AGITC Classes and Announcements

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - OTPS/OTPC (Ornamental and Turf) Exam Review - Coffee County Extension Office, New Brockton, AL - 9 AM. Use promo code Grant2023 for $60 discount.
Thursday, May 23, 2024 - SLP (Setting of Landscape Plants) Exam Review - Coffee County Extension Office, New Brockton, AL - Use promo code Grant2023 at registration for $60 discount.
Please note: The above 2 classes do not qualify for pesticide points; both classes listed above include lunch with registration. Class space limited to 10 attendees each day due to size of meeting space.
Learn more and register here. Class registrations, reviews, remaining spots, and ratings listed on the course list on the AGITC website! Also, the AGITC offers private classes for your business or local office. Reach out to John Nabors for more information on how to set up!
It has been busy the past couple of months with on-site training events and exams! I have posted on the AGITC webpage the next round of exam review classes for our grant project. If you are needing a study session, I understand people say they are the classes to attend, and by attending now, you can take advantage of the savings on class fees!
Before things heat up for good, now would be a good time for a training session to refresh your employees on the dangers of working in the heat. See below for links to OSHA training aids and a lesson plan to review at one of your toolbox safety talks.
The AGITC is focused on helping you achieve your goals! Reach out to me to see how the AGITC and Alabama Extension can assist in that process! Stay safe as the temperatures warm to hot for the summer!
Take care,
Heat Stress Safety Training Materials
Summer heat is on its way to a location near you!
As summer approaches, the opportunities to deal with the heat are unavoidable. From my days of working in the industry, it seems the hotter it gets, the more the possibility of heat stress injuries affecting you and your workforce becomes a reality. (Also, people seemed to have less patience as the temperatures rise!)
I would encourage you to take some time with your crews to intentionally cover the importance of heat stress and how to stay safe! Check out the resources below from www.OSHA.gov website.
- OSHA has developed a printable heat-related illness prevention guide for employers.
- Use this training guide to lead interactive training with workers and supervisors.
- Can be used with the worksite poster as a training aid.
- Also available in Spanish.
(Photo linked to PDF access for English; click here for Spanish version.)
ACES Landscape Pesticide Points Class coming up in June!
Details pending: Alabama Extension Pesticide Points Class - St. Clair County - June 2024
If you are needing OTPS/C pesticide points, look for a future announcement for a class coming up in June in St. Clair County. As the details get finalized, I will publish another announcement on them!
The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Everyone is welcome! Please let us know if you have accessibility needs.