Giddy Up
Brookwood Elementary School - April 2, 2021
Mark Your Calendar
- April 5 - 9 - Spring Break - Student/Teacher Holiday
- April 12 - 15 - Digital Specials - K&1 Art, 2&3 Music, 4&5 PE
- April 12 - In-Person Specials: K-2- Day 6, 3-5- Day 7
- April 13 - In-Person Specials: K-2- Day 7, 3-5- Day 8
- April 14 - In-Person Specials: K-2- Day 1, 3-5- Day 1
- April 15 - In-Person Specials: K-2- Day 2, 3-5- Day 2
- April 16 - In-Person Specials: K-2- Day 3, 3-5- Day 3
- April 20 - Digital Learning Day for ALL Students
- April 22 - May 17 - Grades 3 - 5 - Georgia Milestones Assessment (see below)
- April 27 - Dogwood Pizza Night
Thank you for making the Boosterthon a hit!
Because we met not only our $30,000 goal but our $40,000 stretch goal, Mrs. Lillard and Mrs. Taylor were ice creamed by our top 10 fundraisers, Nathan Huff, Elizabeth Shubert, Logan Feldman, Richard Wright, Soliana Tesfaledet, Eliyah Yon, Brice Coleman, Nathan Adefres, Marnie Tran, and Sydney Dimanche. Click on the picture below to watch the ice cream-ing in action.
2021 Honor Chorus
Brookwood Elementary and our PBIS Team would like to recognize the efforts of our digital learners who, despite the challenges of learning digitally, are rising to the occasion!!! Thank you to these students who are Ready, Respectful, and Responsible online!!!
Congratulations 2020 - 2021 Georgia PTA Reflections Winners!
- Evan Luo, kindergarten - 2nd place, 2D visual art
- Amelia Teng, third grade - 3rd place, musical composition
- Aarmaan Singh, fifth grade - 3rd place, film production
GCPS Plans for 2021
At the March 18 School Board meeting, district leaders discussed plans for Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) to return to in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year. You may read more about the plans in the Gwinnett County Public School's Communique' announcement.
On Monday, March 22, GCPS sent this information to families via SchoolMessenger. Only those families that wish to opt out of in-person learning for their students will need to complete the online form available in the Parent Portal. The deadline to submit the opt-out form is Sunday, April 4, at 11:59 p.m.
Speakers Needed for BES's Career Days
Each year, we provide an opportunity for our students to explore colleges and careers. This year our College and Career Days will be May 18-19, 2021. This will be a two-day virtual event where students will learn about various careers from speakers in the community. Speakers are asked to record a 3-5 minute video detailing a day in their chosen field. The linked document has the list of Georgia’s 17 Career Clusters that the students are exploring. If you are interested in presenting as a Career Day Speaker, please complete the Career Day form. The deadline for submission has been extended to April 9, 2021. Thank you in advance for helping to provide college and career readiness to our students.
Your School Counselors,
Angel Cunningham (K-2)
LaKendra Todd (3-5)
Gwinnett Online Campus Enrollment is Now Open
Students complete digital content asynchronously online. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in on-campus labs, clubs, and activities or login virtually to synchronous sessions one day per week for grades 6-12 and 2 days per week for grades 4-5.
Registration is in-person at Gwinnett Online Campus. Parents may register between 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Registration closes on April 4th.
It's Time for Kindergarten Registration!
2021 Georgia Milestones Information
Third Grade
- English/Language Arts - April 30, May 3 & 4
- Math - May 12 & 13
Fourth Grade
- English/Language Arts - May 5 - 7
- Math - May 14 & 17
Fifth Grade
- Science - April 22
- English/Language Arts - April 27 - 29
- Math - May 10 & 11
* All in-person students will take the Milestones Assessment on the dates above. Digital students who would like to come in to school on these dates need to call Brookwood Elementary as soon as possible.
Tapestry Art Show
Rising 6th Grade Information
Middle School Transition Information and Updates
Crews Middle School
From the Community
SGAA Inline Hockey
Gwinnett County Earth Day Recycling
Drive Your Career Forward As a GCPS Bus Driver
2021 - 2022 Brookwood Junior Broncos Competition Cheerleading
Summer Opportunities
Middle School Summer Career Academy at Grayson Tech
Rising 6th-9th grade GCPS students are invited to spend a week at Grayson Tech for an exciting week of fun-filled career exploration! During the week of June 1 - 4, students can participate in programs such as culinary camp, cybersecurity, entrepreneurship, graphic design and more. Please visit the Middle School Summer Career Academy website for more details and registration information.
Brookwood Elementary School
Website: http://www.gcpsk12.org/brookwoodes
Location: 1330 Holly Brook Road Southwest, Snellville, GA, USA
Phone: 770-736-4360
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrookwoodElementary/
Twitter: @ColtConnections