The Fulton Flier
July 28th, 2023

Week of April 8th
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Good morning Fulton Families,
Last week was filled with celebrations. We had the opportunity to lift up our assistant principals, paraeducators as well as our media team. We appreciate everything they do for our school community.
Dr. Burks, Mrs. Liwosz, & Mrs. Sillers
Howard County Literacy Association Young Authors Contest
Young Authors' Contest (YAC) contest encourages 1st through 12th grade students to enter a poem and/or short story. Students in public and private schools submit their writing piece to the school-level contest. Each participating school then selects an outstanding poem and short story per grade to compete in the county-wide competition. At the county level of the YAC contest, judges select a first and second place winner for each category and grade level.
Yesterday, we celebrated Sahib A. during the Young Authors' Contest Reading Day. Sahib is a 2nd grader at FES and won 2nd place for his poem "Silly Animals". Sahib read his poem to a room full of people with confidence, fluency and excitement. Great job Sahib, we are so proud of you!
Solar Eclipse Visible in Howard County
As a reminder, today, Monday, April 8, 2024, a partial solar eclipse will be visible in Howard County, Maryland. This partial eclipse will begin at 2:05 pm, with maximum coverage at 3:21 pm, and end around 4:35 pm.
Safety during a solar eclipse is important. Please review this information with your child(ren) to ensure safety at home:
Never look directly at the Sun, especially during a solar eclipse.
It is dangerous to look directly at the Sun and can cause permanent damage to the eyes.
Do not look at the Sun through sunglasses, telescope, or binoculars.
In addition, the partial eclipse will also have these impacts at FES:
- No outdoor recess starting at 2:00pm (5th grade will have indoor recess).
- We have minimized the movement to and from the main building during this time. Students will only leave the portables for an emergency during this time and/or early dismissal.
- We will be dismissing during the solar eclipse. We will be encouraging students to look forward towards their destination as they walk.
- If your child walks home without an adult, consider having an adult escort them to ensure they are not looking at the sun or finding alternate transportation home for this day.
We encourage you and your family to read more about solar eclipses and safety and enjoy experiencing this rare, exciting phenomenon.
Bike & Scooter Safety
We have seen an increase of students riding their bikes and/or scooters to and from school. To ensure the safety of everyone, please ensure your child is wearing a helmet. Also, please remind your child of safety rules while riding their bike/scooter to and from school.
Last Day of School Scheduled: Friday, June 14
As of Tuesday, April 2, HCPSS has used three inclement weather days this school year. Therefore, the last day of school for students in full-day Pre-K through grade 12 is now scheduled to be Friday, June 14. The last day for half-day Pre-K/RECC students is currently Tuesday, June 11.
The two final weeks for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows:
- Monday, June 3 – Regular school day
- Tuesday, June 4 – Regular school day
- Wednesday, June 5 – Schools dismiss three hours early (Professional Work Day)
- Thursday, June 6 – Regular school day
- Friday, June 7 – Regular school day
- Monday, June 10 – Regular school day
- Tuesday, June 11 – Regular school day (Last day for half-day Pre-K/RECC students)
- Wednesday, June 12 – Schools dismiss three hours early (Professional Work Day)
- Thursday, June 13 – Schools dismiss three hours early
- Friday, June 14 – Schools dismiss three hours early (Professional Work Day – Last scheduled day for full-day Pre-K-12 students)
The complete HCPSS academic calendar is available online. This information is subject to change, pending any additional inclement weather.
2024-2025 School Year Bus Transportation Registration Opens Monday, April 8
Parents/guardians whose children are eligible for bus transportation are asked to register to receive bus service each year to help the school system plan for student transportation needs. The transportation registration process will open at 9 a.m. Monday, April 8 through May 31, and will be completed online via HCPSS Connect Synergy. Registration must be done for each eligible child.
To be eligible for bus service, your child’s home address must be outside of a school’s walk zones. You can verify address eligibility in the HCPSS School Attendance Area Locator. After inputting your address, a window will appear that will indicate either bus or walk for each school level. Please note, the attendance area locator also includes a link for the bus stop locator, which is set for the current school year. Bus stop information for the 2024-2025 school year will be available in August.
You do not need to take any action if:
- Your child is not eligible for bus transportation
- Your child receives transportation as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan, or
- Your child is a graduating senior
Details on bus transportation registration, including a guide to register and scenarios families may see when registering, can be found online.
