Superintendent's Update
September 2024
Dear Rye Neck Families,
September is synonymous with the return to the routines of the school year, but few routines are as exciting as the first few days back to school. Like our students with fresh haircuts and new back to school outfits, our buildings are polished, painted and ready to meet everyone. Faculty and staff spent most of last week at school getting everything else prepared and the first day of school was a great start. Of course, it helped that we all had ice cream on Day 1.
Open House!
I encourage our families to participate in our school Open Houses. It’s a great way to help understand your child’s daily environment and give context to things you and your child may talk about, but it also serves to put faces to names, both for you and the teachers. The schedule for each school is:
- High School, Thursday, September 5th, 6:00 PM
- Middle School, Thursday, September 12th, 6:00 PM
- F. E. Bellows, Thursday, September 19th, 6:00 PM
- Daniel Warren, Thursday, September 26th, 6:00 PM for
Grade 2, 6:15 PM for Grade 1, and 6:30 PM for Kindergarten
Strategic Plan
Our Board of Education will soon have the opportunity to formally adopt our new Mission Statement, the product of our Rye Neck Strategic Planning process put into motion last year:
Rye Neck is a close-knit school community that values local and global voices, and is committed to providing a learning journey that inspires an adaptive mindset where learners thrive academically and personally.
Our three interrelated Strategic Planning goals will help us achieve that mission. At all levels we seek to
Equip all learners to approach problems by asking questions, exploring solutions, taking action, and reflecting on outcomes
Build transformative environments that foster empathy, compassion, and connection to the world. Create learning experiences that instill a sense of purpose inside and outside of the classroom
Design systems for our professional learning community to develop practices and expertise that lead to transformational experiences for themselves and their students
Above is a version of the winning “Head, Heart, and Hands” graphic submitted by senior Abby Ramos for our student logo contest. We will be using variations of the new image to help graphically represent and enact the ideas of each goal.
To help create time for our staff to learn and share the skills associated with our plan, we proposed a Professional Learning calendar last spring that featured student “release time” from school. Based on community feedback and a survey in June, we made two major changes. First, we eliminated all delayed openings and reduced our release time to six early dismissals over the course of the year for our 2024-25 Professional Learning Calendar. Next, we partnered with the Rye Y to provide aftercare on those early release days for grades K-5. Please use these links for Daniel Warren After Care Registration and FE Bellows After Care Registration if you would like to take advantage of this service. If you have any questions, please contact your building principal, or our Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Corinne Ryan, at cryan@ryeneck.org.
Safe Commuting
As our new mission statement says, we are a close-knit school community. I think that’s because of our ideal population size and high degree of spirit. However, it’s also somewhat a result of our compact geography that frees us from the need for school buses, and being flanked by larger neighboring communities. The effort to help keep our students safe while going to and from school will work best when we put that close-knit community sense to a common purpose.
I recently met with the Village of Mamaroneck Police regarding safe student commuting. In addition to our usual bike safety presentations for F.E. Bellows and RNMS, they will be visiting both Daniel Warren and F.E. Bellows for crosswalk-specific safety presentations. Chief DiRuzza also suggested we help families map out their children's trip to school and shared the location of the VOM crossing guards assigned to Rye Neck’s arrival and dismissal times. Please see this list and consider your child’s travel route, including street crossings:
Halstead Ave./ N. Barry Ave.
N. Barry Ave./ Brook St.
E. Boston Post Rd./ N. Barry Ave.
F. E. Bellows Elementary School
Keeler Ave./ Frank Ave.
Daniel Warren Elementary School
E. Boston Post Rd./ Harrison Ave.
E. Boston Post Rd./Hornidge Rd. (Uniformed Officer)
We also discussed the use of our Principal’s Weekly messages for reminders about helmet laws, and rules of the road for walkers, bikers, and drivers. For drivers, I have always encouraged awareness and patience. As someone who has spent many years traveling on I-684, I feel that the degree of distracted driving has increased dramatically. Patience is obviously important as we wait on lines going into and out of the roads around each school. Specifically, I ask the following:
Don’t assume that walkers, bikers, and other drivers will obey safety laws. Please drive defensively.
Since it’s normal for us to have emotional reactions to other drivers, please exhibit a tolerant attitude that helps to avoid hot tempers.
Model good driving/walking/biking for the sake of the future commuters who look to adults as examples.
Finally, please be conscious of the specific challenges for our district, such as:
Be respectful of residents who may be blocked by our DW pick up lines
Try to avoid making a left from the eastbound Boston Post. Rd. onto Carroll Ave.
The speed limit on the MS/HS campus is a glacial but necessary 10 mph.
Inclement weather brings more congestion-- please leave yourself extra time
Next month, I will be sharing information about an upcoming NY State project to pave portions of our local stretch of the Boston Post Rd., cooperation with our local municipalities, and safety efforts by some of our community members as part of Safe Routes to School.
Enjoy our beautiful back-to-school weather and I’ll see you at Open House!
Best regards,
Dr. Eric Lutinski
Superintendent of Schools
School Opens For All Students
Tuesday, September 3rd
Board of Education Planning Session
Wednesday, September 4th
6:30 PM
Collaborative Science Center
High School Open House
Thursday, September 5th
6:00 PM
RNIC & Newcomers Meet Up
Saturday, September 7th (Rain Date - September 8th)
2:00 PM
Florence Park
RNIC International Committee Meeting
Wednesday, September 11th
9:15 AM
F.E. Bellows Annex
Rye Neck School Foundation Board/Liaison Meeting
Wednesday, September 11th
9:15 AM
MS/HS Community Room
Middle School ENL Title 1 Meeting
Thursday, September 12th
5:00 PM
MS/HS Community Room
High School ENL Title 1 Meeting
Thursday, September 12th
5:30 PM
MS/HS Community Room
Middle School Open House
Thursday, September 12th
6:00 PM
PTSA Organize Your 6th Grader
Monday, September 16th
6:30 PM
MS/HS Dining Hall
Booster Club Meeting
Tuesday, September 17th
7:00 PM
MS/HS Community Room
Board of Education Meeting
Wednesday, September 18th
7:00 PM
MS/HS Community Room
K-5 ENL Title 1 Meeting
Thursday, September 19th
5:30 PM
F.E. Bellows Library
F.E. Bellows Open House
Thursday, September 19th
6:00 PM
Early Dismissal
Wednesday, September 25th
MS/HS - 1:15 PM
DW/FEB - 1:30 PM
Daniel Warren Open House
Thursday, September 26th
6:00 PM - 2nd Grade
6:30 PM - Kindergarten
7:00 PM - 1st Grade
PTSA Parent Social
Thursday, September 26th
7:30 PM
Patsy's Pizzeria - Harrison
PTSA General Meeting
Friday, September 27th
9:00 AM
Daniel Warren Auditorium
Homecoming Weekend
Friday, September 27th & Saturday, September 28th
Board of Ed Planning Session
Tuesday, October 1st
6:30 PM
Collaborative Science Center
Rye Neck Schools
Email: info@ryeneck.org
Website: www.ryeneck.org
Phone: 914-777-5200
Facebook: facebook.com/ryeneckschools
Instagram: @ryeneckschools
Twitter: @ryeneckschools