Cherry Hill Public Schools October 20, 2024

Good evening, CHPS-
As the holiday weekend draws to a close, my hope is that you had a wonderful holiday where you got to connect with those who are special to you.
Looking to the week ahead...
INTEGRITY is something I pride myself on. I very seriously prioritize the quality of being honest, having a strong moral compass, being true to my word and actions, and being someone people can rely on.
Because personal INTEGRITY is so important to me, I also expect that INTEGRITY be a focus within Cherry Hill Public Schools, and CHPS continues to exceed my expectation!
When I look around at this district, stellar examples of INTEGRITY abound.
Journalistic INTEGRITY is at the forefront of Eastside, HS East's newspaper and online newspaper. Eastside was recently awarded the #1 school newspaper in NJ for the 16th year in a row, and the #1 online school newspaper in NJ for the 5th year in a row.
Musical INTEGRITY will be on display tomorrow evening at the All Cherry Hill 5th Grade Chorus concert under the direction of Mr. Brian Kain. The sound these children will make when they sing together will blow you away! Check their concert out tomorrow at 7 PM at HS West.
Athletic INTEGRITY is present on the fields and in the gyms throughout the district. In an update on the middle school fall sports seasons from Athletic Director, Mike Beirao, there were words that jumped out to me as excellent examples of INTEGRITY..."unified," "never gave up," "teamwork," "mental toughness," "true victory lies in their continuous growth and the lesson they learned along the way," "resiliency and determination!"
This school district that we are all so fortunate to be a part of is one that is thriving, growing, resilient and full of INTEGRITY.
Kwame Morton
Dr. Kwame Morton, Sr.
Superintendent, Cherry Hill Public Schools
As always, please stay informed through the District website, our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube platforms.
High School East's Spirit Week Dances!
High School West's Lip Sync Night!
Toys for Kids Collections at 3 Middle Schools
The Marine Corps League 1775 Detachment and all three CHPS Middle Schools will be collecting gifts for Toys for Kids! The collection runs Monday November 25th until Friday December 13th.
We are collecting new, unwrapped toys for distribution to children in need here in Cherry Hill and throughout the South Jersey area. The Toys for Kids program provides those kids in need with gifts this holiday season.
If you are able to donate a new unwrapped toy, please drop it into the Toys for Kids collection box located outside the main office.
This holiday season, we hope you will share the “Joy of a Toy” with a child in need through the Marine Corps League 1775 Detachment and the Cherry Hill School districts Annual Holiday Toy Drive!
Be sure to get your Miracle on 34th Street tickets! Click the pic to purchase!
Our Community on Socials
Be sure to take a peek at some of our favorite social media pages run by various groups/clubs in our district and greater community!
Upcoming Events
December 3, 2024 - Board of Education Committee of the Whole, Arthur Lewis Administration Building, 45 Ranoldo Terrace, 6:30 pm. This meeting will also be live streamed.
Join the meeting via a computer or mobile device at:
Join the meeting by phone:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
Dial the Meeting ID followed by # when prompted
Meeting ID: 816 9441 0918
December 9-12, 2024 - Pre-K, Elementary & MIddle School Early Dismissals (Conferences)
December 13, 2024 - Early Dismissal for Students/Full Day for STaff
December 17, 2024 - Board of Education Action Meeting, Arthur Lewis Administration Building, 45 Ranoldo Terrace, 6:30 pm. This meeting will also be live streamed.
Join the meeting via a computer or mobile device at:
Join the meeting by phone:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
Dial the Meeting ID followed by # when prompted
Meeting ID: 816 9441 0918
Friendly Reminder: Friday, December 20, 2024 is a FULL DAY of school
December 23, 2024 - January 1, 2025 - Winter Break
Community Bulletin Board Offers Information on Community Events
Interested in community information and events related to the school community? Check our online Community Bulletin Board! Currently posted is information on local scout troops, services for homeless youth, and Fair Funding for the Cherry Hill Schools, among others.