Knightly News

Superintendent's Message
June 2024
Dear North Andover Families,
I hope this note finds you well. As we near the end of the academic year, I want to update you on some significant developments regarding our school district’s budget.
As you may be aware, like many educational institutions, we have faced financial challenges due to various factors, including economic fluctuations and unforeseen expenses. In response to these challenges, we have implemented several measures to ensure our school district’s financial sustainability while maintaining the quality of education and support services for our students.
We are currently in a budget recovery mode. This means that we are actively working to address our financial situation through careful planning, prudent spending, and, when necessary, making difficult decisions to prioritize essential resources.
While we understand that budgetary adjustments may raise concerns, please rest assured that our primary focus remains on providing all students with a safe, supportive, and enriching learning environment. We are committed to minimizing the impact of these measures on the educational experience and academic opportunities available to our students.
You may notice some changes or adjustments as we navigate our budget recovery process in the coming weeks and months. These changes may include modifications to certain programs, adjustments to staffing levels, or revisions to extracurricular activities. We will strive to keep you informed every step of the way and welcome your feedback and input as valued members of our school community.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding during this challenging time. By working together as a community, I am confident that we will emerge stronger and more resilient from this period than ever before.
Warm regards,
Pamela Lathrop
Acting Superintendent
Educators Retiring This Year
Congratulations to all of our educators retiring this year! Thank you for your years of service to our students and community...Enjoy your summer and beyond!
Community Programs News
Rick Galante, Director
Prepping for the Next Grade
"Leap into First Grade" is being offered this summer through Community Programs. The goal of the sessions is to help incoming children “leap” into first grade by increasing their self-confidence and academic skills. We plan to run four (4) separate four-day sessions over the summer. Students will sign-up for one session only. The sessions start July 15, 22, 29, and August 5 from 8:30 to 11:30am.
Mental Health Support in North Andover
Care Solace Summer Message
Summer is just around the corner, and it's time to start planning your warm-weather activities! As you make your summer to-do list, prioritize self-care and well-being.
- Embrace the great outdoors. Spending time outside has numerous benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and boosting creativity. Consider activities like walking, hiking, biking, gardening, or relaxing in a shady park.
- Make time for loved ones. It's easy to get caught up in our daily routines and miss out on quality time with friends and family. This summer, prioritize reconnecting with your loved ones through shared meals, game nights, movie nights, or simply picking up the phone for a catch-up call.
- Prioritize sleep. During busy times, our sleep habits can suffer. Make an effort to establish a consistent sleep schedule and give your body the rest it deserves.
Most importantly, have fun and do something that brings you joy each day. Whether trying a new hobby, indulging in a favorite activity or simply taking time to relax and unwind, make sure to prioritize your happiness this summer.
If you or a family member are struggling with mental health or substance use issues, remember that help is available. Care Solace, a complimentary and confidential coordination service provided by the North Andover Public Schools, is available 24/7/365 throughout the summer to help you find mental health care or substance use treatment providers. Call 888-515-0595 for multilingual support or visit caresolace.com/naps to search for providers on your own or receive assistance through video chat, email, or phone.
We wish you a happy and healthy summer break, and we'll see you again soon!
North Andover Public Schools has partnered with Care Solace in order to help support the mental health needs of our community by connecting families with therapeutic supports. More than 500 dedicated multilingual Care Companions are available 24/7/365 to ensure the perfect fit for each person’s unique care needs and insurance requirements. The organization has a network of more than 420,000 licensed providers, serving more than 800 organizations across the United States.
Summer Food Services Programs
Our Summer Eats program will start Monday June 24, 2024. Summer Eats is a federal nutrition program designed to ensure that all youth in Massachusetts (18 years and under) have access to healthy meals and snacks during the summer, when school is not in session. No registration or identification is required. All meals are free and are to be consumed on site. We will have 3 locations: Atkinson School, Franklin School and Thomson School. Atkinson and Franklin will offer breakfast from 8-9:15am and lunch from 12p-1:15pm. The Thomson School will offer LUNCH ONLY from 11:30am-12-30pm. We hope to see you around this summer!
STEM Newsletter Link
DPH Summer Safety Guidance
The Department of Public Health has issued guidance to help keep families safe this summer.
The guidance covers topics such as insect bites, swimming, window/car safety, sun/heat protection and preventing rabies exposure.
TKN Reader's Poll Results
Last month, a good number of readers responded to the poll about seasonal allergies. This year has been especially bad for us around here with all this pollen... It seems to only a few of us are lucky enough to escape the itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing. Here's to better days ahead!
- 47% of readers reported that the whole family suffers with seasonal allergies.
- 22% said that just one person in the household deals with them.
- 20% of readers reported that just the kids have allergies right now.
- 11% said that nobody is experiencing seasonal allergies this year. Lucky ducks! :)
Have a wonderful summer and get ready for some new trivia and/or polls next school year. Thanks for always taking a minute to respond!
New Calendar and Key District Dates
Summertime at Stevens Memorial Library
Please check out all the summer happenings at Stevens Memorial Library on their website: https://www.stevensmemlib.org. Have a happy and safe summer and enjoy your reading!
"Summer at the Stevens 2024" kicks off on June 26 with a Block Party at the Library. Celebrate the beginning of summer with face painting, play some games, pick a prize, meet Officer Scarlett, a touch a fire truck, enjoy a slice of cake or popsicle. Then, join us throughout the summer for events and activities for all ages. Weekly programs begin July 8th. All events are free; everyone is welcome.
