The Board Bulletin October 2024
A Monthly Summary of Board Discussion and Action

October 17, 2024
About The Board Bulletin
The Board Bulletin is published monthly following the voting meeting of the Board and is for informational purposes to keep the West York Area School District Community informed of Board happenings and is not intended as an official record of meetings. To view official meeting minutes, please visit BoardDocs and click on the specific meetings of interest. Each meeting's minutes are presented to the Board for approval at the following meeting. For questions or comments about this Bulletin, please contact trkeeler@wyasd.org.
Board Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - Board Voting Meeting
- President Kohler called the meeting to order and announced that an executive session was held prior to the start of the meeting to discuss contract matters.
- The minutes from the October 8, 2024, Board Work Session were approved.
- Lincolnway Principal, Ms. Kveragas, along with Lincolnway Asst. Principal Ms. Schuhart, and Instructional Leaders Ms. McKee and Ms. Medice shared an informational presentation about Student Achievement at Lincolnway Elementary.
- Mr. Will Plappert, High School Student Council Vice President, shared updates from the High School.
- Dr. Davies shared the following for his Superintendent's Report:
- October is National Principals' Month, and Dr. Davies recognized and thanked West York's Principals for their work.
- The West York Area High School Chapter of the National Honor Society will be hosting it's annual Trunk or Treat on October 24th.
- At this Friday's football game, during halftime, seniors will walk with kindergarteners for the Senior/Kinder walk.
- There was no public comment.
- Action was taken on the following items:
- Bus Driver Recommendations
- Finalsite Website Migration Agreement
- Guardian Transportation Agreement
- School-related Trips
- UPMC Employee Assistance Program Agreement
- Student Expulsion
- Use of Facilities - WYBC Wrestling Tournament
- Personnel Items
- To include new hires, transfers, resignations, volunteers, etc.
- The Assistant Superintendent's 2025-2028 Agreement
- Monthly Financial Statements
- Informational Reports, including the district rentals and conference reports were shared.
- Other matters included a brief conversation about the status of the HVAC systems in the elementary buildings.
- The District's new HR Director, Ms. Kristina Jacoby, was introduced and welcomed to the District.
- President Kohler announced that an executive session would be held following the meeting to discuss contracts and other matters.
- President Kohler adjourned the meeting.
Work Session Highlights
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - Work Session of the Board
President Kohler called the meeting to order and asked for a moment of reflection for the victims of Hurricane Helene and those in the path of Hurricane Milton, as well as the first responders and those volunteering to help. He also asked for everyone to keep those running for office in the November election in their thoughts.
President Kohler announced that an executive session was held prior to the meeting to discuss legal matters.
The minutes from the September 17, 2024, meeting of the Board were approved.
- Discussion items included:
- Dr. Davies shared a presentation about assessment data. This will be a standing item going forward.
- Contracts/Agreements:
- Finalsite Agreement
- UPMC Employee Assistant Program Agreement
- Driver Recommendations for 2024-25
- Use of Facilities
- First Policy Reads
- Guardian Transportation
- Other matters for discussion included:
- Reminders for the Board of upcoming events
- Turning Point Counseling letter of support
- School-related trip for Laurel Life Students
- Personnel recommendations were shared with the Board
- Committee Reports:
- Note that internal committee minutes are attached to the Work Session agenda in the month following the committee meeting.
- Internal Committees:
- Budget and Finance Committee (Treasurer Gettys, Chair) Director Gettys noted that the next meeting will be on November 12, 2024.
- Cocurricular Committee (Vice President Rice, Chair) Director Rice that the next meeting will be on November 19, 2024.
- Communication and Engagement Committee (CEC) (Director Shope, Chair) Director Shope noted that the next meeting would be on October 15, 2024.
- Educational Programming Committee (Director Herman, Chair) no report.
- Facilities Committee (President Kohler, Chair) President Kohler noted that a meeting was held on September 25, 2024.
- Foundation for the WYASD (Director Siatkowski, Chair) The Foundation held a meeting on October 1, 2024.
- Wellness Committee (Director Siatkowski, Chair) A meeting was held on September 26, 2024.
- External Committees and Boards:
- West Manchester Township Recreation Committee (Director Herman) No report.
- York County School of Technology (Directors Harlacher and Rice) Director Harlacher spoke about the feasibility study to expand the facilities.
York Adams Academy (Director Myers) No Report.
- York/LIU Joint Authority and LIU Board of Directors (Director Gettys) No Report.
There was no public comment.
Additional items for discussion: Director Herman asked about enrollment numbers and staffing. Enrollment and staffing numbers will be provided at next week's meeting.
President Kohler adjourned the meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
Meetings are held in the Administration Boardroom for in-person attendance, via Zoom, and live-streamed on our District YouTube channel. Note: Public Comment is only accepted via in-person attendance.
- November 12, 2024
- Educational Programming Committee (EPC) Meeting 5:30 p.m.
- Work Session of the Board 7:00 p.m.
- November 14, 2024
- Wellness Committee Meeting 3:15 p.m.
- November 19, 2024
- Cocurricular Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m.
- Board Voting Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Meet the School Board
Click the photos below to meet our WYASD School Directors.
Director Lynn Kohler
Director Dan Rice
Vice President
December 2021
Committees: Cocurricular (Chair), YCST Authority Board, Employment Contract Negotiations
Director Todd Gettys
December 2007
Committees: Budget & Finance (Chair), Facilities, Lincoln Intermediate Unit (LIU) 12 Board of Directors
York/LIU Joint Authority Representative
Director John Hamme
Director Shawn Harlacher
Director Jeanne Herman
December 2011
Committees: EPC (Chair), Communication and Engagement (CEC), Employment Contract Negotiations
Director Wes Myers
Director Brian Siatkowski
January 2024
Committees: Foundation for the West York Area School District, Wellness (Chair)
Director Brandy Shope
December 2019
Committees: Communication and Engagement (CEC)
(Chair) and Cocurricular
The Board Bulletin is designed for informational purposes for the West York Area School District Community and is not intended as an official record of meetings. To view official meeting minutes, you can visit BoardDocs and click on the specific meetings of interest. The Board approves each meeting's minutes at the following meeting. For questions or comments about this Bulletin, please contact trkeeler@wyad.org.