Eagle Ridge Elementary
October 4, 2024
Introducing Eagle Ridge Elementary School's 2024-2025 Debate and Speech Club!
Let's Celebrate National Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month
Say Hello to Some of Our Amazing Teachers!
Mrs. Kirk
My teaching philosophy:
I like taking a hands-on discovery approach. If you can see it, touch it, then you will remember it.
Favorite children’s book:
I was a huge fan of reading Sunday Comics. My dad would read the paper in the living room each weekend and I would share the comics section with him. Garfield and Family Circle were my favorites.
Mrs. Schroeder
Hi!! My name is Mrs. Schroeder. My family and I moved here from NY 5 years ago and I have been teaching at ERE for the past 4 years, where I am also the yearbook coordinator and debate coach. I have 2 sons currently attending ERE, 5th and 3rd . My family and I are currently in what's called "the busy season" of our lives, my sons are both athletes so in my spare time you can find me either at a soccer field, an ice rink, or a basketball court (which is where I do get to see so many of you and your lovely families). I am committed to creating a "Family" inside my classroom and pride myself on the kids feeling that way. My favorite quote is "Do the right thing, even when you think nobody is looking."
Mrs. Brickman
Hello ERE,
I am Mrs. Brickman and I teach 5th grade. Teaching is my passion because I believe in the power of connection. What inspired me to become a teacher was the opportunity to make a difference in my students' lives. Watching them grow, discover their potential, and knowing that I can play a small part in their journey is what makes this work so meaningful to me.
Calling All Artist
Ways to get involved...
Your child MUST wear their class shirt (solid color) for field trips. Tie-dye shirts are for ERE Spirit Days (and whenever you want to show your Eagle Pride 🦅) !
You can absolutely order shirts for your ENTIRE FAMILY!!! 🎉🤩
Fall Parade
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Eagle Ridge Elementary will hold our annual Fall Parade on THURSDAY, October 31 2024. All students are invited to participate in this year’s parade. The parade will take place in the car loop area and parents can watch from designated observation areas along the car loop. The parade begins at 8:30 a.m. The students will follow the parade route one time around. The day of the parade there will be no parking available in the car loop. All visitors must park in the west parking lot and walk up.
On the morning of the parade, students will come dressed in their costumes at 8:00 a.m. If possible, have your child wear his or her costume over their regular school clothes. If needed, send a change of clothes in a labeled bag. This will facilitate getting all of the costume pieces together to send home. Please do not send your child to school with any type of weapon or weapon-like object! No gory masks or face paint are allowed.
Please review the Code of Conduct Book to make sure that your child’s costume reflects the dress code for Broward County schools. Also, comfortable shoes are a must, considering how much walking we will be doing.
Arrangements will be made for children who do not wish to participate. Please send a note to your child’s teacher so that plans may be made in advance.
If your child’s teacher needs volunteers for the class party that day please make arrangements with the teacher in advance. All volunteers will need to have their volunteer I.D. badges made prior to October 28th. Complete and submit a volunteer application online at www.browardschools.com, click on the Volunteer link. Applications take at least 2 weeks to process and must be done annually. Any questions, please ask your child’s teacher or call the front office at (754) 322-6300. We are looking forward to a great event at Eagle Ridge!
If you would like to volunteer for Fall Festival this year please use the following sign up link:
It is going to be AMAZING!
- No School 10/3/24
- School Beautification: 10/5/24-10/6/24
- Fall Pictures: 10/07/24
- 4th Grade St. Augustine Parent Info Night (Virtual) @ 6:00 pm: 10/07/24
- Hispanic Heritage Night @ 6:00 pm: 10/09/24
- End of First Quarter: 10/11/24
- No School/Teacher Planning Day: 10/14/24
- Start of Second Quarter: 10/15/24
- Fall Festival Monster Mash Party 10/18/24
- Multilingual District Advisory Meeting at ERE media center @ 5:00 pm:10/22/24
- Red Ribbon Week: 10/24/24-10/31/24
- Harvest Drive Begins: 10/28/24
- October Kids of Character K-2: 10/29/24
- October Kids of Character 3-5: 10/30/24
- Fall Parade @ 8:30 am: 10/31/24
- Debate Competition: 11/07/24 *New Date
Eagle Ridge Harvest Drive Collection
Try This Logic Puzzle to Build Your Brain Power
Logic Puzzle Answer
Answer: Mount Everest