Click the Summer at the Stevens icon on the library’s main page to get all the information online or to get printable brochures, calendars, school reading lists, bingo sheets and more! Many events are drop-in, see if there is registration on our calendar. Sign-up for summer reading at the Block Party or in the library later on. Visit the Children’s Room to earn beads, and the Teen Room or the Reference Desk for reading rewards (adults get to read for prizes, too) to sign-up and track your reading!
Why Reading Matters – Make Reading a Family Affair this summer studies show that children who read during the summer months have stronger reading and comprehension skills when they return to school in the fall. Here are some ways you can help grow as a reader:
- Encourage your child to read for at least 20 minutes a day.
- Let your child make their own selections. Show an interest in what they read: talk about what and why they chose something.
- Read yourself to show you enjoy and value reading, too.
- Read anything and everything: books, magazines, newspapers, comic book, both printed books and e-books.
- Listening counts: enjoy audiobooks, e-audiobooks, read-along-books.
NEW Summer Hours Began Friday, May 24
Monday through Thursday from 10am to 9pm and Friday from 10am to 6pm. The Library will be CLOSED Saturday and Sundays until Labor Day in September.
Library Cards & Access
Remember your library card gives you access to 1,000s of materials online 24/7 with OverDrive, Tumblebooks and the many articles in the e-Library. A Stevens Memorial Library Card is the best thing to hang on your backpack or put in a pocket. Library cards are free. Contact us if you have a library card question or a problem. All library materials are free. Use the online catalog to find your next book, manga or graphic novel, DVD, music, even a music instrument or a telescope. Have you tried a STEM kit? Bring its card to the Children’s Desk to check one out. Click on our Reader Request form for a personalized recommendation. Visit a digital book display for other reading ideas. Preferred formats available: print and audiobooks, e-books and e-audiobooks.
Contact Information
General questions: SmlRefServices@NorthAndoverMA.gov
Library cards: Stevens-Circulation@NorthAndoverMA.gov
Phone: 978-688-9505 (Children’s x42010, Teens x42032, Reference Desk x42016, Library Cards x42017)
School Committee Corner
Dave Brown, Committee Chair
Dear NAPS Families,
Update from the School Committee as we head into summer. Congratulations to the Class of 2024 on their graduation earlier this month!
We continue to work alongside our administration and the Town Manager and her staff to reduce and hopefully eliminate the budget deficit for the 2024 fiscal year, and on revising the budget for the 2025 fiscal year to avoid a deficit. We brought in outside resources to better understand how the deficit occurred, and to put controls in place to prevent recurrence. We ask for your continued patience during this challenging period of time and will be working throughout the summer to resolve the situation. Our goal is to begin the new school year with solid financial and operational plans in place, so everyone can focus on teaching and learning.
Meanwhile, District and School Committee operations continue. The NAMS building project remains on schedule and on budget. The Kittredge new building project continues in partnership with the MSBA (Massachusetts School Building Authority). The Kittredge Building Subcommittee (consisting of the Principal, several staff members, parents, Town Manager, Select Board Chair Bates and me as the SC representative) has now held 3 visioning workshops, visited 2 brand new local schools, and held a public forum as we move through the initial planning phases.
We received a very comprehensive annual health review from our school nurses. Their contributions to the safety and health of our students are often done behind the scenes and out of the spotlight, but are critical to the health and wellbeing of our students and staff – and greatly appreciated. Vice-Chair Hicks and I held a well-attended Community Chat on June 1st, and I want to thank those that came out, expressed their views, and were able to get their questions answered. All of us, as well as other town officials, attended our 8th Grade Student-Led Civics Project presentations, and one of those teams has subsequently received a special commendation from the state! Congratulations to all of those students that participated and Mr. McGravey for putting that very successful program together.
We held an initial planning session with North Andover SEPAC towards creation of an advisory committee to prioritize and plan the implementation of recommendations received from the special education review done by the Urban Collaborative. The goal is to have the advisory committee formed by the beginning of the next school year.
Unfortunately, we have to increase the athletic fees (which have not increased for over 10 years) and Pre-K Tuition at the ABECC (those fees are still very competitive with surrounding area programs). These increases are unfortunately necessary in light of our financial situation. Assistance is available for those in need, so please apply if you have a need.
I want to welcome our new student representatives, Allie Roberts and Laween Ismaail, who will join Harper Barrios and CC Choi at our meetings for the next year.
My best wishes to all of you for a relaxing and healthy summer. Get that summer reading done, get your batteries recharged, and come back strong for the 2024-25 School Year!
Dave Brown, MBA/MSEE
North Andover School Committee Chair
Job Openings with NAPS!
Child-Find North Andover
In accordance with Massachusetts Special Education legislation, North Andover Public Schools is making every effort to locate, identify, and evaluate children who may have a disability and may be entitled to specialized educational services. Regardless of the severity of the disability, it is the North Andover Public Schools' responsibility to determine if the child is eligible for special education or related services under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) or 306 CMR 28 (Massachusetts Special Education Regulations). Referrals may come from a parent, physician, preschool program, or early intervention services. The age limits include three-year-olds (preschool) through twenty-one year-olds up to the twenty-second birthday. All inquiries or new referrals should be sent to Marci Boccuzzi, Executive Director of Special Education, 566 Main Street, North Andover, MA 01845. Thank you!
Social Media Activity Around the District
The Great 8: Our Schools' Webpages
Hall of Fame 2024: Mark your Calendars!
Celebrating Teachers Night
Judy Nigrelli and Tony Reynolds were inducted into the School Committee Educator Hall of Fame in 2023. They and their families will be part of our opening day events in August. This October, we will have another ceremony to honor an incredible long-time North Andover teacher. Mark your calendars and please join us on Wednesday, October 30 at 7pm. Thanks for your support!
The mission of North Andover Public Schools is to cultivate a respectful community of engaged learners, insightful thinkers and effective communicators.