Sunset Monthly Newsletter
November 2024
Brief Message from the Principal
Sunset Families,
October has passed and fall is here. I hope everyone is enjoying the somewhat cooler weather. Students kept busy in October with field trips, Kindness week, and Halloween. Moving into November we slow down a little bit on our way to Thanksgiving break. Thanksgiving break will be Nov. 25th - 29th with no school during that time. On a final note our building will be hosting its first ALICE drill this month. We will send home communication before and after the drill takes place as well as teach a lesson around school safety to students. We appreciate your continued support of Sunset Elementary!
-- Michael Kirkpatrick, Principal
Here is important information for the month of November:
1. Nurse Reminder
2. Volunteers
3. Pick Up Reminders
4. Upcoming Event Dates
5. Important Reminders
Nurse Reminder
- Students must be fever free for 24 hours before being able to return to school.
- If a student has a fever at school, parents or guardians will be called to pick the student up.
- As a general rule if your student is not feeling well, is vomiting, or has other symptoms school will often aggravate those symptoms. For attendance purposes a doctors note will excuse any absences related to illness.
- If you have questions please feel free to call the office to ask our nurse about any illness related questions you have pertaining to your student.
Sunset is looking for volunteers to come support our students and teachers! This could be engaging with students at lunch, listening to students read, or helping with class activities. If this is something you would be interested in please contact the school as well as complete an application online!
During the application process all potential volunteers will need to pass a background check. If you have questions please call Sunset at 316-284-6570
Pick Up Reminders
- If you are getting out of your vehicle please park in a parking spot within the parking lot. If in the pick up lane you must remain in your vehicle.
- If you are in the pick up lane please pull forward when space is available. This helps with the street congestion. This is especially true for our circle drive.
- When you are in the pick up line please do not block entrances or exits to the parking lot for those trying to park.
- Please be conscious that many families might be in a rush to pick up their students and give grace to those around you. Remember our students are watching and learning from how you interact with other adults during this time.
- Finally, please be patient and cautious during this time for the safety of everyone.
Upcoming Event Dates
11/1 - No School
11/12 - Grade 2/3 Concert @ Sunset
11/13 - Early Release @ 1:10 PM
11/25 - 11/29 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Important Reminders
- Attendance: Here at Sunset we want to see and work with your students every day! This is important to your students well-being and growth. If you are needing support in getting your student to school please reach out to myself or our building social workers. We can help brainstorm ideas and supports for that process.
- If your student(s) is absent, please let the office know. The office will need to enter that absence reason in our system.
- Our normal release time is 3:10 PM. At 3:20 PM we will move all students to the front for pick-up and begin making phone calls to families. If you are running behind for any reason, please let the front office know as soon as possible!
- We love having visitors and volunteers in our building! Prior to volunteering in your child's classroom, arrangements must be made with the office staff and the teacher. All guests will be checked in at the front office in our Raptor system. Please provide us with your ID. If you plan on volunteering to go on field trips you will need to fill out a background check on the district's website. They only need to be completed one time and are good for three years. Check with the office if you have any questions.