Albert Leonard Middle School
Welcome Back!!!

September 6, 2024
A Message from the Principal
Hello ALMS Families,
Welcome to the first week of the 2024-2025 school year! We are thrilled to have all our students back in the building, full of energy and excitement. This past week has been an incredible start, filled with orientation activities, warm reunions, and the forming of new friendships. Our hallways are alive with the sound of learning, laughter, and that unmistakable first-week buzz.
We kicked things off with successful student orientations, ensuring everyone—whether new to our school or returning—felt welcomed and ready to dive into the year ahead. It’s been a joy watching students connect, settle into their routines, and engage in our vibrant school community. The positive energy and enthusiasm are truly contagious!
We’re looking forward to continuing this momentum throughout the year and building on the strong foundation we’ve laid in these first few days. Here’s to an exciting year ahead full of growth, collaboration, and fun!
Dr. Edwards-Thomas
Important Upcoming Dates
9/16-9/20 - Start with Hello Week
9/19/24 - Meet the Teacher Night 7:00PM
9/25/24 - 8th Grade Pictures
9/25/24 - ALMS PTA Meeting 6:00PM
9/26/24 - 7th Grade Pictures
9/27/24 - 6th Grade Pictures
9/27/24 - 6th Grade Movie Night - See below for details
6th Grade Movie Night
Details to follow!
BACK TO SCHOOL: First Week Photos
Chromebook Responsibilities
To ALMS Parents and Students,
As a Middle School student, you are required to come to school with your district-provided chromebook charged. The district-provided chromebook is also your responsibility; if it's in your backpack, locker, on a bus, or at home, you must keep it protected from being damaged or lost/stolen.
Please refer to the AUP and Device Loaner Form, which you have signed with your parent/guardian, and review the terms and conditions listed on the form both inside and outside of school.
To all parents/guardians, please speak with your child regarding Chromebook care and responsibilities. Some of the computers are damaged due to students spilling liquids, tossing them to the ground during recess, getting knocked around in a backpack, or dropping them. Damaged Chromebooks are subject to fees. You may want to consider purchasing a case as was indicated on the school supply list.
You can refer to our Acceptable Use Policy and Device Loaner Form (linked above) for the CSDNR policy.
If you are in need of a new device for any reason, the first step is to fill out a Droplet Form (found within the link above). Once filled out, the child can report to the computer lab in the building for next steps. Thank you!
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
School Supplies
Getting to School
Pick Up & Drop Off:
We encourage families to consider using alternate drop off/pick up locations to avoid the congestion in the ALMS Traffic Circle.
The Green Arrows indicate the ALMS Traffic Circle traffic pattern
The Red Lines indicate the Bus Drop Off & Pick Up Locations. DO NOT PARK IN THESE AREAS
The Blue Lines indicate common alternate drop off and pick up locations to avoid the congestion of the traffic circle
Metrocards/Bee-Line Buses:
- Regular Bee-Line busing will begin on Thursday, September 5, 2024 for eligible students. All students who wish to utilize Liberty Lines Bee Line Service will be required to use a Metrocard or Student Pass.
- Your child may purchase a STUDENT PASS or a MetroCard, not both.
- Students MAY BOARD THE BUS without a Metrocard ONLY during the first few days of school. After the initial period, MetroCards are Required on every trip the students take on the Bee Line buses.
- Metrocards will be available for purchase during student lunch periods starting 9/5/24.
Students who pre-purchased a MetroCard via the online RevTrak system students must bring a proof of purchase / printed receipt to pick up their card.
- METROCARDS are $9.00 per card and are good for 8 trips per card. A maximum of 2 cards per month may be purchased. There are no replacements.
- STUDENT PASSES are $115.00 for a 5 month period. Lost or stolen cards will be replaced for $5.00. STUDENT PASSES are valid M-F 5:30 a.m. through 8:30 p.m. on Bee-Line buses only.
We understand that students will need time to acquire a Metrocard/Student Pass, so it will not be required during the opening days of school.
Bee Lines Buses are public buses. Students must be at their designated bus stop prior to the arrival of their bus.
Click Here for the ALMS Bee-Line Bus Schedule.
Click here for the half day dismissal bus stop schedule
Click here for the CSDNR Transportation Webpage which includes Metrocard pricing details
School Lunch
All Meals Are Free for the 2024-25 School Year
Meal Pricing
***All Meals are Free for School Year 2024-2025***
Middle School Breakfast
Middle School Lunch
Reduced Price Lunch
100% Juice
Contact Information
Kyana Mongol
(914) 576-4217
All Families will be asked to complete School Lunch forms, which will be sent home with students during the first week of school.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Albert Leonard Middle School, along with 50 other secondary schools in Westchester County, is continuing a Student Assistance/Project SUCCESS Program for the 2024-2025 school year. This program is funded by the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports through the Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health, the school district, and by corporate and private donations. The program will provide alcohol, nicotine, vaping, and other drug prevention activities and counseling for students including support for students and families experiencing bullying situations, and/or problem gambling.
It is anticipated this combination of services will accomplish the following goals: l. prevent substance use and social and emotional problems among students 2. reduce the incidence of substance use and social emotional problems among students 3. improve school performance and attitudes toward school, and support social emotional skill development Nicolette Loaiza is returning as the Student Assistance Counselor at Albert Leonard Middle School.
She will be working full time at the school and have evening hours available to meet with parents and community groups. Ms. Loaiza is a Licensed Masters Social Worker, experience working with adolescents, and specialized training in prevention and early intervention strategies with adolescents at risk of having substance or gambling related problems. She is being paid and supervised by Student Assistance Services Corporation and the school. Ms. Loaiza will be meeting with 7th and 8th grade students individually and in small groups for education and prevention activities to correct erroneous perceptions about substance use, to support social and emotional health, and to teach students skills to identify and resist social and situational pressures to use substances or participate in other unhealthy behaviors.
Parent meetings corresponding to our prevention program will also be offered. Ms. Loaiza will be available to see students who are using substances, vaping, gambling or have personal, peer, school, or family issues that could increase their risk of using substances, developing mental health problems, and/or being involved in bullying situations. If you would like to speak to the Student Assistance Counselor about your child or another student, please call her directly at (914) 576-4339 x20615.
We are hopeful this program will show promising results. Data will be collected to assess the overall effectiveness of the program in preventing and reducing risk factors for alcohol, nicotine, other drug use, mental health problems, and problem gambling. If your child has been referred either by a staff member, or if they self-referred, and you would like them to not see Ms. Loaiza, email her directly @nloaiza@nredlearn.org. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions about the program.
Dr. Camille Edwards-Thomas Principal
Tutor.com is back!
The school district renewed the tutor.com license for middle and high school students! See the attached fliers for more information!
PTA News
New Rochelle Special Education PTA (SEPTA)
Albert Leoanrd Middle School
Website: https://albertleonard.nred.org/
Phone: (914)576-4339