The PTA Perch
Technology, social media and your elementary schooler
7 PM • VIRTUAL https://meet.google.com/jbx-xoav-mfp
Our PTA meeting will focus on technology (ie watches and phones) and social media on our students.
Join us to help make meaningful contributions to our school while building community by meeting other FES parents and families. Learn more and sign-up here: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/5080E45AFA828AAF85-48927074-2024.
5:30-8 PM • FES
Students and families will showcase their cultures. Sign ups to participate coming soon!
Related Arts Color Days Schedule for the Upcoming Week
Upcoming Dates and Events
- 04.08: Bus Service Registration for SY25 Opens
- 04.09: End of 3rd Quarter
- 04.10: Schools Closed for Students; 7:00 PTA Meeting (Virtual)
- 04.11: HCPSS Opening Night Art Show
- 04.15: 4:30 FES School Tour for New Families
- 04.17: Report Cards Available for Parents, 4:00pm
- 04.19: 7:00 HCPSS Battle of the Books
- 04.25: Take Your Child To Work Day
- 05.04: 8:00-12:00 PTA Beautification Day
- 05.06-05.09: Staff Appreciation Week
- 05.08: 7:00 PTA Meeting (In-Person)
- 05.10: 5th Grade Kickball Game; FES Chorus signs @ Baysox Game
- 05.14: Schools and Offices Closed - Primary Election Day
- 05.17: 12:55PM 3 Hour Early Dismissal - Professional Learning Day; 5:00 PTA's International Night
- 05.23: 6:00 Fulton Finery
- 05. 27: Schools and Offices Closed - Memorial Day
- 05.29: 6:30 FES Chorus Concert
- 05.30: Fifth Grade Middle School Visit Day
- 05.31: 4TH Grade Nora Film Festival; SGA's Spring Dance
Community Happenings
Join Cedar Lane's PTA for their Annual Walk for Our Stars
Hello (Fulton Elementary School), (Lime Kiln Middle School), (Reservoir High School) Families,
The Cedar Lane School PTA is hosting its 26th Annual Walk For Our Stars 5K on Saturday, April 13, 2024. As our schools and students have shared inclusive classroom instruction and activities over the years, we would like to invite you to celebrate with us and meet our students and their families! We would love to meet and see your families too. Please view the flier or click the link for more information. You can register and join us or cheer our participants on along the race course. We have planned our race course around our 4 school campus and down the Maple Lawn connecting pathway around the dog park. We are excited to share our fun-filled family day event with you!
We hope to see you there!
Cedar Lane School, PTA
BSAP and G/T Summer Institute Enrollment Requests Open April 2
Special Education Virtual Information Session
The Recruitment and Hiring Team and the Department of Special Education are collaborating to host a virtual information session for individuals interested in learning more about becoming a special education teacher or related service provider with HCPSS. The event will be held on April 10 from 5-6:30 p.m. via Google Meet. A flier is linked here
Art Camp With Mrs. Wasilewski
Come out and enjoy a week of art making. These art camps are designed to enhance the skill levels of each individual. Explore and learn about different mediums and techniques. Each camp includes all new art experiences and will not repeat activities for campers who are interested in participating in more than one camp.
Click this link to learn more!
Worth Repeating
Upcoming Spring Opportunities
Science Inquiry Project:
Is your child creative? Is your child interested in experiments? If so, your child might like to participate in Fulton’s Science Inquiry Project. Fulton is providing an opportunity for students to research and display their findings during the Fulton Finery. You will be conducting the science experiment at home and bringing your findings to school.
Students must have approval from home to undertake a science project. Please complete the permission formLinks to an external site. by Friday, April 5th. We will be meeting with all interested students on Friday, April 12th at 8:45 am to go over the project, requirements, and display board and pass out the Science Inquiry Packet. Although this is a student science project, your cooperation and involvement is encouraged.
Please remember that any level of science inquiry that a child is interested in pursuing is acceptable, as long as it meets the requirements of the permission form.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Cerand or Mrs. Ciliberti at school at 410-880-5957 or by email at liz_cerand@hcpss.org or amy_ciliberti@hcpss.org.
Lego Challenge:
Is your child creative? Does your child build items around the house? Does your child like to play with Legos? If so, your child might like to participate in Fulton’s Lego Challenge. Fulton is providing an opportunity for students to show their creativity and engineering ability. Have your student look at the challenge for his/her grade level and follow the requirements to build what comes to mind.
Kindergarten Challenge: 100 Pieces-Animal
Choose your favorite animal. In 100 or less Legos, create this animal.
