Word From The Woods
Bishop Woods School Newsletter - Week of 9.27.2020
Greetings Bishop Woods Families,
I hope this message finds you well. Please note that there will be NO SCHOOL for students on Monday, September 28th in honor of Yom Kippur, and NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, September 29th, as it is a professional learning day for staff. Students will return to remote learning on Wednesday, September 30th.
Here is the link to the district calendar for those families that do not have access:
10 Month Calendar:
Thank you to all of the families that participated in Meet the Teacher Night. We hope you found this event beneficial. Many participants asked for additional training on Google Classroom and/or Google Meet. Please see the flyer below for a workshop that is being offered for all Title I schools in both Spanish and English. There is also a link for our Title I Parent Information Presentation.
If you were unable to pick up supplies at our distribution event on Thursday, we will hold a second distribution AFTER school on Thursday, October 1st from 3pm - 6pm.
Once again, our main form of communication this year will be through email. If you are not receiving emails from the school, please contact our main office to let us know: 475-220-7300
If you have not already done so, please be sure to sign up for Remind texts! I have created a second account in order to accommodate even more families. Here is the link to join: http://remind.com/join/bwfam2
Please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher as your initial contact if you are having any problems with remote learning, or have questions that you need addressed. The contact information for each teacher is on their presentation, on their Google Classroom, and on our webpage.
Lastly, please note that our newsletter can be translated to many different languages by selecting translation at the top of the screen.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
Your Proud Principal,
Mrs. Natalino
Events This Week
Supply Distribution - Round 2 (Final Round)
Thursday, Oct 1, 2020, 03:00 PM
Bishop Woods School, Quinnipiac Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA
Zoom Links for Google Classroom Parent Workshops
Birthdays This Week!
Monday, 9/28 - Tiana B. (Grade 4)
Tuesday, 9/29 - Ms. Campo (Magnet Resource Teacher)
Wednesday, 9/30 - Nathaniel P. (Grade 1), Ms. Heiter (Reading Teacher)
Thursday, 10/1 - Legend B. (Grade 2)
Friday, 10/2 - Iolany G. (Grade 5)
Gersch Grrrls Science - You Tube Channel!
Students in Action! (Newsletter Contributions)
Please share any videos, images, quotes, or successes with remote learning each week to our Padlet!
- Click the link to the Padlet: https://padlet.com/cara_campo/58q8knqx4rgib18q
- Click the plus sign in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.
- Please be sure to add your child's first name, last initial, and grade level to the title of the Padlet. (i.e. Londyn A., Grade 1)
- You will have the option to upload or add anything you would like to share with the Bishop Woods school community!
- Please submit all entries by Thursday of each school week so we can share in our Sunday Newsletter!
Remote Learning Reminders
The expectation is that every student logs in to Google Meet with their homeroom teacher at 8:45am every morning (Monday - Friday). The Google Meet link can be found in the banner of the Google Classroom under the Stream tab. Attendance is taken through homeroom. The schedule for the day is also shared at this time.
Remember that your child is attending school. He/she should be dressed appropriately, and seated to access instruction. Students should not be attending class while lying in bed!
We encourage that your child's camera is on. It is helpful for teachers and students to see one another.
Please be cognizant that your child's mic is on, and we can hear what is going on in the background. Even if you think your child's mic is off, it may have been turned on by your child or his/her teacher.
The Google Meet links may not be visible when the class is not in session. Teachers activate the meet link during their teaching block, and deactivate on off hours. If you can not find the link outside of scheduled class time, that may be why.
Parents should not be present in the video or talking to teachers during instructional time. If you have questions or comments, please contact your child's teacher during his/her office hours.
Attendance - Excused Absences
It is important that all excused absences are in writing. A phone call will not suffice.
Thank you for adhering to this protocol.
Opportunities from Our Community Partners!
Family Resources
Contact Information
Email: dina.natalino@nhboe.com
Website: bishopwoodsschool.com
Location: 1481 Quinnipiac Avenue, New Haven, CT, USA
Phone: 475-220-7300
Twitter: @BWoodsNewHaven