Liberty Newsletter
Friday, August 30, 2024
School News
Ready for Reading
Liberty is looking for volunteers to build reading skills with kindergarten students. Even if you only have 30 minutes a week, our kindergarten students would love to welcome you! Volunteers can be neighbors, grandparents, parents, or friends. Read below for more information and click HERE to register. After registering, a program coordinator from our school will be in touch with more information.
What's a Behavior Report?
In an effort to better communicate with our families regarding student behavior and our response here at school, we will continue to implement a Behavior Report Form throughout the building. This form helps staff members summarize a student's actions, the context in which the action occurred, and any consequences the child receives. As we are an elementary school and regularly redirect students and coach them on their behavior, staff members will utilize this form when behaviors stand out as being worthy of sharing with parents. Our teachers will contact you when such incidents occur so that you can hear details from them and have the opportunity to ask questions. If you are unavailable when we reach out, this form can ensure you at least have the basics of what happened when your child arrives home.
School Pictures
If your child was unable to have their school picture taken, the picture make-up day is Thursday, October 10th. It’s not too late to order pictures. Orders can still be placed over the phone at 815-433-1766, or online at shop.hrimaging.com. All students are photographed for school records so you will be able to preview their picture online prior to ordering. Please do not send paper order envelopes to school.
HR Imaging has a NO QUESTIONS ASKED policy for retakes. If for any reason you are unhappy with their pictures, you may have the photograph retaken on Thursday, October 10th. Students must bring the entire package back and give it to the photographer at that time.
HR Imaging has a NO QUESTIONS ASKED policy for refunds. If for any reason you are unhappy with their pictures, you may request a refund. The ENTIRE package must be returned within 5 days. A full refund will be issued by HR Imaging and sent via US Postal Service. HR Imaging is unable to issue refunds after 15 days of picture delivery.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Interested in joining Liberty's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee? The DEI committee is made up of Liberty teachers, parents, and community members who are invested in the inclusion of all, and work to create opportunities to celebrate our diverse school community. New faces are welcome anytime! If you're interested in joining us or would like to know more, email Mary Evelyn Smith at mesmith@wscloud.org or Mattie Ball at mball@wscloud.org. Our first meeting is via Zoom on Monday, October 7th at 7:00 p.m.
Important Dates
September 2 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
September 3 - City Barbeque, PTA Fundraiser (Powell)
September 3-13 - PTA Spirit wear Sale
September 13 - Community Coffee with the Superintendent
October 10 - Picture Absentee/Retake Day
PTA News
City BBQ - PTA Dine-Out Fundraiser
Please join us for a Dine-Out Fundraiser at City BBQ, 3758 W. Powell Rd., Powell, this Tuesday, September 3rd, 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Use promo code GIVE or show the flier below and a portion of your purchase will be donated to the Liberty PTA.
Walk/Bike to School
Walk/Bike to School is next Friday, September 6th. Students in 4th and 5th grades, who are not in the bus riding zone, are welcome to come to school on their own; all other students must be accompanied by an adult. Make sure to send in a yellow slip or call the office if picking up at the end of the day is out of the ordinary for your student. We are looking for one person to be stationed on the intersection of Plains/Seabright to help kids cross Plains, and we need two volunteers to help hand out stickers when students arrive at school. Follow this link to sign up. Thanks for your continued support!
Spirit wear Sale
The Spiritwear Sale begins on Tuesday, September 3rd through Friday, September 13th. Fliers will be sent home with your student on Tuesday or you may follow this link to the RahRah Gear Liberty collection for additional information. Questions regarding spirit wear can be directed to President@LibertyPTA.com.
District News
School Events to Your Phone
Do you want to add Liberty Elementary events to your phone? Our school calendar pages have been updated with information on how to subscribe and add events to your personal device. Follow this link to learn more.
WoTown Showdown
Join us for a battle on the gridiron to support our two local high school football teams tonight at 7:00 p.m. at WKHS. Parking is limited so the recommendation is to park at McCord Middle School across the street. We are coordinating efforts with our local law enforcement to improve traffic after large events.
Community News
WYB Travel Basketball Tryouts
Registration is underway for WYB Travel Basketball tryouts . Register here.
Grades 3 - 6 BOYS’ Tryouts
At Worthington Kilbourne High School
Sunday, Sept 15 and Sunday, September 22:
3rd grade: 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
4th grade: 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
5th grade: 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
6th grade: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Grades 3 - 6 GIRLS’ Tryouts
At Worthington Kilbourne High School
Sunday, September 29 and Sunday, October 6:
3rd grade: 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
4th grade: 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
5th grade: 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
WYB Gymnastics Announcements
Fall session spots are still available for the following WYB classes:
Co-ed Homeschool Gym Class, Wednesday, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Co-ed Basic Tumble and Jumps for Cheer, Wednesday, 7:50-8:30 p.m.
Girls’ Beginner, Thursday, 7:20-8:20 p.m.
Co-ed Pre-K, Saturday, 10:10 -10:50 a.m.
Girls’ Beginner, Saturday, 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
WYB Gymnastics is looking for daytime and weekend coaches. Compensation is negotiable, please email Gymevents@WYBSports.org for more information.
WYB Technical Support Needed
Worthington Youth Boosters is looking for a person to help with technical support for the organization. Compensation is available for this position. If interested, please contact Tammy Bryant at director@wybsports.org
Liberty Elementary School
Email: cbelair@wscloud.org
Website: https://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/Domain/20
Location: 8081 Saddle Run, Powell, OH, USA
Phone: (614)450-5200
Facebook: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057616923023
Twitter: @LibertyLeopards