Sunnyvale ISD Counselor's Corner
A Monthly Newsletter About Social-Emotional Wellness & More
SISD Counseling Department Mission Statement:
Elementary Counseling Resources
Mrs. Hill- Elementary School Counselor
Email: leeann.hill@sunnyvaleisd.com
Website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/Domain/87
Phone: (972) 226-7601
Hello Little Raider Families!!!
I cannot believe we are wrapping up our first nine weeks at Sunnyvale Elementary!!! We have had a wonderful start to our school year.
Be A Raider, Be Responsible.
We introduced our Be A Raider character focus to the students as soon as school started. Classes created class agreements based on our 5 character traits: Be Helpful, Be Honest, Be Kind, Be Positive and Be Responsible. Our focus for September was Be A Raider, Be Responsible. We discussed what being responsible means at SES on the announcements, in family meetings and during guidance lessons. Students who showed responsibility in the cafeteria are entered into a drawing for weekly celebration with Ms. Hill. The students who showed responsibility this month were able to shop at the school store on Thursday, October 3rd.
Raiders Relax Room
Every class has now had the opportunity to visit the Raiders Relax Room at least once. The Raiders Relax Room is our calming room on campus. The students learn self-regulation through tools and techniques available in the Raiders Relax Room. In addition, every classroom is equipped with some of the tools from this room in their Raiders Relax to You Kits. These are used when students might need to refocus or reset when big feelings arise. I have encouraged our little Raiders to create a space at home where they can do the same. If your child has created a Raider Relax area at home please send me a picture at leeann.hill@sunnyvaleisd.com.
Here are some resources to use at home to help your child with responsibility and self regulation (self control/settle your glitter):
Hello Week
This month we celebrated Hello Week as a district and campus. At SES, Mrs. Dodson and I paired up to do a lesson in the library of being upstanders and being kind to all. On the announcements and in family meetings we discussed how Responsible Raiders stand up for what is right. Responsible Raiders include others who are alone.
Raider Representatives
Our Raider Representatives, our second grade leadership team, had the opportunity to do the pledges at a school board meeting. The students also served our staff with the Raider Rep Refreshment Cart.
Thank you for sharing your kiddos with me! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns as far as your child is concerned. If your child is having a difficult time or your family is in crisis please let me help. In my 23 years as an educator the biggest success stories I have witnessed are when families and staff members team up for students.
If you are in need of resources such as mental health providers, food, clothing or school supplies I am also here to help!
Intermediate Counseling Resources
Mrs. Stancliffe- Intermediate School Counselor
Email: Renee.Stancliffe@SunnyvaleISD.com
Website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/Domain/755
Phone: (972) 203-8406
Hello Raider Families,
I loved celebrating Hello Week with your Raider. Each day the students were challenged to notice and include their classmates. The students completed a human scavenger hunt, which helped them learn new things about their classmates. They used conversation starters to strike up conversations at lunch. On Friday the students participated in Hello Day where they visited classrooms around the school to learn about kindness, friendship, and including others.
Last week your students learned about the importance of good sportsmanship. Good sportsmanship is a skill like any other, and gets better with practice. We learned strategies to manage frustration when the game isn't going our way, and we categorized different scenarios as examples of good or poor sportsmanship.
This month students will learn about handling conflict with friends, dealing with peer pressure, and we will celebrate Red Ribbon Week.
Happy October!
Middle School Counseling Resources
Mrs. Medina- Middle School Counselor
Welcome back SMS Family!
As we kick off another exciting school year, I want to extend a warm welcome to all students and families. As students return to school, they may experience a mix of excitement and anxiety. Here are some tips to help ease this transition:
1. Establish Routines: Encourage regular sleep, meal and homework schedules.
2. Stay Organized: Use planners or digital tools to track assignments and events.
3. Connect with Friends: Rebuilding social connections can ease anxiety.
4. Open Communication: Encourage students to express their feelings about returning to school.
Counseling Programs and Groups
SMS is once again offering various programs including:
Peer Mediation Program: Helping students resolve conflicts peacefully
Social Skills Groups: For students looking to improve their interpersonal skills
Walking Club: When weather permits during Flextime
Dungeons and Dragons Club: Also during Flextime
This Month's Focus
New Student Meet and Greet Bingo
Hello Week! Hello Week is dedicated to making social connections and creating a sense of belonging.
Guidance Word of the Year -During a meditation exercise, 6th graders decided, picked and reflected upon a single word for this year's focus.
Tip of the Month: Practice Mindfulness! Encourage your child to take a few moments each day to practice deep breathing or mindfulness exercises. This can help manage stress and promote focus.
I'm excited to partner with you this year in supporting the students' well being. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
High School Counseling Resources
Mrs. Batten and Mrs. Engrav- High School Counselors
jaymie.batten@sunnyvaleisd.com (L-Z)
Website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/Page/2095
Phone: (972) 203-4600
Raider Families,
This start of the school year has been busy, but so much fun! We welcomed our new students with our PALS during a lunch mixer and started our new New Student Mentor program with teacher volunteers.
We celebrated Hello Week with lots of fun activities to increase awareness about social isolation and inclusivity.
We also started our new peer to peer suicide prevention program, Hope Squad. They helped with Hello Week by decorating the sidewalks with encouraging phrases and welcoming students to end the week on Friday morning.
September is Suicide Prevention Month, so we visited every student during English classes to present a lesson to all students about risk factors, warning signs, intervention and protective factors. We also reminded students the importance in reporting threats to others. See Something. Say Something.
As always, we want to partner with you and your student, so reach out anytime we can help.
Coordinator of Counseling Services
Mrs. James, MEd, LPC
Email: melissa.james@sunnyvaleisd.com
Website: https://www.sunnyvaleisd.com/Page/2096
Phone: (972) 203-4600
Crisis Lines and Community Counseling Resources
Lifelines of support
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 24-hour crisis hotline at 988 or 1-800-273-8255. Confidential online chat is available at suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Crisis Text Line: 24-hour support by texting HOME to 741741. More information at crisistextline.org
North Texas Behavioral Health Authority: 24-hour crisis hotline at 1-866-260-8000 or go to ntbha.org
Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas: Speak to a trained counselor on the 24-hour hotline at 214-828-1000 or 800-273-8255 or go to sccenter.org
Here For Texas Mental Health Navigation Line: Grant Halliburton Foundation initiative that connects North Texans with mental-health resources customized to each caller at 972-525-8181 or go to HereForTexas.com
Dallas Metrocare Services: For help, call 1-877-283-2121 or go to metrocareservices.org
If you are in crisis or have suicidal thoughts, please call
our suicide crisis hotline at 214-828-1000. You can also
text "CONNECT" to 741741 anytime to reach trained,
caring volunteers at the National Crisis Text Line.
Here for Texas
Find a mental health provider and get resources: http://www.herefortexas.com/search-local-professionals.html?clear=all
Mental Health Navigation Line: 972-525-8181
Child Mind Institute
"When a child is struggling, the whole family is affected. At the Child Mind Institute we want to help you make good decisions for your kids and navigate the challenges of parenting. We explore the concerns and challenges we hear about most from parents and provide expert guidance on how to respond in the most effective way. And if you have a child who needs support, we offer resources that can help you get the best care for that child and the best outcome for your family."