Hawk Talk - September 20, 2024
Hawthorne Elementary School
Hawthorne Families
We have lots of great things coming up!
- Keep scrolling for more information, dates and special events.
Parents - If English is not your first language, please use the translate button on the top of your S'More Newsletter! (Padres: si el inglés no es su primer idioma, utilice el botón de traducción en la parte superior de su boletín S'More).
Hawk Happenings!
Hawk Families - WE ALL NEED TO WORK TOGETHER on ATTENDANCE! Please read the D91 Attendance Policy below and take a good look at the ATTENDANCE graphic. The impact of attendance is HUGE! (This information is also found in our Hawthorne Parent & Student Handbook.)
Students cannot exceed 5 absences during a trimester. Any student with absences in excess of 5 days during a trimester may be referred to Bonneville County Juvenile Probation and be placed on truancy.
Absences counted in the 5-day limit include:
Verified Absences (VER): An excused absence is one which has been verified by the parent/legal guardian; an absence that the parent/legal guardian knew of, approved, and cleared with the attendance office before, the day of, or no later than the close of the second day upon the student's return to school.
Unverified Absence (UNV): An unexcused absence is one which is unverified by the parent/legal guardian; an absence in which the parent/legal guardian did not have knowledge of, or did not approve, or did not clear with attendance office before, the day of, or no later than the close of the second day upon the student's return to school.
All of these codes include the following: family trips; work days; vacations; visiting friends or relatives; hair; medical or dental without a doctor note: photography appointments; attending concerts; shopping; or any other activities which are unacceptable to the Board.
Absences not counted in the 5-day limit include:
Medical (MED): An excused absence, due to illness or a medical/dental appointment, directly verified by a licensed medical practitioner cleared with the attendance office before or within two business days of the student's return to school.
Tardy Medical (TED): Tardy from returning from Dr. appointment -verified by Dr. excuse.
School Activity Absence (ACT): An absence due to participation in district sponsored field trips, extra-curricular, or co-curricular activities may be granted upon approval of the superintendent/designee.
Death in Family (DIF): Death in Family is used for death of an immediate family member.
Court (CRT): Court excused absence - student has to have a written excuse from the court.
School Closure (CLS): School Closure for something that has happened at the school such as pipes freezing, no heat, etc. This includes absences marked as WTHR.
We still need to fill a couple of positions at Hawthorne. All of our jobs can be found at www.ifschools.org under the "join our team" button. We are looking for:
- School Lunch help - 10:15-1:30, Monday-Friday. The position is listed as "Satellite Server - Part Time - Hawthorne".
- "In-House" substitute teacher - this position would substitute teachers for teachers or aides when they are sick. You apply under the "district-wide" sub application and then select Hawthorne. If you are interested in this one, please call Mr. Morgan so he can help you with the process.
Hawk Spirit Week - Starting Monday, 9/23
Volunteers Needed
We would love to have some volunteers come into classrooms and work with students on reading skills (phonics) and math skills. Just a few minutes a week can make a big difference! If you are interested in volunteering (or if you have a grandparent who would like to volunteer) please contact the office.
If you have not signed up for REMIND updates from your student's teacher - here are a list of REMIND codes for classes who are using REMIND now.
Important Dates
Mon.-Fri. 9/23-27 SPIRIT WEEK
- Mon. 9/23: "Pajama Day" - clean, comfy and school-appropriate
- Tues. 9/24: Hat Day
- Wed. 9/25: "DRESS TO IMPRESS - School Picture Edition" Be sure you look great for your picture!
- Thurs. 9/26: Crazy Hair Day
- Fri. 9/27: Orange and/or Blue - Tiger/Grizz day!!!
🏈🏈🏈Sat. 9/28 EMOTION BOWL🏈🏈🏈
Thursday, 10/3 & Friday, 10/4 - Fall Inservice - NO SCHOOL
🎃🎃🎃Thurs. 10/31 HALLOWEEN🎃🎃🎃