aspects of them as a staff and BOT weekly and continue to refine and evolve them as required. As always we appreciate your constructive feedback and support as we navigate these unprecedented times together.
‘Ma te huruhuru ka rere te manu - Adorn the bird with feathers so it can fly’
Aroha tētahi ki tētahi-Let us look after each other
Shevaun O'Brien
speech winners 2020
Congratulations to Lachlan Pick who came first, Arachallen Hart who came second and Lucas Hunt who came third. We wish them all the best as the take on the other schools in the district at the Lion's Speech Contest. A special thank you to our fantastic judge Russ Standing who once again did a wonderful job selecting and critiquing our speech finalists today.
Ohawe Beach Trip
Check out some of the action from our recent trip to study the rocky shore as part of our 'Te Moana-The Sea' focus. Special thank you to the staff from the Taranaki Regional Council who led our learning on the day. As you can see from the smiles a great time was had by all.
Talent Quest 2020
A HUGE thank you to all our students who shared their talents in the Talent Quest Auditions this year.
Our 3 individual finalists - Gypsy, Manawa and Lachlan W
Our 3 group finalists - Gypsy and Sophie B, Room 3 singers and Arachallen, Kyanknight and Ellaraneae Hart.
After our finals the winners are:
Individual - Manawa te WIki - Dance
Arachallen, Kyanknight and Ellaraneae Hart - Star Wars Play
Thank you to our judges: Whaea Tina, Miss Hitchman, Whaea Janine and Mrs Wilkins.
Thank you to Miss Burgess for providing the essential technical support.
See you all again next year!
Whaea Paula
Cross country training is underway every Wednesday, Thursday & Friday afternoon as students prepare for school and Taranaki events.Our school competitive cross-country/fun Adventure Race will be held at the Hawera Showgrounds on Thursday 10th September .The Taranaki Cross Country takes place on Wednesday 23rd September (date updated from previous information). More details will follow closer to the time but at this stage we are looking at a closed event due to numbers if current COVID alert level continues, we will keep you posted.
Touch teams are being organised. Permission slips have gone home, practices will begin in anticipation of the season start later in the term. Hopefully lots of parents will come forward with offers to help coach or manage teams. Please see Whaea Janine in Room 15 if you have any questions.
HHS Rippa Coaching
Maurice Jupp from North Fuels Taranaki, came to present Hawera Primary School with an amazing reward gift of a brand new camera, camera case and tripod. Thank you so much this is going to be a much used and highly valued piece of equipment.
North Fuels uniquely designed sponsorship programme has helped put over $1 million dollars of resources into more than 350 rural schools in the last eleven years.
Its very simple. Customers can nominate a participating school to receive 50 cents for every 100L of bulk fuel they have delivered. So as we keep your wheels turning you are giving back to your local community too. Once a participating school reaches their $1,000 target / goal they can redeem from the 40 plus technology and sports packages on offer. It’s just that simple. The more people involved and nominating a school the sooner they will be rewarded.
We notify the schools every three months of their progress towards reaching their goals.
Hawera Primary sincerely thanks our sponsors for their ongoing generosity.
St Johns in Schools
Scholastic Lucky Book Club
Due to recent disruptions to the school year, there will be just one issue of Book Club this term. Instead of Issue 3 or Issue 4 it is called Term 2 Book Club and it is a Bumper issue, so have fun perusing its pages and discovering all the goodies hidden inside.
'New normal' protocols are still in place
Parents/Caregivers can drop their children off in class from 8.30-8.45am. However, we strongly encourage you to cease this as soon as possible to assist your child to develop greater self-management skills.
All Room 1-6 students will be walked out to the front middle crossing or back carpark by our staff at the end of the day. Senior students will be released from their classrooms and should wait for their siblings at the appropriate place (i.e. front gate or back carpark).
Please wait outside the gate or in your vehicles we will bring them to you.
No-one including older siblings from the intermediate should be walking around or waiting in the school grounds after school apart from the parents of brand new students or those with special needs. Please don't be offended if we direct you to these collection points.
If your child goes to the back carpark, please remind them to walk up the sides not across or through the carpark. We will be practising this at school.
Please avoid changing your child's pick up spot unless absolutely essential. If you do need to remember to remind them before school and/or ring the office before 2pm so that we have plenty of time to get the message to their teacher.
ALL visitors from 8.45am-3pm should sign in and out at the office. We do not want you to go straight to your child's classroom (even if it is just to drop off a lunchbox etc) due to health and safety requirements, we need to be able to say who is onsite at all times.
Students should be at school for the duration of the school day, arriving late and being picked up before 3pm should be an exception not the norm.
We would appreciate your support in reinforcing these safety messages.
Reminder School Assembly is now held at 9 am on Friday, our school community is welcome to join us.
Absentees & Office Information
Welcome to HPS
Kaylee started school last week. We hope you enjoy your time at Hawera Primary School.
Kale started school last week. We hope you enjoy your time at Hawera Primary School.
Personal best at HPS
Well done Jordan and Meka excellent descriptive writing!
Ka pai Flynn super literacy learning!
Tino pai Caleigh, beautiful basic facts!
Mahi pai Hemi, excellent Daily 5 independent learning.
Tumeke Gypsy, Hoani and Bella, thank you for helping others to show 'The KAHA Way'!
Congratulations for showing 'The KAHA Way' so consistently T'Neal, awesome awhi from Priscilla too!
Well done Katiee, Bhodi and Sjhasia, you are wonderful role-models to others!
Tumeke Sonny Boy, day one and already doing your 'Personal Best'! What a SUPERSTAR!
Awesome effort crafting your speech Jaeger, so proud of you!
Excellent persuasive writing Tangiwai, lots of thoughtful reasons and ideas! Miharo!
Ka pai Vanessa, keep up the awesome writing effort. You shine!
whats happening around HPS
All right?
Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor.
Lifeline 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE).
Youthline 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email talk@youthline.co.nz or online chat.
Samaritans 0800 726 666.
Lunch Shack on Fridays
Order forms and envelopes will now be kept in each class from now on, teachers will arrange for them to be sent to the office in the morning after the roll.
Please note the following important health and safety information:
"As a food manufacturer and supplier we follow strict health and safety which include regular sanitation of all work benches and utensils, along with regular washing of hands.
All lunches will be prepared and placed in tubs with lids for each class, we will deliver to the reception using gloves and masks, then the bins can be delivered to each class. We can then collect tubs from reception."
Thea Haunton- Lunch Shack Bakery
Every Wednesday is Sub day
We are now able to order school lunches from Subway on a Wednesday. Envelopes are available from the your child's classroom.
Mini Subs $3.50 - 6 inch $4 - Cookies $1 - Water $2.
Orders need to be place BEFORE 9am Wednesday (no late orders accepted as Subway collects the money)
Please provide correct money -
Hawera Primary will NOT be able to change money for the children.