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Dunstan Newsletter
November 8th
![Dunstan Newsletter November 8th](https://cdn.smore.com/u/fb3b/61f459bc4a0c0e2ce4b0a9a39c8f2a05.jpg)
One of our amazing guest teachers eating lunch with our students
Important Dates for the 24-25 School Year
- 3: GMHS Future Ram Showcase 6:00-8:00 PM
- 5: Open House 5:30-6:30 PM
- 10 Area Band Festival GMHS Gym 6:00 pm
- 17: Orchestra Concert @ GMHS
- 19: Choir Concert @ DMS
- 3: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 6: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 8: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 12 and 13: Parent Teacher Conferences 5:00-7:30 PM
- 14: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 27: Orchestra Concert @ DMS
- 5: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 6: GMHS Spring Musical matinee for DMS 8th graders
- 6: Choir Performance @ DMS
- 10: Orchestra Concert @ GMHS
- 13: Band Concert @ DMS
- 24: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 16: 5:00-6:30 PM SEL Resource Fair for incoming 6th grade students and families
- 25: Professional Development Day for staff (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
- 7: PTA Meeting 6-7 PM @ DMS
- 9: 8th Grade Dance
- 16: GMHS Graduation
- 22: 8th grade last day of school
- 23: Last day of school for 6th and 7th, Early Release
Congratulations to Sam Conner
Congratulations to Dunstan's very own Sam Conner on winning CMEA's Young Music Educator Award. Colorado Music Educators Association recognizes one music teacher per year who demonstrates incredible dedication to their job and continuous improvement by incorporating feedback and learning from others in the field! This year they selected Sam as the recipient! Way to go Sam!
Starting Monday, November 11th, the pin pad in the cafeteria will be replace with a scanner that will scan student IDs. Students who do not have IDs, or have forgotten them, can still get lunch but will have to wait until the students with ID's have gone through the line. Please remind your student to bring their student ID's to the cafeteria if they are eating school lunch. If students need a replacement ID, they can pay $5 for a new ID that will be given to them by Ms. Dolan in the library.
Attention 7th Grade Parents
Dear Parent/Guardian,
On Monday, November 11th all 7th grade Pikas students and on Friday, November 22nd all 7th grade Marmots students, will be receiving a presentation on “Cyber Safety” from Jae Dee Wood during their science class time. Jae Dee Wood is a Prevention Specialist with the State of Colorado. This presentation focuses on age-appropriate information on topics related to healthy relationships and engaging in unsafe behaviors online. You may email Social Emotional Learning Specialist, Leslie Pruitt at leslie.pruitt@jeffco.k12.co.us if you have any questions or concerns. If you would like to OPT-OUT of this presentation for your child, please e-mail Leslie Pruitt at leslie.pruitt@jeffo.k12.co.us.
Thank you!
Colorado Gives Day
Our only fundraiser of the year launches November 1. Your donations fund specific teacher projects, school-wide initiatives, and other programs to improve our school community.
The link for Dunstan's PTA Colorado Gives Day page is HERE.
Scroll down to the "Supporting Campaigns" section to view the individual teacher fundraising campaigns. Each teacher will receive 25% of the funds raised by their Advise class.
Dunstan staff and faculty have a lot of great ideas for how they would use funds raised during Colorado Gives Day. These include a Mural for the front of school, mental health supplies, technology updates, audio upgrades, band and orchestra equipment, musical choreographer, school clubs, reading enrichment, WEB Leaders, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) for students, 8th grade continuation, staff appreciation, and more.
For more information, to create a matching gift, or to learn more about how you can join or support the PTA, please reach out to aadams3633@gmail.com.
We appreciate your generous support as we help all Dunstan Middle School students and staff be ENGAGED, INSPIRED and EMPOWERED.
This week's featured donation pages:
Ms. Prentiss
Mrs Prentiss is raising money for Podcast equipment. Your donations will fund professional-grade microphones, turning classrooms into studios where young minds narrate their unique stories. These tools will help students not only study history but create it, one podcast at a time. By contributing, you amplify their voices, transforming lessons into lasting legacies. Let’s help these students share their stories with the world!
Visit her page to help her project https://www.coloradogives.org/story/Ke4s6g
Ms. Golgart
Mrs Golgart is raising money for classroom needs for their Computer Science, Gateway to Technology, Graphic Design, Video Game Design and STEM Exploration. Any amount donated is greatly appreciated.
Visit her page to support her project https://www.coloradogives.org/story/Jannagolgart
Ms. Clark
Mrs Clark says, “Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! I'm hoping to use funds raised to purchase supplies for building my "Thinking Classroom." Part of a Thinking Classroom is students working on vertical learning surfaces, and thanks to last year's donations I have those! Now, I'm finding a need for supplies for the vertical surfaces - Expo markers and erasers for each group of students. I'm constantly amazed at how short the life is of an Expo marker in a 6th grade classroom! I thought I was well stocked, and now realize I was wrong!”
Visit her page to support her project https://www.coloradogives.org/story/Caseyclark
7th Grade Student Leadership Opportunity
Click the photo below for more information about Clubs & Activities
New edition out now! Click the photo below to access
Community Resources, Events, and Sports
Lockheed Martin Tutoring
MSSP Sports
Talking Tough Topics with Teens
View GMHS 24-25 Major Events Calendar
Learn about what's going on at the high school.
Questions, Comments, Concerns, Errors, or anything you would like to add?
Dunstan PTA News
Join the PTA Board!
We are looking for volunteers to fill important roles on the Dunstan PTA next school year:
- President
- Vice President
Learn how these PTA roles support our community at https://sites.google.com/view/dunstanpta/about-us
King Soopers Community Rewards
You can support the Dunstan PTA even through the summer by linking your King Soopers card to the PTA. It's an easy way to support our school - at no cost to you!
Simply log in to Community Rewards and search for us: https://bit.ly/2R6y1mk.