Coyote Ridge Elementary
School Counseling August Newsletter
Welcome Back, Coyotes!
Email: sandhiry@lisd.net
Location: 4520 Maumee Drive, Carrollton, TX, USA
Phone: 9723504310
Twitter: @counselor927
About Your Counselor
My name is Yenisey Sandhir and this is my 5th year working as a school counselor in Lewisville ISD. I began my school counselor journey at Degan Elementary and I will be beginning my 2nd year at CRE!
I immigrated here from Mexico at the age of 5, grew up in Irving and graduated from MacArthur High School. I completed my undergraduate degree at Texas State University and began my teaching career in Dallas ISD. I subsequently taught in Irving ISD and most recently in McKinney ISD. I graduated in May of 2019 with a Master's of Education in School Counseling from Lamar University.
I am blessed to be married to my hubby Rishabh. I have two beautiful children my daugher Eliana and my son Reyan. Eliana is 18 years old and starting her 1st year at Tyler Community College and will be an Apache Belle Drill Team Dancer! I also have a 9 year old son Reyan who will be a 4th grader who enjoys baseball. We have an amazing Yorkie-poo named Luna who fills our home with joy, energy and fun. I love to travel and explore places from the beaches of the Caribbean to museums in Europe.
I am so excited to be serving Coyote Families and look forward to supporting your child's education!
Kindness Week September 16th - 20th
Order shirts AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to ensure they are received by Kindness Week which is September 16th to the 20th.
LINK TO ORDER A KINDNESS SHIRT: https://lewisville.revtrak.net/hs/lewisville-hs/lisd-kindness-shirts-24/#/list
Senate Bill 9 Consent Forms in Skyward
Senate Bill 9 requires schools to provide instruction on preventing child abuse and family violence. Before a student may be provided with instruction related to child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking, SB 9 requires that Lewisville ISD obtain written consent from the student’s parent/guardian. Parents/Guardians will complete the SB 9 Consent Form as part of Student Registration in Skyward Family Access. Without written consent from a parent/guardian, students will not receive instruction related to child abuse, family violence, dating violence, or sex trafficking.
Look for this "opt-in" or "opt-out" in the Skyward Back to School Forms under "Counseling SB9 Consent".
See the link below for preview.
*Sex trafficking is not discussed in elementary school. See the link below for an overview of lessons.
Finally, please reach out to us with questions, concerns, or to talk more about any of the lessons we deliver to students.
Family Resources
Book Recommendations for August
The Invisible String Backpack by Patrice Karst
Even Superheroes Make Mistakes by Shelly Becker
“Even Superheroes Make Mistakes” is an important reminder for us all that it’s ok to make mistakes as we can learn and grow from them. I always told my firsties to “Make mistakes, get messy!” because I wanted them to bravely try new things, not be afraid to fail, do the hard thing, and learn from their mistakes. The kids also love the superhero theme of this book!
Amelia's Notebook by Marissa Moss
When Amelia’s mom gives her a journal for her birthday, she finally has a place to share her truest feelings at last!
Nine-year-old Amelia’s mother gives her a blank notebook to write down her thoughts and tells her it will make her feel better. Why would a dumb notebook make me feel better, Amelia thinks. The only thing that will make Amelia feel better is going back to old house, her old school, and her old friends. Amelia does not—do you hear this!—want to move. But no one is listening to Amelia.
*Book information provided by Amazon.*