Welcome to WIVA
Strong Start

A Strong Start Starts Here!
Welcome to WIVA!
Hello WIVA Families,
Please read and click through this newsletter. It will help guide you through the onboarding process. As new students and families to WIVA you will be required to complete WOW. Week of Welcome (WOW) is a 5-day orientation program to help you and your student make a strong start to the school year. The program includes live orientation sessions for students and learning coaches, lessons and assignments designed to help with schooling virtually, along with resources to help support your journey! We are excited to have you here! Please click the link below to get started.
The Onboarding Process
Learning Coach - Required Orientation
You will be receiving a Welcome Letter from Lynne Heinzelman, our Family Experience Specialist with information specifically for Learning Coaches. PLEASE NOTE: Learning Coaches (LCs) are REQUIRED to attend ONE Learning Coach Orientation on the Thursday or Friday PRIOR to their student's first day of school. These sessions are designed for us to partner with you, our Learning Coaches, to help you feel confident with assisting your student as needed, and to explain the expectations for our Learning Coaches and our students.
If you are not able to attend any of the times listed in Lynne's email, please reach out to Lynne Heinzelman, our Family Experience Specialist.
Student REQUIRED Week of Welcome Expectations
- On your start date, log into the Online Learning System (OLS) and attend the Orientation 1 session at 8:30am.
- Instructions for logging in for the first time are linked below.
- Attendance is required for all live sessions.
***Students will not be allowed to begin their regularly scheduled coursework until they have completed the following by the end of their Week of Welcome*:
- Take the STAR Reading and Math tests
- Attend the Orientation Live Class Connects Sessions 1, 2, & 3
Successfully complete the ORN010E6 Online Learning Course content assignments (100% completed, minimum of B grade)
- Meet with a counselor and select your courses.
- Attend the Personalized Learning Planning Sessions (Xello) and complete required lessons.
- Attend the Student Success Session
- Attend ALL Mandatory Orientation Check-in sessions until the Online Learning course is successfully completed.
*Failure to finish the Week of Welcome Requirements by noon on Friday will prevent your student from starting academic classes and will put their enrollment with WIVA at risk.
Logging in for the First Time
Instructions for Logging in for the First Time:
Click on the attachment below for step-by-step instructions on how to log into the OLS and find your live Week of Welcome sessions.
Stride's To-Do List!
Please be sure to take care of Stride's check list BEFORE Monday morning! Once you've completed those steps, you will be able to proceed to the OLS login.
Counselor Contact Information
If you have general questions or concerns about starting school at WIVA, many questions will be answered during orientation. You can also contact your Advisor by calling 608-838-9482 and then dialing the extension below the email address:
School Supply List
Quick Videos and Links
Resources & FAQs
Resource Links
WIVA Webpage: Online K-12 School in Wisconsin - Wisconsin Virtual Academy (k12.com)
WIVA Learning Coach Corner: https://wiva.k12.com/learning-coach-corner/
The Online School Login Page: https://login.k12.com/
Attendance: https://wiva.k12.com/learning-coach-corner/student-attendance/
Academic Calendar: https://wiva.k12.com/academic-calendar/
K12 Customer Support: https://www.help.k12.com/s/