Valley Heights Elementary Schools
October 7th - October 11th
Waterville Elementary
What's Happening in Waterville
Join us for Colts PTO! Sunday, October 5th at 6:00 pm at the Blue Rapids Grade School!
Vaccine Clinic will be on Thursday, October 10th from 2:00-3:00. Please bring a copy of your insurance card. Pick up vaccine consent forms in the front office if you would like your child to get a vaccination.
Student Success Meetings will be this Tuesday, October 8th and Wednesday, October 9th. Please sign up for a meeting viz Bloomz. We aim for 100% attendance, so please schedule a time with your child's teacher that works best for you. Thank you!
- Colts PTO Meeting @ BR Grade School 6:00 pm
- Student Success Meetings
- Student Success Meetings
- Waterville Fire Department Visits K-2 students at Waterville Grade School
- PreK/Kinder Prep students visit the Waterville Fire Station
- Vaccine Clinic 2:00-3:00
- No School!
Looking ahead:
October 18th: Early Childhood Screening
October 18th: End of 1st 9 weeks- Dismiss @ 12:30
Kindergarten students loved the bubble machine!
Chasing bubbles!
Meet Nellie!
Art time in kindergarten!
Art time in kindergarten!
First graders working hard!
Fun in first grade!
Watch out, shark sighting!
First graders wrote about sharks!
Blue Rapids Elementary
It's all blue skies in Blue Rapids
It was a fantastic week at Blue Rapids elementary. Parents, we have an EXCITING week coming up as we have Student Success Meetings this week! Teachers have already reached out to parents to get conferences scheduled. If you have not signed up yet, please make sure you do so. Our goal is 100% participation in conferences. As a school, we love partnering with parents in educating the children and youth of Valley Heights!!
I want to give major kudos to our students for their attendance. Please see the attendance tracker below. What a great week to be a Mustang! As a reminder next Friday is NO School. Please families enjoy a great three-day week of rest and relaxation.
-Titus Staples
6th Grade
Working hard on their Science Centers!
5th Grade
Doing their IXL math lesson.
4th Grade
Lava experiment using Air Heads candy to study formations when heat is applied.
3rd Grade
Story time before lunch.
3rd Graders practicing their recorders. Sounding great!
Arbor Day 2024
Marshall County Vaccine Clinic
3rd-6th Grade Penny War
The 6th grade leadership is doing a penny war until October 17th between each grade to raise money for picnic tables for the playground area. Each penny counts as a point; nickels, dimes, quarters and bills take away from each classes' points. The winning grade will face off in a Kickball game on October 18th. Good luck everyone!
Attendance Matters!
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Colts Round Up!
Colts Round Up begins this Tuesday, September 3rd. Please see the family guide below for all the details on Colts Round Up!
Value, Honor, Success!
Anya, Piper, Quinn and Aurora worked together very well in their group lesson. Awesome job ladies!
WOWzer! What a big group of math minds. Laura, Harper, Dirk, Zoey, Beckett and Luke worked really hard on their math assignment. Great job everyone!
Congrats to this week's Waterville VHS ticket winners! Rhett, Elliot, Canyon, and George! Good work, boys!
Family Dinner Conversation of the Week
Need FREE Back to School Clothes?
Bike Safety
The bike racks are full at Waterville Grade School! Please make sure we talk to your kids about bike safety! We’d like to remind families to discuss a safe route to school with your students. Whether it is on foot, bike, or a car we want everyone to arrive to and from school safely! For students on foot and bike remember that the safest crossings are at Chestnut & Highway 77 in Blue Rapids and Minnesota & Highway 77 in Waterville. These crossings are monitored both before and after school.
Community Education
Community Education has recently sent out a program survey to gather community interests and Ideas to increase programming and participation in activities beyond the school day. We invite you to click on the link below to fill out the survey and give us your thoughts and ideas.
Survey Link:
We’d like to remind families to discuss a safe route to school with your students. Whether it is on foot, bike, or a car we want everyone to arrive to and from school safely! For students on foot and bike remember that the safest crossings are at Chestnut & Highway 77 in Blue Rapids and Minnesota & Highway 77 in Waterville.
These crossings are monitored both before and after school.
Box Tops for Education
Support your school!
Did you know that even though packaging no longer has box tops on them to cut out, that you can still support your school? Download the Box Tops app and scan your receipt to earn money for schools. This is a simple way to give back to your community! Click here for more details!