1st Grade Challenge: 100 Pieces-Car
Design a car using 100 or less Legos.
2nd Grade Challenge: 200 Pieces-Transportation
Design a vehicle that is used to transport either goods or people using 200 or less Legos.
3rd Grade Challenge: 200 Pieces-Robot
Design a robot using 200 or less Legos.
4th Grade Challenge: 300 Pieces-Symbol of Maryland
Create a Lego structure in 300 or less Legos, which represents our state.
5th Grade Challenge: 500 Pieces-Architecture
Design a house or building for the future using 500 or less Legos.
All entries must arrive to school:
- On Monday, May 20th, 2024 (Please don’t drop off Lego structures before the 20th.)
- In a shoe box labeled with the student’s name
- A base of the structure no bigger than 6” by 12”
- With a completed Grade Level Table Tent, which students will receive after permission slip has been received
Please remember piece challenge is a requirement and not to be passed. Fulton will not be able to provide Legos for the challenge. Fulton is not responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced Lego pieces. All structures will be on display at the Fulton Finery on Thursday, May 23rd, 2024. All Legos will be sent home on Friday, May 24th.
If your student is interested in participating in the Lego Challenge, please fill out the formLinks to an external site. by Friday, May 10th, 2024.
Civility Reminder
As a reminder, our teachers and school staff members are exceptionally dedicated individuals doing their best and working their hardest to nurture, educate and protect our students. Quite simply, they are heroes, and they deserve our gratitude and respect at all times.
I encourage every parent/guardian to remain engaged in a respectful and civil manner with your child's teachers and support staff. If you have any questions or need support with a particular issue, please reach out to admin and we will be happy to help you.
Join our FES Chorus at the Baysox Game!
Welcome to Prince George’s Stadium, home of the Bowie Baysox! Celebrating our 31st year as a PROUD Double-A Affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles!
Welcome Fulton Elementary!
Join us on May 10th as the Baysox take on the Akron RubberDucks, (Double-A Affiliate of the Cleveland Indians!
Gates will open at 6:00pm. Pre-game ceremonies begin approximately 6:30. Baysox game time is 7:05.
Seating for this event is GENERAL ADMISSION. Open bench seating with backs will be available on both the right and left field sides of the Stadium. Because seating is General Admission, the seat number listed on your order is strictly for tracking purposes and does not preassign you a specific location. You will be able to choose your own seats upon entry.
Your tickets are valid for the game date they are purchased only and may not be exchanged for another date. ALL SALES ARE FINAL.
PLEASE NOTE: All Baysox concession stands are CASHLESS, meaning payment will need to be made by credit or debit card, mobile tap or Baysox Bucks. Cash will not be accepted.
For further information please contact Vinny Lewis at (301)464-4890.
Purchase tickets here.
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is opening March 4th -8th.
Families of children who will be five years old by September 1, 2024 should enroll their child in kindergarten or submit a kindergarten waiver. Families can find more information about enrolling children in kindergarten, as well as resources to support kindergarten readiness, the kindergarten waiver, and more on the HCPSS website here: https://www.hcpss.org/enroll/kindergarten/ Please share this information with your neighbors and friends!
Learning Together Program – Prekindergarten
The Fulton Elementary School Regional Early Childhood Center (RECC) prekindergarten programs are making preparations for classes for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. These classes include children with and without disabilities. The program’s focus is helping all children develop communication, literacy, math, problem solving, motor, and social skills. Parents of children who will be 3 or 4 by September 1st, applications will be available and accepted in mid February.
In alignment with Maryland’s Blueprint for the Future, a limited number of new applications for students turning 4 by September 1 will be available. The Howard County Public School System continues to offer a prekindergarten program for income eligible children who will be four years old by September 1. For additional information contact the school or visit: https://www.hcpss.org/schools/pre-k-programs/
HCPSS is committed to providing instruction based on the statewide Early Learning Standards which are in alignment with Kindergarten Readiness. The fees listed in the application will be collected monthly regardless of the learning model determined by HCPSS throughout the upcoming school year (virtual, hybrid, in person, or class quarantine). If you have any additional questions , please contact Jessica Lifson at (410) 880-5957.
Tanisha Burks, Principal, tanisha_burks@hcpss.org
Justine Sillers, Assistant Principal, justine_sillers@hcpss.org
Meaghan Liwosz, Assistant Principal, meaghan_liwosz@hcpss.org
11600 Scaggsville Road, Fulton, MD 20759