Weekly Update
Dear Families,
If you currently have a child enrolled at LCA and you want their sibling to get PRIORITY for enrollment for next year, you MUST email Glennys Suero at gsuero@lawrencecatholicacademy.org as soon as possible before spaces run out.
Ms. Lucey
Stories from the Schoolyard
Saints and Halloween Parade Update
ALL students will be allowed to participate in the LCA Saints and Halloween Parade. Thursday, October 31 will be a Gym Uniform Day for ALL students. All costumes must be able to be put over the school uniform. There will not be time for students to change in the bathrooms. Students cannot wear anything that is scary or horror related, nothing with blood and nothing with a full face mask. Students who come dressed as Saints will receive a special incentive from Ms. Lucey!
We will be hosting a "trunk" or treat in the schoolyard! We will have tables set up with candy and will have pizza! Come see us from 5:30-6:15 on Halloween Night!
All Saints Party at St. Mary of the Assumption Gym on October 31 from 4-7pm, Saints Costume Required
November 4
On November 4, Our Newly Installed Archbishop Henning will be coming to LCA to say Mass and tour the school. We will be going to Mass again on Monday, November 4. This is extremely exciting because we are the first school that Archbishop Henning is going to visit as the new Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Boston. We are so excited that he will be visiting with us!
Lunch Menu
If you are interested in joining LCA's Wellness Committee, please email Mrs. Loughlin at mloughlin@lawrencecatholicacademy.org OR Mrs. Strunk at srstrunk@lawrencecatholicacademy.org.
Save These Dates
Saints and Halloween Parade
Thursday, Oct 31, 2024, 01:45 PM
Trunk or Treat in LCA's Schoolyard
Thursday, Oct 31, 2024, 05:30 PM
School Mass for All Saints Day
Friday, Nov 1, 2024, 08:30 AM
Archbishop Henning School Mass
Monday, Nov 4, 2024, 08:30 AM
Prefects and Class Representatives
Our 15 prefects and 7 class representatives have started meeting! Class Reps have been going to their classes to explain the Halloween and Saints Parade and several students will be volunteering at our Trunk or Treat!
Prefects are 8th Grade students who help our younger students, help their teachers, set a good example, are motivated and dedicated to LCA and push themselves to be better every day. These students are seen as role models and leaders and are looked at as trustworthy, kind, responsible and students who embody our core values. Our Class Representatives are students in 7th Grade who will help the younger students have their voices heard at LCA. They will meet with younger students and bring their ideas to the older students. They are role models who younger students can look up to.
Confirmation Updates
The Archdiocese of Boston has shifted the age at which young people receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to the end of Grade 8.
Confirmation preparation programs take place in parishes (as opposed to at LCA). Each parish determines the length of its Confirmation preparation program (one year during Grade 8 . . . or two years in Grades 7 and 8 . . . or other). To find out about your parish’s Confirmation Preparation program, all Grade 7 and 8 Catholic families should inquire and register at their parishes.
We hope all our Catholic students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the end of Grade 8!
8th Grade Placement Updates
Brag Sheets are now overdue. Please get them in NOW!